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Chapter 247 The New Carbon Universe

The current temperature of the universe is about 300 million degrees Celsius. Photons dominate the energy form of the universe. In this new universe, because the energy of photons is too huge, not many atoms have even been formed.

It would take at least 10,000 years for the density of matter to catch up with the density of radiation, and from then on the nascent universe and its dynamics would be dominated by matter.

It will take at least 300,000 years for the universe to be mainly composed of gaseous matter, and gradually condense into denser gas clouds under the action of self-gravity, until stars and star systems.

"At that time, the first generation of stars will be formed, the first generation of stars without any metallic elements. After the first generation of planets go supernova, the remaining elements will appear."

The penultimate image describes that any black hole that sends a "black hole broadcast" is a "bridge" to the newborn universe.

As long as you jump into a black hole like the Green Star people did, and through the protection of a small universe, shoot into the black hole at a special speed and angle, you can complete the directional jump.

But the last picture looks very strange. It depicts a planet moving at high speed near the black hole.

This planet may be some kind of unique high-tech product...

Zhang Ran's fists were clenched tightly, and he even held his breath. Could it be that there are silicon-based enemies coming to attack...the battle for the black hole?

The number of black holes connecting the newborn carbon universe in this way should not be too small...

He took a deep breath and threw these random thoughts behind his mind: "Everyone, according to the prompts of this broadcast, a new carbon universe and a brand new home seem to be before our eyes, right at the end of the universe we are in now. back?"

"Of course, the word 'backside' may not be exact. Anyway, it is near the universe where we are currently."

"Is this news true or false? I ask you to analyze the results as soon as possible. This involves the future of our humanity!"

Soon, many think tanks in the conference room started thinking hard about this information.

Professor Huo from the Observatory was the first to raise the topic: "According to the description of this piece of information, the space turbulence that blew us here was generated after the birth of a new universe. The amoeba that the Blue and Gold Era Alliance encountered was also This news was revealed..."

"The last space turbulence was probably caused by a high-level civilization. It seems that it has been planned for a long time to bring us here."

"But isn't this new universe a bit too violent for our human civilization?"

"Even if we jump through the black hole, the environment inside is not something we can bear...the temperature inside is as high as 300 million degrees, which can decompose almost all matter."

Yes, this question is important.

In the battle with Devourer, humans used a large number of hydrogen bombs to heat the internal temperature of a small universe to 5,000 degrees Celsius, and even photons overflowed.

But the temperature of this newborn universe is as high as 300 million degrees, which is not an order of magnitude at all!

Less than three seconds later, Huo Dong made another expression of realization. He patted the table hard: "I understand, it cannot be ruled out that the transition process of a black hole takes a huge amount of time."

"By the time we jump to our destination through the black hole, the newborn universe has cooled down. Just like the Green Star people, one jump took 500 million years. Our jump may also take a huge amount of time."

"Hundreds of millions of years later, the newborn universe evolved into the second generation of stars. We should be able to survive by that time."

"The first-generation stars were formed within tens of millions of years after the Big Bang. Since carbon and heavy elements did not exist in the early universe, the first-generation stars became the oldest bright matter. In the second-generation star age, metallic materials already appeared, but everywhere Visible gamma ray bursts could still easily destroy life on the planet."

"But the new universe 500 million years from now will not be a problem for us. We are already the third stage of cosmic civilization and can withstand the attack of gamma ray bursts."

"If this information is true, our chances of finding a new home will be greatly improved!"

This passage has aroused the imagination of many people. A new universe contains endless possibilities.

It is still in a state of growth, with dense cosmic strings and massive resources... maybe some new physics can be discovered?

Of course, the risk of this matter is very high. Without real and accurate information, few civilizations will inexplicably jump into a black hole like the Green Star people, and it is naturally impossible for humans.

This is only possible if we have to develop to at least the fourth-level civilization, or even the fifth-level civilization stage.


In addition, the black hole 0.42 light-years away is a bit far away for humans, and it will take 250 years to complete this voyage.

Human beings have never completed such an ultra-long-distance voyage.

Soon another person pressed the talk button, Dr. Xia Yu from the Observatory.

"Dr. Xia, please tell me."

He was equally excited, but said with a hint of doubt: "Everyone, I observed that in the first image, before the Big Bang began, there were some very strange abstract small circles drawn near the singularity... I can't distinguish these at the moment. What are the small circles? I’m wondering, do they represent higher-order civilizations?”

This statement has aroused widespread interest.

Zhang Ran also looked at the first image. The appearance of these small circles actually looked a bit like the M-196 that the Green Star people had encountered?

It is indeed not a simple circle, but also has some kind of special texture inside, just like the texture of a chip.

Thinking about it this way, there is indeed some unexplained meaning in it...

Dr. Xia continued: "If these small circles do represent the existence of higher-order civilizations, then is the emergence of this carbon universe man-made? Is this carbon universe so close to us? Is it caused by these higher-order civilizations? A brand new home created by man?"

He made a few gestures and explained: "According to our universe theory, our current gravitational wave telescopes can actually only observe a small part of the high-dimensional universe, and the most observed ones are black holes."

"Black holes are divided into two types: ring and singularity. Ring black holes are the kind of structures that can travel through space, similar to wormholes."

"There is no singularity in a ring-shaped black hole. The Green Star people jumped from the ring-shaped black hole."

"Can I think that the black hole that sent the black hole broadcast is also a ring black hole?"

"As for singularity black holes, all matter entering the black hole will gather toward the singularity. At the singularity, the pressure is infinite and the matter is infinitely shrunk."

"Our gravitational wave telescope can prove that black holes can exist stably in the high-dimensional universe... Therefore, perturbing a black hole at a certain singularity may really lead to the Big Bang."

One expert couldn't help but ask: "But it's not that easy to cause a big explosion at a singularity and a universe to explode, right?"

Dr. Xia paused and nodded: "Of course it's not easy. The principles are unknown, at least to us humans. Because all the physical theorems at the singularity will lose their full effect, all of our current No known law can describe what will happen at the singularity."

"In addition, even if a new universe is generated, according to the probability distribution, the majority of universes will be of the fourth type, that is, universes in which only hydrogen atoms can exist."

"The probability of directly generating an identical carbon universe is almost zero! Yes, almost zero! This is the main reason why I think the newborn universe is artificial."

"A carbon universe has already appeared in our area, how could another one appear? The probability is too small."

"So I think that the final war has already begun. Don't take any chances, either choose to jump into the black hole, or... in short, be fully prepared for the battle."

The room fell into silence, everyone was thinking about Dr. Xia's analysis.

"According to our theory, the probability of the birth of a carbon universe is very low, less than one percent of that of a silicon universe. To create a carbon universe requires long-term planning and preparation, and requires extremely large and high-quality exotics. point, it may take hundreds of millions of years to prepare.”

Dr. Xia was filled with emotion when he said this. Human beings are so lucky to have enjoyed the fruits of 500 million years of hard work by advanced civilizations.

But human beings are not strong enough yet... far from it. Whether they can survive this disaster is still a question. Thinking about it makes people full of sorrow.

"But even if this carbon universe is really man-made, what does it mean?" asked a government official. "This kind of civilization that can create the universe is much more powerful than us. Will these high-level civilizations receive us in a friendly manner?"

"I don't quite understand why the other party would send this kind of broadcast. When the gap between the two sides is sky-high, what difference does it make if we are there or not? Is it because we are the same carbon-based life form?"

"Is it even possible that it is a trap created by silicon-based civilization?"

The Ministry of Security official's concerns were not unreasonable, and Zhang Ran was also thinking about the possibility of a "trap."

Black hole broadcasts like this, as long as it is a civilization with sufficient technical strength, can be broadcast to the outside world in large quantities. If it is really some kind of bait created by the enemy... If humans go there rashly, they will definitely die!

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