
The Golden Cat Pope glanced at the Black Dragon playfully, and then said: "Even if you don't join our Cat Temple, you can still come and sit here with us..."


The black dragon opened and closed its mouth several times to refuse, but under the threat of the golden cat Pope's eyes, it did not dare to say what was in its heart, so it could only nod in agreement with a flattering look.

The Cat Temple is located in a canyon with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a rapid river flows through the valley.


Suddenly, a dull explosion came from the river.

"The fish are coming, the fish are coming!"

Amidst the sound of flowing water, a black dragon suddenly emerged from the water, and all the river fish in its mouth sprayed onto the grass on the shore along with the spray of water.


"Meow meow meow meow!"

Before the river fish fell to the ground, a group of cat people with different hair colors rushed up, picked up live fish and ran around, constantly avoiding the chasing and snatching of their companions.

Although these cat people will also fish near the river, their efficiency is obviously not as good as that of the black dragons who directly rush in to fry fish.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The black dragon screamed and climbed ashore, picked up a few cats, hard-shell crabs and turtles, put them into his mouth and chewed them.

"Meow meow meow?"

The cats scrambled and made a fuss for a while, then got close to the black dragon's body.

I looked at the ferocious appearance and scales of the black dragon with great curiosity, and listened to the nonsense of this little black dragon who lay lazily by the river and basked in the sun every day and liked to brag.

"I think I was just born out of my shell, and my body length was less than one meter. It immediately caused a shock in the world. The heaven and earth wanted to kill me! The flames of endless destruction were added to me, and the reality of the law of the gods wanted to imprison me..."

"I jumped left and right and rushed out!"

"...Xiao Long, I traveled across the Battle Plateau in the north, killed the snow monster gatekeeper, and faced the legend of the orcs. I have never been defeated. I can be said to be invincible and lonely!"

"Recently, I eliminated the powerful demon rat monster in the dungeon that wanted to destroy the world, chatted and laughed with the white cat angel who came to the world, and beat the white cat paladin to the point where he was unable to fight back..."

"Longsheng is lonely!"

"Finally, if it hadn't been for the kind invitation of the beautiful gold-haired cat Pope, this dragon would not have condescended to come here as a guest..."

The little black dragon closed its eyes and boasted crazily, not noticing that the cat people around it had quietly dispersed, and there was also a shiny big cat wearing a golden crown floating above its head.

"These kittens are really difficult to teach, they can't even be praised!"

Feeling that the usual compliments and cooperation were missing, the little black dragon suddenly opened his eyes and found that the golden cat Pope had floated in front of it, looking at it with bright eyes.

Oops, what should you do if you are caught bragging?

The black dragon stared at the golden cat Pope with a sly expression.

"Say, keep talking, why don't you stop talking?" The big golden cat looked at it expressionlessly, with emotion and anger unclear on his face, "Weren't you pretty good at talking just now?"


"Say, what are you talking about?" Heilong coughed a few times and looked around, showing an innocent expression, and began to pretend to be dumbfounded, "Yawn, I was sleeping just now, and I must have said some strange sleep talk. Lord Pope, you don't have to worry about it... …”

The black dragon rambled for a while and then began to change the subject: "Your Majesty the Pope, why did you go out in person today?"

The Golden Cat Pope could not speak, and the Black Dragon said with a look of realization: "I understand, I understand!"

Black Dragon made a beautiful turn and wanted to dive into the water: "Xiao Hei, I will go into the water and fish for the Pope!"



The golden cat Pope meowed in confusion, then suddenly coughed dryly, and called the black dragon with great difficulty: "Otto, come back first. I came to see you today because I have business to do!"


The black dragon jumped 180 degrees on the spot, jumped back and asked:

"What's going on? Do you want Xiaolong and me to go into battle? Is that despicable white scumbag Jack trying to usurp the throne? Hmm... if that guy dares to be detrimental to the Pope, I will definitely help you kill him!"


The Golden Cat Pope stopped the black dragon's random thoughts and sow discord, and immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense, you come with me!"

The little black dragon followed the Golden Cat Pope with an honest face, still thinking about various conspiracies and tricks in his mind.

Jie Jie Jie, the weakness of the kittens has been caught by the black dragon. As long as they continue to be corroded by small fish, these cats will never escape from the black dragon's grasp!

When the time comes, I will win over all the cat people and directly turn my back on the guests. Maybe I can suppress this golden cat under me and become the Dragon Pope of the Cat God Sect!

"Ah, don't eat me!"

"The black dragon is too smelly, it's all bones and no meat..."

The little black dragon was having a sweet dream sadly, and suddenly found that it followed the Golden Cat Pope to a golden cat-headed building. The entrance of the huge ferocious cat mouth shocked it, thinking that it had something in its heart. The ruse is out.

"No making noise in front of the Cat Temple!"

Several golden cat guards holding spears looked at the black dragon with eager eyes and yelled!


The little black dragon shook his head, quickly regained consciousness, and quickly entered the cat temple following the golden cat pope in front.

The Cat Temple is built in a huge stone mountain. The interior of the stone mountain is completely hollowed out. Tunnels extending in all directions lead to different areas. According to the information Black Dragon used big river fish to get from some well-informed cat people's uncles, the location of the Cat Temple Underground, there seems to be a passage leading to the underground city suppressed.

While the golden cat pope who was walking in front was not paying attention, the black dragon suddenly took out his poor belongings, a magic map obtained from the cat witch, and secretly injected magic power into it in order to peek inside the cat temple.

I heard that the Cat Temple has gathered the wealth of all the cat tribes. If it could get a fucking vote, wouldn't the little black dragon's belongings jump up like a "whoosh"!

While the black dragon was concentrating on studying the passages in the Cat Temple, it didn't notice at all that the golden cat Pope had appeared above it again, watching its every move with burning eyes.


Just when the black dragon couldn't help but laugh triumphantly, the Golden Cat Pope's staff suddenly hit the black dragon on the head with a "dong dong dong".

"Little Black Dragon, what tricks are you thinking of?"

The words of the Golden Cat Pope rang in the Black Dragon's ears like thunder, making the Black Dragon tremble all over.

Its dark golden eyes rolled around a few times, and said with great reluctance: "Ha, it's nothing, it's nothing... Dragon, the dragon is just looking at the road, looking at the road..."

"Haha, are you just watching the road?" The Golden Cat Pope smiled and did not refute it, "You little dragon, just take care of yourself."

"I have already learned about your experience from Lily. You also contributed to the Black Devil Cross... I invite you here today just to allow you to participate in our purification ceremony!"

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