Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 174 Time, Fate!

"Then that's really good news."

"I waited for this news for ten years."

Morgan looked at Gandalf and smiled, and then he took the tall wooden wine glass in front of him and gulped it down in one gulp.

These extremely low fruit wines are no different from alcohol-flavored beverages to him now.

"Waiting for ten years?"

Hearing Morgan's words, Bilbo couldn't help but wonder: "Morgan, what equipment did you ask Thorin to forge for you that took so long?"

"Aren't the forging skills of the dwarves very good?"

Bilbo asked, looking at Morgan and then at Gandalf.

"The skills and abilities of dwarves in forging are indeed the best among the Middle-earth races."

"Morgan, what did you let Thorin and the others forge take ten years to forge?"

Gandalf pondered for a while and then said, looking at Morgan, who was opposite, with the same doubts: "I'm curious too."

Morgan didn't mention this in front of other people, and it was normal for them not to know.

Morgan picked up the bottle again and poured himself a full glass of fruit wine before continuing: "I dived into the water and took a lot of things from the dragon Smaug."

"You have eaten the meat of the dragon."

"And the horns of the giant dragon, you have seen it too."

"And some scales ripped off Smaug."

"I gave Thorin the horns and scales of the dragon."

Morgan ate as he spoke, his appetite now getting bigger.

Today, in order to get to Bilbo's house as soon as possible, he hadn't eaten anything except for a little jerky in the morning, so he came to Bilbo's house for a feast to get his stomach full.

"Those things can really be used to forge armor and weapons?"

Morgan's voice fell, and Bilbo immediately continued to ask suspiciously.

He had seen similar claims in adventure novels before.

But adventure novels are just fiction, not the same as reality.

"Well, there is such a saying, but in fact, the material on some monsters is far less hard than steel, so there is no meaning to use it for forging."

Gandalf finished smoking a bag of cigarettes, knocked on the cigarette rod and continued: "But the dragon is different. Since ordinary arrows can't hurt it at all, it means that the scales on those dragons are comparable to steel."

"And Morgan faced it head on, certainly better than us."

Gandalf said and looked at Morgan and smiled.

That's true, unless those materials are much harder or lighter than steel.

Otherwise, there will be no meaning and value for forging.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Morgan smiled: "I just saw that the scales and horns were hard enough to give them to Thorin to try."

"I had lost hope, and I almost forgot."

"I didn't expect that it was actually forged by Sorin and the others."

"Speaking of which, I really want to see what the equipment forged with the scales and horns of the dragon looks like."

Morgan said with a smile.

At this moment, Frodo's voice came.

"Then Uncle Morgan, do you have any news for Raven to bring back?"

Frodo went to the table, looked at Morgan and asked, "It's almost full."

Several people looked at Frodo's expression, obviously he was having a good time with the messenger raven.

Morgan nodded thoughtfully and said, "Of course there is."

"Forget it, I'll talk to the raven."

Morgan put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and looked at Frodo: "Where is it?"

"Just in the hall, eating corn."

Frodo laughed at the question of the raven.

As soon as he said that, he went to the hall.

Morgan followed, and his mind immediately turned at a high speed.

He was present when Gandalf interrogated Gollum in the Woodland Kingdom last year.

Knowing that Gollum had just escaped from the Orcs of Mordo before he was caught by Aragorn.

At that time, Modo should have known that the Lord of the Rings was in Bilbo's hands.

According to the plot in memory, the team of the Ringwraiths sent by Sauron, the great devil of Moda, to find the Supreme Lord of the Rings is probably already on the way to Shire at this time, and it will be there soon.

I don't know if Gandalf will leave temporarily to verify the authenticity of the One Ring.

In short, Morgan could not leave at this time.

Frodo will be the next ring-bearer, and he must follow him in order to make a breakthrough in his systematic exploration progress.

However, the weapons and equipment entrusted to Lonely Mountain Thorin Oak Shield forging are ready.

If you want to escort Frodo next, you will face all kinds of dangers, and equipment must be taken.

But how do I get it so that I won't delay my trip?

Soon, something seemed to come to Morgan's mind.

In the hall, the black raven was still almost full, picking corn kernels from the plate.

I didn't feel scared when I saw Morgan coming.

Morgan walked over to Raven and stretched out his hand. Raven naturally jumped onto Morgan's arm.

Morgan quickly said the news that he was going to bring to Lonely Mountain in Raven's ear.

The raven then jumped onto the dinner plate to quickly peck the remaining corn kernels, then spread its wings and flew out of the bag end hole from the gate, quickly disappearing into the night sky.

Morgan and Frodo went back to the long table.

The four continued to eat and chat.

But it didn't last long.

Bilbo was too old to stay up late drinking with Morgan and Gandalf as he used to.

When the night begins to darken.

The four people in Bag Di Cave quickly turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Early the next morning.

When Morgan woke up, it was already bright outside.

This night, Morgan slept well.

Been out and about for several months.

No matter how self-disciplined he is, he still overslept today.

When he got up, Bilbo and Gandalf Frodo got up together.

“Good morning Uncle Morgan”

"Morning, Frodo"

After saying hello, Frodo walked quickly outside with a large bag.

Today is Bilbo's one hundred and eleventh birthday celebration.

Frodo, as Bilbo's adopted heir, is sure to be busy.

When Morgan came to the kitchen after washing up.

Bilbo was preparing breakfast.

Gandalf sat at the table in the middle of the kitchen, smoking and drinking tea.

Seeing Morgan coming, Bilbo laughed immediately: "Morgan, sit down for a while, breakfast will be ready soon."

Morgan nodded and sat down at the dining table. After pouring himself the fragrant black tea, he took out his oak pipe, filled it with shredded tobacco, and started smoking.

The two were puffing up the clouds, before a bag of cigarettes was finished.

Bilbo brought three plates full of food.

Fried eggs, sausages, mushroom bisque, and good white bread.


"Finally done."

Bilbo sat down at the table, exhaled and laughed.

Morgan put away his pipe, took a big gulp of the boiling hot soup, cut half an omelette into his mouth, chewed a few bites and swallowed it, looked at Bilbo and asked, "You're leaving after the birthday celebration? "


Hearing Morgan's words, Bilbo couldn't help but nod his knife and fork in his hand, "Sure."

Bilbo said, putting down the knife and fork in his hand, looked at the two old friends in front of him and said, "Maybe it's because I'm old, I really want to see the mountains again."

"Then find a quiet place and finish the rest of my writing."

"What about Frodo, are you going to tell him?"

At this time, Gandalf answered, took a sip of the black tea at hand, and continued: "He has begun to doubt you."


Bilbo nodded, and immediately said, "He's from the Baggins family, not a stupid kid from the family."

"Frodo loves you very much."

Gandalf continued.

When the voice fell, Bilbo fell silent immediately, before nodding and saying softly, "I know."

"As long as I speak, he will definitely follow me."

"But in my opinion, he must still be deeply in love with the Shire Homestead."

"Love the green trees, the grass, the streams, everything here."

Bilbo spoke softly, looking out the window at the woods with mixed eyes.

"I'm old"

Bilbo sighed and turned his eyes back to the two old friends in front of him.

Gandalf is fine because he is a wizard.

But Morgan was still so young that he envied him.

It's just that Bilbo knew that envy would not come, so he continued: "I need a vacation, a long vacation."

"And, I'm not going to come back."

Bilbo shook his head softly, in a lonely voice.

Listening to this made Morgan and Gandalf feel a little uncomfortable.

Time is always the most ruthless.

"Don't talk about that, Morgan, you've passed by for many years, and you still don't look like an ordinary human being so young?"

Bilbo turned and looked at Morgan and asked.


"This, I really don't know."

Hearing Bilbo mention this, Morgan smiled helplessly and shook his head.

He can still be so young after 60 years, and he can't think of any other reason other than the system.

But these can't be told to others.

"Morgan should have the blood of the Dúnedain"

Hearing Bilbo ask Morgan this again, Gandalf laughed immediately and continued: "Black hair, far beyond the lifespan of other humans."

"He could only possibly belong to the Dúnedain."

"I just don't know if Morgan is a descendant of some prominent blood."

Gandalf cut a piece of sausage with a knife and fork and put it in his mouth, looked at Morgan and continued to smile: "You really forgot your parents, don't you plan to investigate your identity?"

When the three of them got together before, they talked about this many times.

Morgan also spoke to Gandalf, Bilbo, about his body's parents.

[Numenore: also known as "Dendan" and "Dunedan", the most noble human race in Middle-earth, with a lifespan more than three times that of ordinary humans]

Hearing Gandalf's teasing, Morgan could only shake his head.

There are very few memories of the original owner's parents in his body.

I just remember that I was pulled up by my mother at the beginning.

And the original owner's father, when the original owner had memory, was already dead.

Later, the mother died of illness.

The original owner wandered around in a local tavern to support himself.

"Wait, the original owner's father"

Suddenly, Morgan's heart moved slightly: "In my memory, the original owner's father seems to have died of illness."

"Thinking about it this way, then it is possible that the original owner was the so-called Dúnedain?"

"After all, he himself doesn't know the specific reason why he can live so long without getting old, and he just doubts the system."

Thinking of this, Morgan frowned immediately.

This is not good news for him.

It's just that now is not the time to think too much. Looking at the two gossiping people in front of them, Morgan smiled and shook his head: "It's not important anymore."

Listen to Morgan reluctant to talk about this topic.

Gandalf and Bilbo are no longer mentioned.

"It's been a long time since I fished."

"After eating, the three of us will go fishing together?"

At this time, Bilbo, who was eating, suddenly looked up at the two old friends in front of him and said, "How is it?"

Gandalf was helpless: "Bilbo, today is your birthday celebration."

"The celebration is at night, and it's still early."

Bilbo didn't care, and looked at Morgan: "What do you think, Morgan?"

Morgan stopped his knife and fork and said, "Let's go together then."

"After the separation this time, I don't know when we will fish together next time."

"that is."

When Morgan's voice fell, Bilbo immediately laughed: "I'm so old, I don't know if there's a chance next time."

"Let's go, I'm full"



The light group in the sky that day completely disappeared from the horizon.

The sky started to get dark.

On an open, broad green meadow not far from Bilbo's Bag End.

Flashing lights are already on.

Tents, banners, streamers, music, dancing, tables, wine barrels, all kinds of food, and tons of smiling hobbits.

Bilbo's birthday celebration begins.

Almost all the Hobbit families in Hobbiton brought their families to the scene of Bilbo's birthday party.

There was jubilation at the scene.

Young Hobbit boys and girls sang and danced to the music.

The older ones are sitting at the dining table and have already started to eat and drink.

Morgan and Gandalf were sitting at one of the tables, drinking ale and eating dried fruit, chatting with each other.

As for Bilbo, the host and birthday star, he was sitting in front of the small stage in the square at this time, surrounded by a large group of children, listening to him tell adventure stories.

Time passed slowly.

At this time, several hobbits carried a huge cake into the birthday party.

placed in the center of the venue.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Bilbo stepped onto the plaza stage and began to speak.

Bilbo stood on the stage with a blushing face and kept saying something, and the hobbits below the square also cooperated very cooperatively.

There was a lively atmosphere at the scene.

But in such a lively banquet hall.

As Bilbo spoke, he suddenly disappeared from the square in plain sight.

At this moment, Gandalf's eyes widened instantly.

Morgan, who was on the side, laughed. Bilbo, as he remembered the plot, played everyone in the banquet hall once.

At this time, aware of Morgan's strange expression, Gandalf turned his head and asked, "Morgan, you don't seem to be surprised by this?"

Morgan nodded. "Bilbo once performed in front of me."

Gandalf: "Then why didn't you mention it to me?"

Morgan: "You didn't even ask!"

Bag Bottom Hole.

When Bilbo opened the door, humming a little tune, and entered the living room.

Looking at the two tall figures sitting in front of him, he couldn't help but startled.

"Do you think this trick is very clever?"

Gandalf said unhappily.

Bilbo was delighted: "Did you not see their faces Gandalf?"

"Ha ha."

"There are many magical rings in this world, but you can't use them casually"

"I was just joking"

Bilbo happily began to pack up his salute.

Gandalf kept talking.

Morgan sat on the bench, watching the two bickering, leisurely smoking a pipe.

After half an hour.

Bilbo is gone.

In the living room, Morgan and Gandalf looked heavy, each sitting on a bench smoking a suffocating cigarette.

On the carpet not far in front of the two of them, a pure gold ring was lying quietly there.

At this time.

The door of Bag End Cave was suddenly pushed open from the outside.


Frodo walked quickly into the living room and saw the golden ring lying on the ground at first sight.

So, he naturally reached out and picked it up.

this moment.

Morgan and Gandalf both widened their eyes.

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