The end of the world: mountain and sea disasters

Chapter 59 Psychedelic Tapir (please read it!)

Chapter 59 Psychedelic Tapir

Put down the phone.

Xu Wan's eyes turned back to the lesson plan.

From time to time, I would circle a few key points with a pen and make two notes in the textbook.

Outside the door, there was the sound of her parents watching TV and bickering. She didn't feel noisy, but felt a little relieved.

She was actually very scared about the ghost attack that occurred in the neighborhood next door. She originally wanted to persuade her parents after returning home and take them out for two nights, and then come back if nothing happened in the neighborhood.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, I ran into Yu Ke, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

The teachers in the school have spread the recent hunting diary video to each other, and there is also a lot of attention among the students, especially after knowing that Yu Ke was once their teacher, everyone wants to know what he was like before.

There were also people who knew that Yu Ke had pursued her and came to ask her about Yu Ke's current situation.

Xu Wan didn't want to pay attention to these people and just said that she didn't know, but secretly she also wondered what Yu Ke was like now.

He has changed a lot.

Even though he was wearing a very ordinary down jacket, his figure and appearance revealed a completely different temperament from half a year ago.

The fat young teacher seemed to have disappeared after the disaster. Now Yu Ke's whole body exudes confidence and vigor, especially those eyes. Even if they just look at each other calmly, they will make people feel a strong sense of oppression.

It was as if he was being watched by a ferocious beast, and he didn't dare to breathe.

In addition, Xu Wan also vaguely felt his indifference.

Yes, even though Yu Ke stood beside her and spoke softly to her, with a smile on his face, she felt that there was an insurmountable gap between the two. This had never been the case before.

It seems that this change has occurred in Yu Ke since the disaster. It has only become more obvious after returning from Jinghu Forest. In other words, he does not want or need to pretend to be familiar with others.

Shaking her head, Xu Wan didn't think any more and wanted to get up to get a glass of water.

Suddenly, she found that the sound outside the door disappeared.

"Dad, Mom?"

She tried shouting, but no one responded. Xu Wan quickly grabbed her phone and walked to the door, asking,

"Are you okay? Why don't you watch TV?"

There was still no answer outside the door. Xu Wan anxiously pushed the door open, only to see darkness. She pressed the switch twice, but it was useless. She had to run to the sofa in the dark. She saw her parents fell unconscious on it at some point. personnel.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Wan sent a message to Yu Ke on her mobile phone to ask for help, while squatting next to the sofa to check the situation.

But when she put her hands on her mother's clothes, she felt that her hands were full of pus and blood. The TV behind her suddenly turned on and began to play harsh and sharp noises, and all kinds of bloody and terrifying pictures flickered.

At the same time, the two old men on the sofa suddenly sat up and grabbed Xu Wan's stretched out arms. Their wrinkled old faces were twisted into ferocious ghost faces, making Xu Wan unable to move.

The sudden change shocked Xu Wan's outlook on life. The evil beast turned into fear gnawed at her mind, making her unable to move. There was even more blood coming from behind, as if there was a monster entrenched in her. behind.

Her body was tied tightly by an unknown force, Xu Wan raised her head, and her delicate neck was exposed. Despair and pain made her the most delicious food in the eyes of the ghost.

Bang bang!

There was a sudden sound of breaking glass.

Before Xu Wan could turn her head, the sound of the door breaking was heard again.

Two arrows with frosty air shot towards him, and with a sharp hiss of pain, Xu Wan fell to the ground.

The bedroom door was knocked open by a black shadow, and the window seemed to be smashed as well.

The house lights come on.

Xu Wan hurriedly got up and saw Yu Ke pushing open the half door of the room and rushing in.

At this time, his image changed again. The rustic black down jacket was gone, replaced by a pure black turtleneck, holding a long bow, carrying a quiver and a silver-gray long-handled ax, showing a fierce momentum. .

"Are you okay?"

Yu Ke took a few steps forward and bent down to help Xu Wan up. His eyes fell on the pool of light green liquid behind her.

"My parents"

After Xu Wan came back to her senses, she threw herself on the sofa and saw her parents lying safe and sound. The horrific scene just now disappeared.

"They just fainted. What you saw just now must be an illusion. Stay here and look after them. Leave the rest to me."

Yu Ke didn't stay long, and after a few words of comfort, he followed the blood stains on the ground into the bedroom.

Spirits like Li Gui cannot bleed!

Not to mention the blood with this weird color, Yu Ke is almost certain to be some kind of monster lurking somewhere in the community, pretending to be a ghost, scaring ordinary people with hallucinations, and then attacking them.

Running to the window, Yu Ke looked at the traces of stains on the window frame.

Looking out the window with half-closed eyes, his high senses spread out, and the unusual sound of the wind above his head allowed him to capture the position where the other party was escaping. Without saying a word, he turned around and left Xu Wan's house, went straight to the elevator on the side of the corridor, and went straight to the top floor!

Watching the floor numbers rising, what came to Yu Ke's mind was the information captured on the window frame.

Psychedelic tapir blood: The blood left by a tapir whose brain has mutated has the ability to induce hallucinations in a small range and is keen on creating negative emotions.

Just hallucinogenic abilities?

Yu Ke stood in front of the elevator door, the incandescent light reflecting his frown.

Not long ago, he asked Anseli and Zhang Renqi, and through their information feedback, combined with the intelligence of his fellow rangers and hunters, it was known that the victims of this ghost attack had all been drained of flesh and blood without exception.

The characteristics of the psychedelic tapir are inconsistent with the state presented by the victim.

There is only one explanation.

There are other people behind it, and the psychedelic tapir is just one of the tools for the other party to achieve their goals.


The elevator reached the top floor.

Yu Ke pushed the door open and went out. What came into view were the beddings drying on the rooftop, and a black shadow holding a piglet-sized psychedelic tapir not far away.

Sensing Yu Ke's arrival, the black shadow raised his head, revealing a strange rat mask, and his eyes lingered on the weapon in the former's hand.

"I didn't expect that there are masters hiding in this ordinary community."

Before the voice fell, three arrows came in a triangular shape. The rat-faced man's reaction was also unexpectedly fast. He caught an arrow with both hands, and the arrow aimed at his forehead was frozen in the air.

"It's quite capable."

Yu Ke half-squinted his eyes. He knew very well how fast and powerful the arrows he shot were.

Although it was just a test, without using all his strength, the other party dared to catch it directly with his bare hands. This reaction and strength alone are enough to prove that the other party should also be a superhuman, and his strength is definitely not bad.

Especially the arrow that stopped in the air, Yu Ke did not see any additional movements from him.

Superpowers similar to the Shocked Deer King?

"It's my fault this time. I accidentally entered your territory. Why don't we both take a step back?"

The rat-faced man didn't seem to want to have a conflict with Yu Ke, so he apologized and took a half step back.

Yu Ke was not interested in talking nonsense with him. He bent his bow and shot an arrow to the left. The arrow penetrated the quilt, but there was yellow-green liquid splashing at the entrance of the cave, and half of the body of the strange insect appeared and fell to the ground.

"Want to share my heart, are you worthy?"

At this point, Yu Ke was sure that the rat-faced man should have some means to make objects invisible. He apologized just now to relax his mind so that the killer move in the dark could sneak over and launch a sneak attack.

Fortunately, Yu Ke had a strong perception ability and captured the opponent's movements first.

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