Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 516 Sky-high Reward Order

The time came like this two days later.

The sea in the new world should be considered calm these two days, but the appearance of a reward order broke this calm.

"Five Emperors White Eagle Longer Baishui, the bounty is 2 billion!!"

"Shileu of the Rain, a bounty of 1.2 billion!"

"Golden Emperor Tezoro, the bounty is 980 million!"

"Blackbeard Tiki, the bounty is 870 million!"

"World Destroyer Bondiwalt, a bounty of 700 million!"

"Crystal Moon Hunter Katerina Depon, offering a reward of 700 million!"

"Moonlight Moria, a reward of 500 million!"

"Sand crocodile Crocodile, a reward of 500 million!"


As long as the entire pirate group is a little famous, it basically appears in the new reward order.

It is worth noting that basically none of the leaders is below 400 million, except for the less famous Cabella and the less powerful Apu.

Among the rest, the one with the lowest strength has 420 million.

Those who originally had a bounty, this time the bounty has basically increased a lot.

Like Crocodile's mr1, the original bounty was only 30 million, but now, his bounty has exceeded 150 million.

Only Bai Xiong, who has the same strength as the general, did not take part in the battle, so the bounty offered by the navy is only 100 million.

However, everyone in the White Eagle Pirates is well aware of his strength, and no one will look down on him because of his low bounty.

"The world government actually recognized the imperial title, and even issued a new reward order. Is this trying to provoke a war between the five of us?"

Bai Shui held his own reward order, on which was a picture of him when he slashed at Bigumum, and he was in a daze.

You must know that before this, the title of the emperor was the respectful title of the pirates for the four overlords, and had nothing to do with the navy or the world government/government.

But now, the world government has personally recognized the pirate group led by Baishui, Red Hair, Kaido, Bigumam, and Marko as the Five Emperors of the New World.

Bai Shui does not believe that this is a helpless choice made by the world government/government because they are afraid of them.

This is absolutely impossible, the world government/government has a profound background, and such a situation is not enough to make them so afraid.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the world government/government wants to provoke a war between them and let them consume each other in civil war.

"Hehe, it's a good plan!"

"It's a pity that we don't have the idea of ​​going to war for the time being!"

Bai Shui threw away the reward order in his hand and walked out.

Where Blackbeard lives.

In order to stabilize his position, Blackbeard is actively developing Hot Fruit.

He is much smarter than Owen, and his vision is much wider, and he has two or three development directions.

Can hot fruit only heat up your body? No, it can also heat the surrounding things, such as the earth, the air, to provide oneself with a favorable fighting place.

Moreover, the hot fruit can also heat itself, increase the speed in a high temperature state, and the heat generated by compression will increase the strength dramatically.

This can just improve his physical strength and truly secure his position as a leader.

The other three people now have the strength to fight against the general, but he is not enough, but as long as the Nuanuo fruit develops to the point he wants, it will not be a problem to compete with the general.

Don't forget the horror of his dark fruit. Gravity and negating the ability of devil fruits are very terrifying methods.

With the Dark Fruit in hand, Blackbeard is not panicked by anyone except Baishui.

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