Start a Subspace

Chapter 221: Jelly Captures Phantom Body

In the midst of a discussion, everyone expressed their opinions.

"Either the other party is really at the end of his rope..."

"If this is fake news, it doesn't make any sense other than alerting us, does it? Except it makes us busy...From a logical level, it doesn't make much sense to deceive us."

Zhang Ran frowned tightly. No matter how he thought about it, he felt very strange, and could even be described as inexplicable. The two sides did not have any friendship, or even any communication...

Why did you suddenly send a deposit and ask humans to send troops?

At this time, everyone got news from the translation department.

"Your Highness, we have translated a paper on magnetic field perception, which has been reviewed by relevant professors. These experts preliminarily believe that magnetic field sensing can be used in human-computer interaction, providing a new way of thinking, regardless of the correctness of the article. Or not, this new way of thinking alone shows that the value of the paper is very high, it can be said that it is the level of the founder of a new field!"

"Anything about neurons and intelligence is invaluable!"

"There are still quite a few scientific papers to follow... This deposit is very generous, perhaps beyond our imagination!"

"Technology at the level of the founder of the mountain?!" Zhang Ran swallowed.

In the next ten minutes, he received messages from several scientists, and even a phone call from Lin Qiuyue, who believed that the other party's papers were of high value, and that there was an idea about artificial intelligence that was quite novel and worth learning from. The place.

However, it was this generous deposit that made him feel a subtle sense of uneasiness, and the urgency became higher and higher.

This hot potato is like magma...

Is there any civilization that is willing to send scientific papers casually, or very valuable papers?

Think about it in another way, is the human side willing? Of course I don’t want to. In the previous earth era, countries did not share high-tech and cutting-edge technology, and there were still situations where each other got stuck.

But now, a civilization without any friendship has sent a lot of valuable technological civilization.

The only possibility is that the other party is about to die, and asking for help from strangers is the last straw for the other party!

This also means that the strength of the ghost body may exceed human imagination.

Thinking of this, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Let alone helping each other, human beings have not found the so-called "ghost body"!

If human beings can't bear it by themselves, what's the point of getting a temporary deposit? Humanity itself is going extinct.

"It's a bit difficult..." Zhou Chengfeng, who had been sitting on the seat, also sighed, and analyzed a similar result, "There is nothing wrong with asking for help from our side."

"Because they really can't find any other good way, and seeking outside help is the only reliable way."

"But if we don't help, we can also reap all their inheritance. Wait, that's not right..."

It was Guo Weiqiang who spoke, he was stunned for a moment, and seemed to think of something: "If we choose not to help, we have to fight against the robot army controlled by the ghost body to get this inheritance. We can't even use a high-yield hydrogen bomb, because a With the hydrogen bomb, all heritage is destroyed."

"We don't know what the combat strength of the 'ghost body' is, and we may not be able to securely dominate the opponent."

Zhou Chengfeng immediately shook his head: "No, our technological system is not stable... We may not be able to fight electronic warfare on the Internet."

The human science and technology system is completely picked up. After less than 10 years of development, there are still many basic things that have not been thoroughly understood. This point, people are well aware. In particular, some upgrades at the software level are limited to the size of the population and the number of talents, so it is not easy to do.

However, at this moment, everyone's discussion stopped abruptly, people looked in the same direction in unison, their pupils dilated, the large central screen shook a few times and then... stuck for a few seconds.

The network is down!

Even if it was only paralyzed for a few seconds, it aroused the highest vigilance of human beings.

This is the central supercomputer, and it was paralyzed for a few seconds, even though it seemed that all functions were normal...

Zhang Ran's heart was beating wildly, and he immediately pressed the highest alarm button, and said loudly: "Stop talking about this, the most urgent thing is to find the ghost body! Find that suspected thing!"

"Otherwise, we ourselves will be completely finished and become a pile of interstellar legacy!!"

"Enable backup computer!"


with the highest alert

The war between humans and ghosts has officially begun!

The Internet of Dongfang Panshi was urgently cut into more than 1,000 local area networks, and the gate to the subspace was also closed. The universal factory and the Kunlun Mountain shelter in the subspace are the core of human civilization and the most important thing. There must be no loss. Once captured by the ghost body, human beings will have no chance to resist.

I have to admit that the reminders from unknown civilizations have given humans more time to prepare, and the extra few hours have simply become life-saving straws.

At least physically dividing it into more than 1,000 LANs is already an excellent means of preventing electronic intrusion.

No matter how powerful the "ghost body" is, it can only be conquered one by one LAN, which gives humans more time to investigate.

But no matter how the military searched, they were completely unable to find out what the "ghost body" was.

Some scientists even believe that it has no entity at all. But do inanimate creatures really exist? Is it pure energy life? Dark matter life? These things are completely beyond human cognition.

In this way, more than 40 hours have passed since the first local area network was paralyzed, and the human side still has not gained much. The number of conquered LANs exceeds 400, that is, 40% of the network has fallen!

All experts are looking for ways to fight against this kind of network attack, such as large-scale DDOS attack, which is the most simple and crude way of network attack.

The soldiers were responsible for powering off the computers and conducting physical checks.

Most of the combat droids are also shut down, and a physical power outage leaves no chance of rebellion.

But after the power is cut off, human beings' own reconnaissance and combat capabilities will be greatly reduced.

The small universe of an unknown civilization is slowly approaching. In this situation, the decline in combat capabilities is obviously a very dangerous behavior.

"The ghost body... is completely inexplicable, and it does not know how to invade the network. Even if the other party is identified as a strong artificial intelligence, it is possible."

Many network security experts sweated profusely and gave corresponding evaluations. This enemy is really paradoxical and uses all machine language. That is to say, sending the digital command composed of "0" and "1" defeats the human side.

It is very difficult for humans to understand complex commands composed of "01" codes!

Time passed by, and when I heard that there was no progress, and even retreated steadily, the red-eyed Zhang Ran sighed, and then what should I do next? Will the entire area of ​​Dongfang Panshi be powered off?

As long as the power is cut off, no matter how powerful the ghost body is, it can't control humans, right?

It should... only be able to control machines, right?

Subspace... No matter how powerful the creation ability is, there is no way to deal with this kind of network level things.

It was at the time when this idea came up that a report came from the front, and an expert... died suddenly!

"What?" His pupils dilated slightly, and even his voice couldn't help but amplify a few decibels.

"I don't know if it was an accident or a ghost body. But the professor is usually in good physical condition. He took part in the physical examination in the hospital last month and has no brain diseases."

This information scientist in his fifties was still struggling on the front line one moment, but suddenly died suddenly the next second.

Even if the cause of sudden death is not known, this phenomenon has already triggered collective panic in the expert community. People are afraid of death, especially when they see their colleagues die inexplicably.

This news is really terrible. The "ghost body" can actually kill people through unknown methods. Each of these experts is more precious than gold, and the death of one is a loss for all mankind.

Zhang Ran clenched his teeth, there is only one way now, all computers are powered off! Let these experts withdraw to the subspace, and then only guard a small number of movable areas, and then see if the so-called ghost body will "take the bait".

"I can't believe there really isn't any entity!"

"Drip" The next second, the communicator rang again, and he didn't dare to neglect it, so he quickly connected it.

"Your Highness, Jelly found something very strange, something smaller than a grain of rice." It was Sakurai who called, and her tone seemed urgent, knowing that this is not the time to joke, "It sneakily Playing with this kind of rice grains there was discovered by me."

"This rice grain will still move, it will still move!"

"Bring the jelly here! Bring it here immediately!" Zhang Ran immediately got up and ran to the outside of the office. Sakurai's office was not far away.

"Are these rice grain-sized things ghost bodies?"

"I don't know yet."

"Hurry up and send Jelly to the information center, where the members of the expert team are concentrated, let it protect... Wait, let Jelly find these things, find them all!"


Jelly seemed a little aggrieved, it was the ones who found these things, but now they were snatched away, the body as big as an elephant was rolling, and there was a bit of resentment.

It's just a kid the size of an elephant.

And these rice grain-sized things seem to be real living creatures, after being captured by jelly, they are wrapped in a rubber-like body.

People don't know whether these rice grains are so-called "ghost bodies", but use the robotic arm to control the tweezers, carefully pick them up, and put them into a special glass dish.

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