"Kill me without pardon!"

Feng Qing's eyes were absolutely red, and there was a violent killing all over her body, and she yelled at the group of black people, and the voice echoed in the alley, shaking everyone, as if hurt and sad. Then she bent over and lifted Mo Qingli, her heart trembled-her body was so light, so thin and so soft.

He carefully gazed at the face in his arms, and couldn't help thinking about it in his mouth-you don't have to be okay, you can be okay. I must not allow you to be okay.

Feng Qing was very regretful at this moment. Why did he stop the Dark Guard from dispatching at that moment? Why? He kept asking himself. If, if she didn't stop the Dark Guard from dispatching, maybe everything would not be like that, then ... then she would not be hurt!

Of course, all of this is only if nothing more! There is no regret medicine in the world.

Feng Qing absolutely held Mo Qingli, ran fast with all her strength, and ran towards Princess Mansion. Feng Qing never knew why her first reaction was to run to the Princess Mansion. Perhaps his instinct was that only at the Princess Mansion would she protect Mo Qingli and not hurt her.

Fengchenling looked forward at the gate of Princess Mansion, waiting for Mo Qingli to return with Feng Qingjue, but he did not expect that Feng Qingjue, who was covered in blood, was holding his whole body as if soaked with blood, and was dying.

"Wife, you, you ..." Feng Chenling hurriedly greeted his hands, covered Mo Qingli's body, stained with the blood of the whole hand, opened his mouth, and wanted to ask what happened to Mo Qingli, but He knew how she looked at herself like this!

There was a hint of panic on his face-he was afraid that Mo Qingli would just leave!

Fengchen Ling seized Feng Qingjue, with a hint of hope in her eyes, "Clear, wife ... is she all right?"

Feng Qing's eyes were dim, "I'm sorry, Dust. We met an assassin, and to save me ... please hurry up and ask the doctor now, she ... she ... I'm afraid, I'm afraid ..."

Tears dripped from Feng Qingjue's eyes, and she spent a long time in the female state, and even her character was somewhat like that of a female. In the past, he never cried, even if he encountered a sad thing.

But today he burst into tears.

"Qing Jue, don't be sad, send your wife to the house quickly." Feng Chen Ling calmed down his mind. He knew that it wasn't time for him to cry at this moment. Now the most important thing is to save Mo Qingli.

"Yueyao." Fengchen Ling called Yueyao who was still stupid. "Hurry up and invite the best doctor in the imperial city! By the way, be sure to do better than Taiyi. Try not to alarm Taiyi."

A doctor who is alarmed is equivalent to a queen. The queen knows it, and the whole dynasty will know it. That's all harm to Mo Qingli. After all, the background of the assassins who sent so many martial arts masters in the large court must not be simple. He wasn't sure who the assassin sent out was, but he was definitely not simple.

"Yes." After taking her life, Yue Yao rushed to the pharmacy of Lige without stopping.

After Fengchen Ling finished speaking, he followed Feng Qingju trot all the way to Mo Qingli's room, "Qing Jue, you slowly lay your wife and master on the couch."

"Slow down, don't touch the wound!" Feng Chenling and Feng Qing absolutely set Mo Qingli, staring at Mo Qingli with closed eyes and bloodless eyes, both of them prayed silently in their hearts—million Nothing, nothing! !! !!

"Hurry up and come in with hot water." Feng Chen Ling ordered methodically, and then said to Feng Qing with a sore face: "Clear, the wife will be fine! Don't worry, blame yourself."

Feng Qing absolutely lifted his eyes, looking at Fengchenling's encouraging eyes, he was so moved, tears appeared in his eyes, "Dustling, thank you!"

"I'm your brother, what did you say thank you." Feng Chen Ling smiled softly, seeing Feng Qing absolutely calmed down, and then said to him: "We must quickly change the wife's clothes, Change up and clean up. So as not to infect the wound. "

"But ..." Feng Qingjue's face turned red instantly. "I ... haven't, haven't ..."

"Of course it's not us changing," Fengchen Ling really misunderstood Fengqing. "I mean letting the maids help his wife to wipe, wipe, body, body and change clothes. We are inconvenient to stay here and wait out."

I do not know why, Feng Qing heard nothing, but was a little disappointed, what he was expecting in the end! He despised himself fiercely, and waited with Fengchen Ling outside the door.

Watching the maids bring out a basin of blood-stained water, Feng Qingjue and Fengchen Ling felt that their hearts were breaking!

As soon as the maids changed their clothes, Feng Qingjue rushed in, lying on the edge of Mo Qingli's bed and holding her hand, "Mo Qingli, you don't have to do anything! I don't allow you to have anything to hear ?!"

"Wife Lord ..." Feng Chenling was infected by Feng Qingjue, and her eyes were even tears.

"Doctor is here, doctor is here."

Yue Yao rushed into the room fiercely to Feng Qingjue and Fengchen Ling. Immediately after the speech, Acura and the melancholy carrying the medicine chest hurried to Mo Qingli's room.

As soon as she entered the room, Acura said dissatisfied, "Go out."

Feng Qingjie and Fengchen Ling were unwilling and refused in unison.

"You stay here, it affects the air circulation, all go out. Yue Yao, you go out too." Yingge hurriedly hurriedly.

Yue Yao and Acura grew up together and knew Acura's temperament, but Acura's medical skills were by no means worse than those of the palace.

So Yue Yao persuaded Feng Qingjie and Fengchen Ling, "The prince, the king on all sides. Please move for the princess."

Fengchenling knows that the delay of one minute at this moment makes Mo Qingli more dangerous, and there is really no other way in front of him. I can only believe her, and believe in Yue Yao.

Holding Feng Qingjue's hand, "Qingjue, we go outside and wait for the same, so that the doctor can treat his wife with peace of mind."

Feng Qing absolutely glanced at Fengchen Ling, and looked at the pale ink lying on the couch, so Ren Fengchen Ling pulled away. As she passed by Acura, Feng Qing threatened with a slight tone of voice, saying, "If she is in trouble, the prince is the only one you ask!"

After they left the room, Acura took a deep breath-finally feeling that the air was much fresher!

"Cool, put out the silver needles." Aoge ordered to Leng Mei holding the medicine chest.

On that day, Mo Qingli left Leng Mei in Acura's pharmacy to treat her. Leng Mei had some skin trauma, which was not a big deal. But Leng Mei hopes to stay in Acura's pharmacy to help Acura make some sundries, and by the way learn some medical techniques in case it is needed. Where can Acura still need her help, but pity her experience and leave it. Seeing her is also smart and learning anything fast, so I brought her around.

Leng Mei spread out the silver needles. There are 34 silver needles of different sizes and thicknesses. Acura opened Mo Qingli Xiong and Qian's clothes, exposing a three-inch-long slender wound. There was a dark purple beside the wound, and Acura secretly said that it was not good-the sword was poisonous.

Quickly picked up the silver needle next to it and pierced the xiong and mouth of Mo Qingli.

After a while, several silver needles were pierced in the vicinity of Mo Qingli's sword injury, sealing the surrounding acupuncture points to prevent the venom from spreading.

I took the sweat towel from Leng Mei's hand and wiped the sweat from my forehead. When she handed it to Lengmei, she found that Lengmei didn't take it. She raised her eyes and looked at Lengmei. When Lengmei looked at her behind her, there was a mood in her eyes that could not read the song.

Looking down at her behind her cold eyes, I saw no time when she was standing behind a man dressed in a blue robe, especially those blue eyes, exuding other demon and gorgeous nice.

But there was a little anger in that beautiful face.

"Who are you?" Acura's brows frowned, and she hated being disturbed during her healing. "Don't you all ask you out? Why sneak in! Come out."

She impolitely followed the order, but she didn't notice the change of mood on the cold face.

"Go." Mu Tianlang spit out a word coldly, his eyes staring at the ink glass lying on the couch tightly. There was no trace of extra light to the two of them.

"You ..." Acura stood up suddenly, her figure belonged to the extremely strong type in the female state, but she was still a lot shorter than the person in front of her. "You say it again?"

Acura clenched her fists, her eyes filled with red glared at the unexpected guest in front of her.

"Get out." Don't have any extra words, but Mu Tianlang's brows frowned slightly, showing his extremely impatient mood now. This mortal is really talkative and really wants to throw her out.

Leng Mei pulled Acura, "Acura, he has a way to save the princess."

"How do you know?" Acura didn't think about it, and asked directly. She didn't believe that the man in front of him had better medical skills than her.

Leng Meiyan's eyes dropped, avoiding Acura's gaze, "because he once saved me from death."

"But ..." Acura still didn't want to.

"Langge, do you believe me?" Lengmei stared at Langge with cold eyes. "If you believe me, then let him save the princess!"

This has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not! Acura murmured silently.

Mu Tianlang rubbed his eyebrows, raised his hand, picked up the Acura and walked out of the door, opened the room door, threw the noisy Acura out, followed the room door coldly and happily.

Then Mu Tianlang closed the door.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Open the door for my prince!"

"Do not open the door again, don't blame me for opening it!"

The door of the room was bombarded in turn, and Mu Tianlang's blue eyes flashed a little displeased, and he set an enchantment in the room. Cut off everything.

Clapping his hands, Mu Tianlang was very satisfied, and now he was quiet.

Go to Mo Qingli's side, sit down, and gradually slender fingers across Mo Qingli's white cheek, a ridicule twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Is it worth making yourself like this for a mortal?

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