At that time, Taiwei Duan Jiong had been a frontier general for a long time and was a powerful figure in the western land, so Jia Xu pretended to be Duan Jiong's grandson to frighten the Di people.

After hearing this, the rebellious Di people changed their expressions. As expected, they did not dare to harm him and even fought with him. He made an oath and sent him back.

But the rest were killed.

Another time,

Jia Xu and his friends were passing by a river and saw someone drowning and called for help.

The friend couldn't swim, but Jia Xu could, so the friend urged Jia Xu to save people.

But for some reason, Jia Xu did n't move or speak, and just looked at him with an indifferent expression.

Seeing that the man was about to faint and die,

Jia Xu took off his clothes and went to save the man, and finally succeeded in rescuing the man ashore. above the screen.

His friend asked him with doubts on his face:

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why didn't you save him from the beginning? Jia

Xu said calmly at this moment:

"First, this man can't swim, and he still has the strength to struggle.

If I go to save him now, I will probably be dragged down by his struggling.

By then, both he and I may drown, and he will not have the strength to wait until he is half drowned. If

I go to rescue you again, there will be no such risk."

"Second, rescuing him after he is in dire straits will also make him more grateful to me and I can use him for benefits in the future."

After hearing this, my friend's face changed greatly.

He was even more impressed by Jia Xu's powerful strategy.

In a short period of time, he had already made so many calculations.

Jia Xu has such a talent for handling things according to circumstances.

There are many things like this.

And looking at the picture Wan Chao People everywhere also changed their expressions.

Although these are just two small things,

Jia Xu's resourcefulness has been revealed.

But most people can't do it at all, or even react.

But Jia Xu did it, which shows how powerful he is.

Ying Zheng:"This Jia Xu has too many evil thoughts. If he associates with such a person, he will be betrayed without even knowing it!"!

Zhu Yuanzhang:"What a terrifying guy!"! What reminds me of Liu Bowen’s resourcefulness"

"I feel that his resourcefulness is indeed terrifying. No wonder he is on the list. He is well deserved.."

Yingchuan, Yangzhai,

Guo Jia looked at the scenes on the screen.

They couldn't help but curl up the corners of their mouths and laughed.

"Is Jia Xu Jia Wenhe? What a funny guy"

"There is some resourcefulness, but now it seems that it is just some cleverness."

"If you want me, Guo Jia, to cooperate, you have to show some real skills!!"

And inside Luoyang City. Inside an ordinary mansion.

At this moment, Jia Xu, who was staying in the capital as a Taiwei, looked at himself appearing in the aerial screen.

He also smiled slightly:

"This is just the beginning, I will definitely surprise you later!"

Liu Bei's face was also glowing when he saw it.

"The resourcefulness of Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe is indeed astonishing!"

"I am now confident in dealing with Cao Cao's counselors!!

This person is no better than Guo Jia or Xun You!!"

The aerial picture continues.


Jia Xu was recruited again and went to Luoyang City to become a minor official in the Taiwei Mansion. In

September of the first year of Yonghan,

Dong Zhuo was recruited by General He Jin to lead the army. Entering Luoyang City.

Unexpectedly, General He Jin died at this moment.

Luoyang City was suddenly leaderless.

Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to depose Liu Bian, the young emperor of the Han Dynasty, and made Chenliu King Liu Xie the emperor.

In November,

Dong Zhuo became the emperor As the prime minister, he was not famous for his praises and homage, but he entered the court without hesitation and went to the palace with his sword.

For a time, it could be said that he had all the power in the government and the public.

As a native of Liangzhou, he naturally wanted to promote some close friends.

As a native of Liangzhou, Jia Xu has always been well-calculated. Wu Yice's reputation.

So he was recommended by some generals in the Liangzhou army.

So he came into Dong Zhuo's sight at this time.

He was promoted to the captain of Pingjin as a Taiwei, and later promoted to the captain of the rebel school.

At that time, Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Zhonglang stationed Niu Fu in Shaanxi, but although Niu Fu was brave, he was not very resourceful and needed help from others to make plans.

Jia Xu was appointed as a military advisor to assist Niu Fu's army.


Niu Fu sent Li Jue, Guo Si, and Jia Xu Xu and others sent troops to attack the Kwantung coalition, and attacked Sun Jian first.

With the help of Jia Xu's strategy, Niu Fu set up an ambush in Liangdong.

Finally, Sun Jian's army was defeated.

Sun Jian was directly killed and almost died.

In the end, he led thousands of cavalry to break through the siege. Go.

Looking at this scene,

Sun Jian in Wu County also turned pale.

"What I didn't expect was that Jia Xu's resourcefulness was so terrifying."

"It turned out that I was all fooled by this poisonous man’s plan and was defeated by Niu Fu!!"

Cao Cao in Chenliu County also had a look of shock on his face.

Before, he only knew that Dong Zhuo had a mastermind, Li Ru.

He was the best counselor in the world, and his tactics were extremely vicious.

He originally thought that Li Ru was the best counselor. A strong strategist.

But he didn’t expect that Jia Xu, who ranked among the top strategists, was also working for Dong Zhuo!!

If Dong Zhuo used him again, and cooperated with Dong Zhuo’s Flying Bear Army, it would be extremely terrifying.

It seems that in the future, It is no longer that simple for the heroes to attack Dong Zhuo.

Cao Cao couldn't help but trembled and said:

"I didn't expect that Dong Zhuo's men would hide such a conspiracy!!"

"I hope he has some conscience and will not try his best to help Dong Zhuo and help the evildoer!!"

Cao Cao had a look of fear on his face.

He had already thought of calling on the world to attack Dong Zhuo.

And this news was undoubtedly a blow!!

And inside the Grand Master's residence.

Naturally, Dong Zhuo was overjoyed.

This time, Finally, he was the person on the list of divine conspirators, and he was finally the counselor under Dong Zhuo.

Of course, Dong Zhuo was overjoyed.

He touched his big belly and laughed.

"Okay, okay, this Jia Wenhe is actually my subordinate"

"Wen You, call him here immediately. I want to put him to good use."

"Yes, Ming Gong!!"

Li Ru nodded and said.

Even if he went down to invite Jia Xu, he also knew the importance of Jia Xu, a person who can appear on the list of divine counselors. He is definitely a top counselor.

He was also thinking, Can I be on the list in the future?

The scene continues after that.

In the third year of Chuping, that is, in 192,

Dong Zhuo was tricked by Wang Yun using a beauty trap.

Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo, and Niu Fu also died, and Wang Yun hated the Xiliang army who had helped Dong Zhuo before.

························ ps: New book uploaded, please collect it, send flowers, and comment!

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