Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 344 Bismarck and Little Prince William

Not only was William IV teaching his wife political calculations, but far away in Berlin, the Kingdom of Prussia, there was also a scene where a great politician was teaching political lessons.

And surprisingly, the course is almost identical.

Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck was a teacher, and his student was not his wife, but the 9-year-old Prince William, the only grandson of King William I of Prussia.

Bismarck gave an example. In the autumn of 1850, when Buck ran for re-election as a senator in Berlin, he was strongly challenged by the mayor of Berlin, nicknamed the Happy Angel Deleus.

He said he remembered that during that campaign, Buck often told the story of a rural voter whom he had summoned weeks before the election, only to find out that the voter actually wanted to vote for Berlin. Mayor Deless, not himself.

Senator Buck reminded the farmer of the many things he had done for him during his years as prosecuting attorney, country judge, congressman, and senator.

He also quoted Buck as saying.

“I remember how I fought to have the road built all the way to your farm, and how I helped you get to Berlin to visit you in the army you served in when you were wounded in the war.

After you retired, how did I help you go to the Veterans Department to obtain welfare benefits for you? For example, I arranged loans from the bank for your farm. When your farm was damaged by a flood, I How to help you get relief money.

How could you even think of voting for my opponent, Dres? "

Buck screamed at the farmer in anger and confusion, "I bet you remember all the things I've done for you."

Bismarck asked little William: "How do you think this farmer from Berlin would answer Senator Buck?"

Little Prince William thought for a while, "Did the farmer feel guilty because of his move, so he changed his mind and switched his vote to Senator Buck?"

Bismarck shook his head and said: "No," the farmer said with a stern face and replied unhurriedly: "Yes, I still remember, but what have you done for me recently?" "

Little Prince William stared at Prime Minister Bismarck with wide eyes and asked in confusion: "Is the farmer crazy? He doesn't understand how to repay his kindness, and his heart is eaten by a dog?"

Bismarck shook his head and explained to the young Prince William: "This mentality is very common among all Prussian voters. They tend to base their decisions on recent events rather than on what happened in an earlier period of time. , to judge whether the person they selected is loyal to them and competent.

Remember, smart politicians will always show their loyalty to voters from time to time, just like sending a small Christmas gift, which can also maintain a personal or business relationship. Without such expression, each other's Relationships will evaporate as a result. "

Little Prince William nodded as if he understood. Prime Minister Bismarck also knew that to fully understand this, this age group must not be able to do it.

He was just doing a preventive indoctrination.

But what he didn't know was that the moment William lowered his head, his eyes were full of fear.

The old and the young look very harmonious from a distance, just like grandfather and grandson.

However, no one would have imagined that more than 20 years later, the two people would have a falling out. After little Prince William succeeded to the throne, the first person he would deal with would be the old man in front of him who taught him politics step by step.

Even Optimus Prime, who pushed Prussia to its peak, only acknowledged that his allegiance was to William I until his death. He despised him and made preparations before his death to refuse the national funeral that Prince William planned to hold for him. You can imagine how bad the relationship between the two was.

Little William put on admiring eyes, raised his head and looked at Bismarck, and asked: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I have heard my grandfather and father say a lot about the Netherlands. Recently, I heard that they are very worried about each other. I also heard that the Netherlands has been talking to Prussia recently. The kingdom is actually competing in the Commonwealth of America in North America. I don’t understand why the Netherlands dares to compete with the great Prussia?”

Bismarck's eyes flashed, "You really want to know?"

Little Prince William nodded hurriedly, "Of course I am eager to know my identity, and this is something that any Prussian should want to ask."

Bismarck smiled and said: "Because Prussia is not strong enough?"

Prince William: "It's not strong enough. The newspaper said that the Kingdom of Prussia overwhelms the Netherlands in terms of population, economic aggregate, and military. Of course, we also admit that the Netherlands' navy is stronger than ours, but our two countries Given the territorial border, I don’t think that if Prussia attacks the Netherlands, it will need to use the navy of the Kingdom of Prussia. Because of this, I don’t understand that the Dutch dare to confront Prussia head-on, and even attack the French Empire when they know this situation. Take action, Your Excellency Prime Minister, is the Netherlands overestimating its capabilities? Aren't they afraid of being attacked by Prussia and the French Empire from the north and south, and completely occupying them?"

"You think so?" Bismarck asked.

"Isn't it possible?" Little William asked.

"Yes, yes, but invading the Netherlands will face huge resistance, but whoever invades first will need to face accusations from other European countries. The most fearful thing is,"

Bismarck said worriedly: "The most fearful thing is that if the Netherlands is tied up in their territory, as time goes on, other countries will see opportunities to take advantage of it. Little Prince William, do you think it is like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the French Empire, and the Tsarist Russian Empire?" , of course, and the British Empire across the sea, will they let go of the countries that dismembered us and restored the German Confederation that we just annexed?"

"But, are we going to let the Dutch provocation go? This is really unacceptable," little Prince William said angrily.

Bismarck looked at the future heir to the Kingdom of Prussia in front of him. Looking at him, the idea in his heart grew stronger.

He secretly said: "Compared with his father, Crown Prince Frederick, who is pro-British, he is more suitable for William I's succession to the throne. If he is raised from an early age, then the anti-British policy should be able to continue in the future."

Bismarck thought of the plans he and William I had made to explore Europe over the years.

They would never allow Crown Prince Frederick's pro-Britishness to undermine them, causing his and William I's plans to ultimately fail, and they had to find a way to continue the policy.

Looking at Prince William, Bismarck's eyes lit up: If William I directly passes the throne to Prince William, then their plan can continue, and the great Kingdom of Prussia will definitely become the greatest country in the world in the future. However, little William is still young at present, so he is not in a hurry.

Immediately, when he taught little William, he was more attentive than before. However, what Bismarck didn't know was that his idea would become the main reason why little Prince William turned against him in the future, and Xiao He failed in the end. Xiao He became the main reason for the failure of his plan.

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