Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 308 Another international organization attacks France

As the International Committee of the Red Cross released relevant data, pointing to the massacres caused by the French Empire in the Far East, voices emerged from all over the world condemning the inhumanity of the French Empire. The image of the French Empire suffered the greatest damage in history.

Although the French Empire, from Emperor Napoleon III, Prime Minister Olivier, to ordinary people, tried their best to refute that the relevant tragedies were caused by the French Empire, and many of the data against this report were fabricated, many people believed it. .

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom stood up and asked France to stop committing murders, reduce the continued occurrence of human tragedy-tragedies, and make the French Empire a responsible country, not the other way around.

The Queen's request was strong and reasonable, which immediately gained the recognition of many international people and gained a wave of image points. The positive image of Britain's status as a major country was further consolidated.

William I of the Kingdom of Prussia also expressed his stance towards the powerful neighboring countries in the south. He called on Napoleon III to show the spirit of chivalry and make due contributions to European peace. He said that as the French Empire’s largest continental neighbor and largest As a trading partner, the Kingdom of Prussia will not easily impose sanctions on the French Empire.

However, the Kingdom of Prussia could be a righteous voice for those who suffered.

Therefore, he will continue to use normal communication channels with the French Empire to influence the correction of the French Empire's foreign policy, hoping to make Prussia a neutral communication bridge between the world and the French Empire.

Seeing this, many people couldn't help but secretly curse Prussia's evil intentions. Such an operation by William I had obviously determined to defeat all the countries in the world that were fighting against France. Prussia would not offend either side and was obviously prepared to gain from both sides. profit.

This is a typical situation where you fight against you, and I just reap the benefits brought by the position of the neutral country.

Seeing this, even Alexander II of the Russian Empire, who had not expressed his position on this for a long time, joined the ranks of William I, and both parties chose not to offend.

The attitude of these neutral countries is like this, but other countries participating in sanctions, although they want to imitate these two countries, but since they have become the opposite of the French Empire, they use this data to loudly lash out at the French Empire, but this time they did not hold back.

Because the data released by the International Red Cross Society attracted world attention, on August 14, 1867, when the Director General of the International Red Cross ElBaradei was about to give a press conference that day, he was criticized by European newspapers and American newspapers. Journalists came in large numbers to actively participate.

At a press conference in Amsterdam that day, Director General ElBaradei called on the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam to start a one-week humanitarian ceasefire on the Catholic feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Feast of the Assumption of Mary (every year on August 15). Civilians can safely leave conflict areas, and the International Red Cross and its global partner member states can deliver humanitarian aid to conflict areas without any obstacles.

On the same day, Director General ElBaradei spoke to arriving reporters in front of the statue "White Doves of Peace Surrounding the Red Cross" at the headquarters of the International Red Cross Society in Amsterdam, saying that the International Red Cross Society is preparing to send donations to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the Kingdom of Siam, and Tak Mao, Takeo, Sihanoukville, Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Cham, Stung Treng and Pakse and Saravan in Laos are sending humanitarian assistance teams to the war-torn areas. Among them, these The team comes from all over the world, including people from the North and South of America, as well as peace-loving people from South America. He even equally arranged for one member from each country to participate in these activities according to the nationality of European countries. Able to represent a wider range of international perspectives and voices.

He said the ceasefire should be a moment "to unite to save lives and promote dialogue."

ElBaradei said that the humanitarian temporary ceasefire will provide the necessary conditions for the completion of two major tasks, namely, the safe evacuation of all civilians willing to leave the conflict area under the coordination of the International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross;

The temporary ceasefire will also make it possible for the International Red Cross and corporate partners to safely deliver humanitarian aid to civilians in the hardest-hit areas, such as Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville.

ElBaradei said that currently, of the 8 million people in the Kingdom of Siam, 1 million people in conflict areas in Cambodia and Laos are in need of humanitarian assistance. This number is expected to double to 200 by the end of August as the war continues. In the past few weeks, about 200,000 people have received assistance, including many people in the eastern war zone. "I call on the French and Siamese to silence the sound of gunfire and artillery, as many people are facing direct threats." Risk takers, forge a path to safety.”

The International Society of the Red Cross will contribute to a broadly representative team.

Therefore, this time, Napoleon III initially intentionally did not allow the International Red Cross Society to enter the areas occupied by the French Empire in the Kingdom of Siam. However, the country was very concerned about clarifying the "reputation" of the French Empire. Therefore, when it was learned that Napoleon III was prepared to reject the request, After Lardy's appeal, voices from all over the French Empire tried to pressure Napoleon III to agree. In the end, Napoleon III reluctantly agreed to the International Red Cross's request.

He agreed to a one-week ceasefire starting on August 15, and will arrange for the International Red Cross to enter the war zone and participate in humanitarian activities within the next week.

How do the French Emperor Napoleon III and Prime Minister Olivier understand the current situation in France?

Luxembourg's "European Times", the world's most influential newspaper, published an article saying that for Napoleon III, economic sanctions and attempts to isolate the French Empire were planned by the French Empire's long-term opponents to deal with the French Empire in an attempt to weaken the French Empire. Part of the offensive is just a move by other countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to maintain and seize their global dominance and enhance their interests.

Napoleon III said that the French Empire was very friendly to the Kingdom of Siam, but it was just unwilling to see the Kingdom of Siam fall into the hands of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands step by step, become their doll, and become part of their strategic hegemony in the Far East.

The French regard the Kingdom of Siam as an equal partner of the French Empire. The reason why France does this is because the French Empire needs the Kingdom of Siam to be more independent in its international sovereignty, rather than being restricted and controlled by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

"Our great goal is to rescue them from the control of both countries."

The British and the Dutch used the Kingdom of Siam to be hostile to the French Empire for their own benefit. The British and the Dutch were not prepared to fight directly with the French Empire, but they continued to provide the most advanced weapons to the Kingdom of Siam until they defeated all the people of the Kingdom of Siam. All dead.

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