Recently, two things have been circulating in the village. First

One was that the village chief's daughter was bullied and she was beaten ten boards by the county magistrate. The village chief was also implicated and was removed from her post.

Because of his dismissal, the former village chief was unable to get up on his cymbal for several days.

Because of his anger, anxiety and shame, he fell ill.

Several doctors were invited to come, and said that it was depressed, and that the heart disease needed a heart medicine doctor. To cure the disease, he had to open the heart knot in his heart.

Even the village chief himself said that it would be difficult to open this knot.

Another one is a happy event, the emperor rewarded the wife of the county magistrate for a third death.

Although Mrs. Ling has no real power, there is Mr. Lu, no matter who she is talking to, there is light on the face of the county aunt.

The wife of the county magistrate lost her life, but the county magistrate fought for it.

Every time there is a natural disaster, there will be a riot.

The locust plague prevailed, and the emperor was always worried that the people would be unstable. Even the emperor was ready to mobilize the army. However, the report did not occur.

All this is due to the proper management of local counties.

The county magistrate, while being praised by the emperor, presented a strategy for the emperor, and told the emperor how to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes.

When the emperor heard it, Long Yan was pleased, and he immediately praised the county coward.

At that time, when the county coward was overwhelmed, he boldly told the emperor that this strategy was not something he had come up with, but his wife, who said that his wife was in the town and accidentally rescued a Westerner. His wife was kind and told his wife about the sweet potato.

His wife was thinking of trying to see if she could succeed, but she did not expect to encounter the locust plague, and his wife just delivered these things to the villagers, so this time the locust plague prevailed, and the villagers did not riot.

In the end, don't forget to make a few flattery, saying that it is also because the emperor's relief food came in time, and the villagers thank the country, the emperor and the like.

As a result, the emperor died on his wife.

The death of Sanpin was already very contented for the county prince. He never dreamed that his wife could still be the official of Sanpin.

The imperial edict of the emperor soon came down.

According to the girl in the government, the eunuchs who read the decree were gone, and the county lady was still on her knees. She couldn't even lift her legs with excitement, so she was lifted by the little girls.

Of course, these things are unknown to others, and such shameful things will not be transmitted to the county government.

Picking up such a huge bargain for himself, Mrs. County Wife was more willing to approach Liu Yan.

Also because of the loud noise of vanilla, the villagers in the village also knew the relationship between Liu Ye and the county wife, and the gossip about Liu Ye was reduced. They said that the people did not fight with the officials, Liu Ye and the county wife Going so close, the people in this mountain village are simple, and a little wink, naturally dare not offend her.

The lives of Liu Yan and Gu Rufeng were not affected by this incident in the slightest, and they still lived the kind of plain life before.

There was a reward from the county magistrate for her. Naturally, their lives would not be too hard. Occasionally, Gu Rufeng would go back to the mountains to play some game, or stew or grill.

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