Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Chapter 691 I am the only one in the sky and the world!

After five games

At the moment the sky has darkened.

Just when humans and gods are looking forward to the next game.

A burst of fragrance came suddenly

Let everyone in Valhalla suck their noses.

Stomach starts to growl.

"It smells so good, it smells like barbecue!"

"It seems to be cumin, wait, there are also sweet plums!"

"How is it possible, who would dare to barbecue on such a serious occasion?"

All the chirping people looked towards the place where the fragrance came from.

In the next second, the corners of the mouths of both gods and humans couldn't help but twitch.

In the direction of the Valkyrie

The grill was set up, and a bunch of skewers were being grilled on it.

Thor, Ling Qingzhu and Zhang Linyuan kept busy.

"Timo, come to play?"

Ling Yun handed the roasted meat to Tiamat.


After thanking him, Tiamat took it carefully.

Then he ate in small bites.

"Why? Why is this? Why do you want to use the fire to barbecue?!"

Wang Quan Ba ​​Ye said wanting to cry but without tears, trying to resist the injustice of fate.

"You can ask your sister-in-law about this kind of thing, she is the pioneer, and we are the imitators." Ling Yun replied.

Immediately, King Quan and Hegemony were speechless.


Regardless of whether it is poisonous or not, Dongfang Qinlan can eat it directly into the stomach once the pure Yangyan is roasted.

But... how the hell do you know about this kind of thing?

"Then his Skyfire Sacred Judgment can also be used? Why not use his?" Wang Quan pointed at Kevin who was beside him angrily.

"Son, take care of yourself, it will burn." Kevin patted Wang Quan on the shoulder and said earnestly.

Kingship: "."

What do you mean?

Is my Demon Extinguishing Divine Fire not as powerful as yours?


"Oh ho ho, it's good to be young."

Zeus stroked his beard and smiled, a yellow pupil appeared in the white of his dark eyes.

Looks like an amiable old grandpa.

But who knows if what he said was the same as what he thought.

Odin clenched his fists.

these nasty humans

How dare he barbecue in his holy Valhalla? !

Do you really think that our gods are just a display? !

The gods were so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

How dare you?

How dare they? !

The humans swallowed frantically.

This is simply jumping repeatedly on the top of God's head.

"It's really interesting." In the human camp, a handsome man who was naked with only a leaf covering his face couldn't help laughing.

"Ala, some children are hungry."

Listening to the crying, Adam turned his head with a smile and looked at the crying baby in a woman's arms.


Even if they were watched by everyone, Ling Yun and the others didn't have any embarrassment.

I just came here to play, so there is nothing to care about.

Brunhilde also joined in, not caring about the murderous eyes of the gods at all.

Anyway, he has already stood on the opposite side of God, so there is nothing to care about.

Only Grace, who was the least courageous, trembled, those divine powers were too terrifying!

"Come on, Fu Hua, thank you for your hard work. I specially asked Lixue to make the noodles."

Seeing Fu Hua walking back, Ling Yun pointed to the hot noodles on the table next to him.

"Thank you." Fu Hua said in a daze.

Then he ate under Cheng Lixue's expectant eyes.


Where do these things come from, you ask?

Can't make it by hand.

Seeing countless humans swallow their saliva.

smell good!

Speaking of which, they haven't eaten since morning.

Naturally, the gods would not prepare meals for the "ants".


"These gods are in such a good mood. They've been fighting all day, and they don't know how to take a break and have a meal."

On the recliner, Milim was sleeping, and Rimuru was lying on Milim's stomach with a comfortable expression.

"By the way, these gods don't want to finish all thirteen matches in one day, do they?" Mi Long said while knocking on melon seeds.

"Gods are arrogant. In their cognition, human beings are just ants that can be crushed to death, so the battle is considered a one-off to them, but they didn't expect that something unexpected happened to them." Brenxi Wilder explained.

"The next game should be Sakyamuni, right? Does anyone want to play?" Ling Yun asked.

"Shakya? Shakyamuni? The Buddhist one?" Lisa asked suspiciously.

"No way, the Buddha is the enemy." Mianma was taken aback.

Her mother is a Buddhist.

But the Buddha he believed in now turned out to be an enemy.

"Shakya, why don't you go to Wang Quan?" Dagu looked at Wang Quan Baye.

"Huh?" Wang Quan was taken aback.

"Sakyamuni is the Buddha, and you are a Taoist priest. Come to a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism?"

"Forget it, I didn't see how fast those gods punched. Uncle Wang Quan went up, and his face would probably be distorted in the next second." Lisa directly denied it.

King Quan: "..."

It's good to give some trust!

"Well, maybe Lord Sakyamuni doesn't know how to fight with gods." At this time, Brunhilde said suddenly.


Except for Ling Yun, everyone who was eating stopped.

"Don't worry, who will fight in this battle has already been decided." Suddenly, Ling Yun smiled.

"The greatest misfortune of mankind must be overcome with the greatest luck."

Everyone: "???"

How does it sound like this is not the same topic as them?

It's completely dark now

Under the illumination of the lights, Heimdall appeared in the center of the arena holding the Horn of End.

"Next, the final battle between gods and humans, the sixth round!"

"The first to appear is the camp of gods!"

"That is the one who guides and redeems mankind!"

"Abandon troubles in the past and extradite ignorant humans—"

"In the dark, indicate the 'road' forward."

The gate representing the camp of gods slowly opened.

"This man gave up the city, his family, his troubles, his emotions and desires! He is stepping on a path that no one has ever done before!"

In Heimdall's introduction, a man with his hair tied into a monk's hat and a man carrying a huge Zen staff walked out slowly.

"A man is like a rhinoceros horn alone in the world!"

"Born in solitude, born in solitude! Fighting is the same, one person alone!"

"Hey, that god, can it be said to be!" A monk's complexion changed suddenly.

Hearing Heimdall's introduction, he became more and more uneasy.

"In the sky and the world, I am the only one! In the sky and the world, I am the strongest!"

"One person is so powerful!"

"He is - Sakyamuni!"

After the words fell, the god camp gave a mocking smile, but the human beings were extremely dull.

Some human beings whose ancestors have worshiped Sakyamuni for three generations are pale and colorless!

"How... how could this happen!"

"Master Sakyamuni, are you an enemy?!"

While everyone was chattering, Sakyamuni bypassed Heimdall and walked slowly towards the human camp.


And this scene also caused doubts in the lively arena.

"That, Lord Sakyamuni, passed by!"

Heimdall ran to Sakyamuni and reminded him.

However, Sakyamuni didn't intend to talk to the other party at all, and walked directly to the front of the human camp before stopping.

Amidst everyone's bewildered expressions, the corners of their mouths grinned.


The Zen stick hit the ground heavily.

Then he snatched Heimdall's horn, and said to the horn: "Ah, test test—hey"

"What is he doing?"

The god camp was stunned.

However, Sakyamuni's next sentence directly ignited the audience!

I saw Sakyamuni said casually: "I am fighting on behalf of human beings, please give me more advice."


As soon as these words came out, the entire Valhalla became quiet, and the sound of the breeze could even be heard.


Immediately afterwards, countless exclamations of disbelief sounded.

The camp of gods exploded directly.

Countless gods yelled at Sakyamuni after a short period of confusion.

"Who are you looking down on?"

"Aren't you a god? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Go away, scum in the gods!"

"You traitor!"

"What cows and horses? Don't be too damn proud!"


"Ahhh." Limuru, who had turned into a human form, held the back of his head with both hands, and couldn't help whistling while watching this scene.

"Hurry up, Sakyamuni's defection completely exploded the suppressed emotions of these scumbags." Ling Yun smiled contemptuously.


Suddenly, a breaking sound sounded, and the horn of the end was crushed into pieces by Sakyamuni, and thrown in front of the sluggish Heimdall.

Then he looked at the gods impatiently, clasping his little finger to his ear, with a look of annoyance and disdain: "Which is so noisy!"


For a moment, the gods fell silent.

After the gods were quiet, Sakyamuni raised his Zen staff and pointed at Zeus, Odin, Aphrodite and other main gods, with a smile on his lips: "If the gods don't come to rescue, I will come to rescue!"

"The gods that hinder Lao Tzu - I come to kill!!"

Dumbness, sluggishness, astonishment, all complex emotions appeared on people's faces.

At this moment, both gods and humans were shocked by Sakyamuni's domineering words.

This is simply, one person is challenging all the gods!


Ares squeezed the armrest in his hand.

The divine power of Odin and Loki soared to the sky!

Aphrodite's face darkened, and the giant cat grew bigger in anger.

King Tonai panicked for a while.

It's over, I can't hold it anymore!

(If you don’t understand, you can search for Aphrodite, the last Valkyrie.)

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