Super Chief

Chapter 287: Chora Krulu

When more than twenty people appeared in front of Shixiong on horseback, Shixiong clearly heard the gray moose behind him muttering in a low voice: "Damn it, why is this guy?"

The gray moose’s tone made Shi Xiong turn his head curiously. After seeing the guardian’s questioning eyes, the gray moose immediately explained in a low voice: “This is the leader of the Red City Alliance and also the leader of the Crooked Ears Tribe, Jorak. Lulu is a very unreasonable guy. But the strength of the tribe is strong, and he has been the leader of the Red City Alliance for five or six years, so no one wants to offend him."

Although the gray moose is more stubborn and has deep prejudice against the Chekasha, it is undeniable that this guy is really a good person. Even when the high tree tribe held a high-level meeting last time, he angered the stone bear, and in the end he was reprimanded by Hongyun, and was punished for a year of reward, but this veteran still respects the guardian very much. .

Shi Xiong can also understand what the Grey Moose, an veteran warrior with extremely high prestige, thinks. The man was getting old, and he was asking for less, and his children died at the hands of the Chekasha, so Shixiong had no other opinion about the veteran soldier.

"Uncle Grey Moose, isn't this Joe Lakrulu doing something wrong with our tribe? I think this guy's expression seems a bit wrong." Shixiong asked in a low voice.

The gray moose nodded, "Their Crooked Ears tribe is the most powerful tribe in this area, and it is also one of the most powerful tribes of our Cherokee tribe. According to the verbal agreement that year, this area should be their Crooked Ears tribe. The sphere of influence, of course, as a price, they will also be stationed in the west all year round, which is the first line of defense against the Chekashas. But then the high priest led the tribe to come here, and stationed here, so the Tribe Tribe They have lost jurisdiction over the area we occupy. But there is no way they can drive us away. After all, this is the place chosen by the High Priest Kabru himself. So..." The gray moose shrugged. On the shoulder, he made a "do you understand?" expression.

When the grey moose said this, Shi Xiong understood what was going on.

This should be after the Cherokee moved south to Monongahela, and then dispatched the powerful tribes of the tribe, just like a great official in the frontiers. These powerful tribes have great autonomy, but they must be responsible for the safety of the entire tribe.

Powerful tribes like the Crooked Ear Tribe fall within the scope of this tribe.

The Cherokees drove away the Chekashas, ​​but the Chekashas did not give up, always finding fault with everything, so the powerful outer ear tribe was assigned to this area.

It is worth mentioning that the Outer Ear Tribe is called "Tanasee" in Cherokee, which is the West Tennessee. Later, after the founding of the United States, the state was named after the crooked ear tribe, Tennessee.

The name of Tennessee is actually named after the Crooked Ear Tribe. This is enough to prove how powerful the Crooked Ear Tribe is in this area.

However, no matter how powerful the Crooked Ears tribe is, they can’t make sacrifices to Kabulu. Therefore, including the Gaoshu Tribe and more than a dozen small tribes that have been separated from the surrounding area, they have become an enclave within the jurisdiction of Crooked Ears .

Because it is the line of the noble Kabru high priest, even the Crooked Ears tribe can't help it. I can’t control it-how? This is the line of the most noble Kabru high priest in the entire Cherokee tribe. Even the current Cherokee chief has to be respected and quiet when he sees the high priest. Fight and dare not fight—just kidding, if the Crooked Ear Tribe dared to take action against the High Tree Tribe, the other tribes of the Cherokee tribe could join hands to destroy the Crooked Ear Tribe without the High Tree Tribe’s counterattack.

Therefore, for the Crooked Ears tribe, the vein of High Priest Kabru is entrenched here, it is really like a throat...

It's strange that people from the Gaoshu tribe can give a good face.

Naturally, Hongyun would not come to meet him in person. The entire Cherokee tribe, except for the chief and the current high priest, others are not qualified to let Hongyun, the Kabru high priest, personally greet them. Even the highest leader of the Red City Alliance or the White City Alliance does not have this qualification.

As the current tribal leader of the Kabru High Priest Tribe, Bigfoot, the task of meeting this Chora Krulu naturally fell on him.

Although the leader of Joracrulu looked unhappy, when he saw Big Feet wearing a five-color feather headdress came out to greet him, he barely squeezed a smile on his face.

Because the high tree tribe has just changed its leader, Chora Klulu does not recognize Bigfoot. But this kind of five-color feather headgear cannot be faked. There is only one person who can wear this headgear, and that is the leader of the tribe.

And because the High Tree Tribe is the Kaburu High Priest Tribe, Bigfoot is even taller in identity than the leader of the Crooked Ears Tribe, Chora Klulu. If it weren't for Chora Klulu, he also served as the highest leader of the Red City Alliance. , Bigfoot doesn't even have to come out to greet him in person.

Bigfoot obviously also knows Joe La Krulu, who is the title of the head of the Crooked Ears tribe ~ ~ means "river **** messenger" in the Cherokee language. When the Cherokee tribe was still living in the Great Lakes area, the Crooked Ears tribe was located beside the St. Lawrence River, and they have always lived by themselves as messengers of the river god.

After moving south to the southern Appalachian Mountains, the Crooked Ears tribe stationed next to the Cumberland River near the Great South Fork, and it was worthy of the title of "Emissary of the River God".

Chora Klulu took twenty warriors on their horses, who looked majestic.

However, the tribesmen who are accustomed to seeing war horses don’t feel much about this formation. It’s funny. Major Hank, who just came here some time ago, brought 30 mares to the tribe. Now there are war horses in the Gaoshu tribe. More than 110 horses, this number is even more than the number of war horses owned by the royal court of the Cherokee tribe.

The warhorse that was precious in the eyes of the Cherokee tribe in the past now looks the same in the eyes of the Gaoshu tribe.

I had hoped that the people of the Gaoshu tribe would be shocked by the so many horses that he had brought, but Qiao Laklulu was keenly aware of the indifferent expressions of these people of the Gaoshu tribe.

This made Joe Laklulu very depressed, and a face that had just begun to smile was quickly pulled down again.

After going through the etiquette of meeting with Bigfoot, Chora Klulu said with a blank face: "Boss Bigfoot, I am entrusted by the great Chief Junnaruska to come here this time. It is important to do. Consultation, but this is not a place to talk. Can we find a quiet place to have a careful chat?"

Bigfoot nodded with a gentle smile, and then waved his big hand. The greeted crowd immediately scattered around, guarding the 21 royal court visitors to the tribe. The necessary etiquette is still not to be lost...

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