The end of the world: mountain and sea disasters

Chapter 54 Strange Containment Object

Since the advent of the great cataclysm era.

The frequent occurrence of supernatural phenomena inevitably makes ordinary people more interested in legends of gods and ghosts.

In other words, it is normal for ordinary people to place their hope in the protection of gods when they are unable to resist.

The mushrooming of various folk religious groups is the best proof of this.

Faced with this situation, the official government can only establish corresponding rules and regulations and guide people's emotions at the same time.

It's just that the legends about forest spirits may be older when traced back, and they belong to the category that has existed since ancient times.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was aroused, Tang Bin did not hold back and told everything he had discovered.

"About two o'clock in the morning, I suddenly found a snow monster looming in the jungle. You know the situation at that time. It was impossible to go out. It was 60 degrees below zero. What I wanted to do was to set up the gun and wait for the rabbit. I didn't think about that area. Suddenly there was a burst of light green light, and after that the monster disappeared."

That's it?

After listening to Tang Bin's description, Yu Ke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and took a sip of beer.

Several people around him had the same idea as him, and they all exclaimed "Hey~" and other exclamations in unison.

"You were not at the scene, so you can't understand how I felt at that time. Although I couldn't take a photo, the light green light must have appeared. I think it must have been the forest spirit that appeared and destroyed the snow monster."

Tang Bin was a little dissatisfied with the reaction of his colleagues. He kept mumbling that he was right and that the hunter's feeling was correct, which caused a series of laughter.

The topic of forest spirits came to an abrupt end, and Yu Ke could feel that most of the rangers didn't believe it.

Because if forest spirits exist, why does Jinghu Forest become like this?

Not to mention the emergence of an unknown terror like Pandora. Others may not be aware of it, but Yu Ke knows that if it is allowed to rage, Jinghu Forest will be forced to contract the virus.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about this, as information about Pandora remains under wraps.

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the supernatural incident mentioned by another ranger hunter.

At this time, Yu Ke realized belatedly that this kind of gathering was actually a very good channel for obtaining information.

After all, except for people like him who "cheat" by the system, most forest rangers were either elites of the military's special forces or the police. Otherwise, they would not be able to afford this profession where they often have to fight against ferocious beasts in the forest.

People they met in the past often have their own information channels.

The information that can be obtained is naturally far beyond that of Yu Ke, a teacher who has temporarily transferred to another profession.

The changes caused by the Cataclysm Era are by no means limited to simple animals and plants.

The existence of unknown horrors like Pandora is far from unique. Regardless of other things, there has been a recent terrorist incident in Danhang City in which evil spirits attacked and killed ordinary people. The death toll has exceeded 30, and the impact has been extremely bad.

As I said earlier, there is no absolutely safe place in this era.

Although there are a considerable number of extraordinary beings concentrated in Danhang City, it is now helpless to face the fierce ghosts that come from nowhere.

"Speaking of this matter, why do you think I suddenly called my wife and children to Jinghu Forest? One of the crime scenes is near my home. My wife said that the scene was horrific, and the victim's flesh and blood were all beaten. Nothing but skin and bones."

Covering his child's ears with both hands, Qian Shengwen said with some horror,

"I always felt that something was playing tricks on me. Even if it was a disaster, it would be too weird to create such a weird thing."

Before the era of catastrophe, everyone received a materialistic education, and their understanding of ghosts was limited to film and television works.

Although things that break the three concepts of human beings happen from time to time, when it comes to existences that go against common sense such as ghosts and resentful spirits, rangers and hunters are still more inclined to think that there is something that creates these supernatural phenomena.

After all, if evil spirits exist, what about the underworld? What about heaven?

"Who knows for sure. I would rather believe that this kind of thing exists than not believe that it doesn't exist. Tsk tsk. Thinking about it, those of us outside the city are in a safe situation. Evil ghosts rarely appear in sparsely populated places."

Zhou Lin shuddered, thankful that the forest patrol camp where he was was unlikely to be targeted by evil spirits.

"You guys are actually trapped by the name Li Gui, as if Li Gui is so terrifying. To put it bluntly, the number of deaths it has caused now is only more than thirty. If those monsters deep in the Jing Lake Forest are released into the city, they can cause The damage caused by the evil ghost will be several times that of the evil ghost. In terms of the efficiency of killing people and causing damage, the evil ghost that appears this time is not worthy of carrying their shoes. "

Wu Anhe, who had been silent next to him, suddenly spoke, paused and added,

"In fact, the official government has long had a unified name for various unconventional phenomena, living things and even non-living objects that appeared in the Catastrophe Era. Weird Contained Objects!"

"They use this way to call ghosts, monsters or other weird things. A broad concept can not only avoid panic, make it easier for people to accept, but also show the official government's confidence in dealing with such existences."

Strange containment object?

Learned a new term.

As a newly appointed ranger, Yu Ke sits here as a listener, quietly collecting all kinds of information mentioned by his colleagues.

A few people were about to continue communicating in this direction, but Qian Shengwen's wife shouted from the wooden house that dinner was ready.

Yu Ke quickly got up to clean up and unloaded the cooked ham and mushroom soup from the iron frame of the campfire.

In fact, he was so hungry that he didn't eat after getting up, just waiting for this meal!

Compared to the food and drinks that filled the long table in the house, it didn’t matter what the evil spirits were or the strange contained objects.

You have to stand back a little in front of a hungry belly.

After lunch, everyone chatted and played cards. In short, everyone found someone to pass the time.

Yu Ke also showed the video he planned to release tonight to his colleagues for review. Whether it was climbing a hundred-meter-high tree in a snowstorm to fight a human-faced owl, or riding a deer with terrifying horns to pretend to be a heavily armored knight. All caused quite a bit of exclamation.

Everyone said that this video would be a big hit, and some wanted to take a photo with Yu Ke and post it on their social accounts, but Yu Ke refused on the grounds that he did not want to show his face and wanted to maintain a sense of mystery.

Today's camping barbecue party has no evening activities and only lasts until evening.

Because there is no resting place in the wooden house, and the camps of the rangers and hunters are relatively far away, it will take time to pack things, and it is impossible to really be busy until midnight.

Mirror Lake Forest is not a quiet and peaceful place.

It's okay during the day, but no one can guarantee what the smell of meat will attract after nightfall.

Moreover, Yu Ke has to take a bus to Danhang City tomorrow. He needs time to sort out the recent expenses at the forest patrol camp and then go to the Forestry Protection Bureau for reimbursement.

During the cold wave, he was not yet a two-star hunter, and the Forestry Defense Bureau basically came to a brief standstill.

Now that he is working, he will be promoted again, so he will not miss the opportunity to be reimbursed.

There is another chapter. Wait a minute. I have a headache after drinking too much wine.

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