Hearing Gu Ning'er's words, Su Chen's heart trembled.

Above the martial master, that is the strongest of the martial king's cultivation base!

This Xuanling Empire actually has a martial artist with the cultivation level of the Martial King!


Su Chen was thinking about his current strength, if the opponent was just a newcomer to Martial King, then even if he fought against the opponent, he might not really lose.

After all, the power of Qi in his body is already higher than the power of ordinary Qi and blood in terms of energy level!

However, even if he can defeat the strong man who has just entered the Martial King, the price he has to pay must not be small.

Thinking of this, Su Chen said softly: "Don't worry, Ning'er. As long as I'm still alive, then I will definitely not let you suffer any harm."

Hearing this, Gu Ning'er's nose twitched, and the sockets of her eyes turned red.

"Brother Chen, if the Xuanling Empire is too dangerous, let's not go there!"

Gu Ning'er said.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's hard to say whether we will meet a strong man at the level of King Wu. Why are you so pessimistic? Let's go!"

With that said, Su Chen took Gu Ning'er's little hand.



Another three days passed, and the two arrived at the border of the Martial God Empire, preparing to go to the Xuanling Empire.

Since he didn't know if there would be a so-called Martial King strongman in the Xuanling Empire's southern border army, Su Chen didn't rush into the Xuanling Empire with Gu Ning'er, but followed a team to Xuanling Empire after paying some gold coins. The caravan of Ling Empire trade set off.

With this caravan as cover, the two easily entered the territory of the Xuanling Empire.

After asking the person in charge of this caravan, Su Chen knew that their goal was Xuanwu City, the capital of the Xuanling Empire.

Coincidentally, the goal of the two is also Xuanwu City.

Therefore, Su Chen and Gu Ning'er did not leave the caravan, but continued to drive forward in their carriage.

The territory of the Xuanling Empire is small, with only thirty-four cities.

The Xuanling Empire is even more peculiar when placed on the map of the entire continent, its shape is similar to a long and narrow rectangle.

The length of the north and south borders of the Xuanling Empire is equivalent to the sum of the length of the northern borders of the Martial God Empire and the Yingyi Empire, but the length of the east and west borders is only about one third of that of the Martial God Empire.

From a macro point of view, this kind of empire with a long and narrow border can easily be cut in the middle, and gradually eroded after being divided into two.

But if anyone really thinks this way, then they are very wrong.

The strength of the Xuanling Empire can be said to be unfathomable, and it can be seen from the strength of its army alone.

Although there are only thirty-four cities in the Xuanling Empire, all of these cities have the size of the imperial city of the Martial God Empire, and the number of permanent city defense troops reached 20,000 to 30,000!

That is to say, excluding the official army and border troops of various borders, the number of these city defense troops alone adds up to a million!

Not to mention the other armies of the Xuanling Empire.

The Tongtian Mountains to the west of the Martial God Empire also spread to the Xuanling Empire, but its length within the Xuanling Empire is only half of the length of the western border of the Xuanling Empire. Empire borders.

Therefore, the Xuanling Empire has a western frontier army of 500,000.

In addition, there are other empires in the north and south of the Xuanling Empire. Therefore, the Xuanling Empire has 800,000 northern and southern border troops.

Since the Xuanling Empire is adjacent to the ocean to the east, there is no need for the Xuanling Empire to set up an eastern frontier army, but the Xuanling Empire still has a patrol army of 100,000!

In other words, the number of troops in the Xuanling Empire's patrol army alone is half of that of the Sunset Army!

Not to mention that the Xuanling Empire also has a formal army of millions.

All the troops of the Xuanling Empire added up to more than four million!

This is equivalent to four times the sum of all the armies of the Valkyrie Empire!

It can be said that the Xuanling Empire is a proper military power.

Even though its territory is small and its layout is relatively inferior, the Xuanling Empire is not an opponent that can be easily provoked.

These are the existing information obtained by Su Chen.

In just two days, this caravan had already appeared a hundred miles outside Xuanwu City.

It only takes another half a day for Su Chen and others to enter Xuanwu City.

But at this moment, the horse in front of the carriage suddenly neighed tragically.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shock in the carriage, and the people in the carriage were thrown to pieces.

Fortunately, Su Chen stretched out his hand in time, which prevented the uncultivated Gu Ning'er from hitting a big bump on her head like the others.

Su Chen frowned and stepped out of the carriage first.

I saw that in front of the carriage, the horse responsible for pulling the cart had fallen into a pool of blood at some point.

And the horse's head had a sharp arrow stuck in it.

At the same time, people suddenly appeared from all directions and surrounded the carriage.

These people held sharp weapons and watched everyone in the caravan.

Su Chen's brows frowned even deeper, and he finally understood that they were met by robbers in the wilderness.

These robbers exist no matter which empire they are in. The territory of each empire is so large, it can't be all cities, right?

In an empire, the area of ​​wilderness occupies at least 60% of the entire empire!

And it is impossible for all the empires to send out enough troops to patrol the entire wilderness. Even if they are sent out, then the separate patrols of these troops may be found by these robbers to break or kill them one by one.

This is why the robbers in the wilderness are so rampant.

But what surprised Su Chen was that it was only a hundred miles away from Xuanwu City, the capital of the Xuanling Empire.

Logically speaking, Xuanwu City is related to the safety of the Emperor Xuanling Empire, and the robbers near it will be cleaned up regularly.

In other words, there should be no robbers near Xuanwu City.

"My lords, please do me a favor and let us go. We are all small businesses, and we really can't afford it!"

At this moment, the person in charge of the caravan stepped out of the carriage.

While crying without tears, he bowed down to the leaders of the robbers.

He understands that the so-called face is useless at a time like this, only if he leaves successfully, that is the truth!

However, the leader of the robbers did not seem to intend to let them pass so easily.

The leader of the robbers took a step forward, and the big knife in his hand swung out with lightning speed, separating the head and body of the head of the caravan!

The large head flew out, immediately staining the grass under his feet red.

Seeing this, Su Chen was a little surprised.

This bandit leader is actually a martial artist at the pinnacle of energy transformation. With his cultivation base, he obviously doesn't need to be a bandit for a living!

He can definitely join some noble forces and enjoy a generous salary!

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