
An ancient creature that has been sleeping for at least 100,000 years has finally been born!

At this time, hundreds of miles away.

This long-dormant lifeform is at least a supreme life of the demi-saint level!


The Southern Heaven Sect Master's eyes were full of horror as he stared at the forbidden land of the Southern Heaven Sect, looking at the giant-shaped primeval creature with crimson skin.

He could feel it.

The other party's body emanated from that boundless majestic momentum!

This is an extremely terrifying ancient being!




Have no bottom!

Even if they were hundreds of miles apart, the Nantian Sect Master could still deeply feel the endless coercion emanating from the other party's body.

This momentum...

Definitely at least a half-saint!

As for whether it is a true ancient saint?

This is not something that the Southern Heaven Sect Master can judge.

All he knew was.

Such an ancient and powerful being was far from something he could try to offend.

The other party has even a wisp of murderous intent...

It is very likely that he, the half-step king, will be killed on the spot!

In the face of this kind of existence, the half-step king who can stand on the top of the Beidou is extremely fragile, small, and insignificant.

"A creature like this..."

"I think I've seen it from some ancient books. "

The Nantian Sect Master was furious, trembling and thinking in his heart.

The terrifying power transmitted from hundreds of miles away made him feel at all times that his life was not under his control.

If we face the ancient existence of the hierarchy...

He doesn't think so.

He was able to maintain a standing stance.

"It's the primeval race!"

Suddenly, the Southern Heaven Sect Master's pupils shrank slightly, and his face changed drastically.

As a contemporary sect leader of the ancient Dao system, and even more so, a supreme cultivator who has cultivated to reach the half-step king technique, the Southern Heaven Sect Master's insight and experience are naturally not shallow.


When he saw the crimson giant that was ten meters high, the Southern Heaven Sect Master immediately recognized the identity of the other party.


He couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and the hands and feet of the Nantian Sect Master were cold.

He recognized it.

This is definitely the ancient race creature that has long since disappeared!

Once in the primeval years, the horrific race that used the human race as rations!

Before the Terrans completely ruled Beidou, these primeval creatures were the overlords of Beidou!

And the Terrans...

At that time, it was just a weak ration.

In that extremely dark era, no emperor of the human race was born.


The Terrans can only be reduced to the fate of being used as food rations by the primeval race.


The first emperor of the human race was born, so that the human race avoided the fate of being used as a ration by the primeval race.

But, even so.

The horror of the primeval race is still deeply remembered by the human race.

Countless ancient books handed down from the primeval period all record the terrible and ferocious nature of the primeval race.

This is the greatest enemy of the Terrans!

Never die!

It's racial hatred!

"A creature that has been sleeping for at least 100,000 years is actually a creature of the primeval race from the primeval period?

"This, this!"

That is to say. "

"A creature of the primeval race that has reached at least the level of a half-saint has been hidden in my Southern Heavenly Sect for at least 100,000 years?"

Thinking of this, the Southern Heaven Sect Master only felt a burst of creepy.

If the other party is born early...

Then don't they have to finish playing in the Southern Heaven Sect right away?!

I can't imagine it!

This moment.

The Southern Heaven Sect Master realized it in hindsight.

What a terrifying catastrophe their Southern Heavenly Sect has been accompanying for 100,000 years!


For 100,000 years, this primeval creature of at least half-saint rank had not been born.


This is a blessing in misfortune.

"An ancient creature of at least half-saint level, if you want to kill on a large scale, I'm afraid that my Southern Heavenly Sect won't be able to stop it in an instant!"

"It only takes a moment..."

"The entire Southern Heavenly Sect will be wiped out!"

"The primeval creatures are terrifying. "

"And according to rumors. "

"Every primeval race has an innate hostility and hatred towards the human race. When you encounter a human race, you will immediately fight without saying a word, with the main purpose of killing the human race. "

"Most of the primeval race are homicidal. "

"If this primeval creature sleeping in the fragments of the South Heavenly Gate comes out in advance. There was no doubt that the Southern Heavenly Sect would inevitably become the first target of its destruction. "

The Southern Heaven Sect Master's throat was dry, and he was deeply frightened in his heart.

It's horrible!

I never dreamed of it...

It turned out that the creatures sleeping in the fragments of the Nantianmen turned out to be the extremely ferocious primeval race in ancient times!

When he learned the truth, the fear in the heart of the Nantian Sect Master was infinitely magnified.

"A humanoid primeval race..."

"It's at least four or five times larger than the Terrans!"

"The skin is red, and there are two black horns on the head..."

"I haven't seen this primeval race in ancient books. "

The Southern Heaven Sect Master observed the Ancient Race creature hundreds of miles away.

Because the primeval times are too far away from the present.

At least a million years in time.


There are many descriptions of the primeval race, but in fact they are very obscure and incomplete.

The fact that the Southern Heaven Sect Master was able to recognize that what was in front of him was a primeval race creature, which was already a very difficult thing.

As for wanting to identify the other party's ethnic origin and identity?

It's almost impossible.

"Can you handle this kind of existence, my lord?"

"Come on..."

"It's definitely not a problem!"

"With that adult's terrifying cultivation, it couldn't be easier to kill a demi-saint-level primeval race creature. "

"After all. "

"That lord of the Su family, but the supreme taboo existence above the saint!"

Thinking about this, the panic of the Nantian Sect Master eased a little.

The creatures of the primeval race are truly terrifying.

The overlord race that was able to treat the Terrans as rations back then...

Naturally, it's not an idle person!

But don't forget.

The lord from the Su family is even more terrifying than the saint!

No matter how strong the primeval race in front of him was, it would never be comparable to the Lord of the Su family.

"The primeval race..."

"What a dangerous and terrible group of life. "

"If there is no Lord today, perhaps, this primeval race will be enough to wipe out our Southern Heavenly Sect, and even wipe out all the human races within a radius of tens of millions of miles. "

"But the question now is..."

"With the taboo of the Su family here, how can you tolerate a creature of the primeval race to go wild?"

The Southern Heaven Sect Master breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


He suddenly felt some sorrow and pity for that primeval race.

At least the primeval race creatures of the half-saint level are indeed very terrifying.

It's a pity.

I chose the wrong time period for my birth!

Awakened in front of the forbidden being and born?

Isn't this looking for death?

"This primeval race is going to be cold!"

"No matter how strong its strength is, it can't be able to turn over any big waves in front of that adult. "


"Judging by its current expression, it doesn't seem to know how terrible that adult is. "

"Does it really think that its strength can overwhelm the world? Do you really think that our human race is still a weak human race in the primeval period?"

"If it still thinks so, then I have to say. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Next, it may face a desperate battle!"

"Nightmare despair!"

The Southern Heaven Sect Master had a prediction.



When he saw it clearly.

That ancient race creature who had just woken up from his slumber had the audacity to try to provoke Su Xuanji with a confident face...

See this scene.

The throat of the Southern Heaven Sect Master was dry, and he opened his mouth, unable to speak for a while.

He was completely confused.


What's going on?

What's to be done?

The operation of this primeval creature...


Is this dying fast enough?

What is this operation?

Someone else took the initiative to find death?

I'm afraid this primeval creature hasn't been asleep for too long.

Got your brain asleep, didn't you?

Lose your marbles!

This primeval creature is simply insane!

Does it know what it's going to do right now?

Does it know...

What kind of taboo is it trying to provoke?

"This primeval creature, it's afraid that its brain will be broken. "

"I've slept for 100,000 years, and my brain has gone crazy?"

"It's a provocation to a taboo that is more terrifying than a saint?"

"I'm afraid it still thinks..."

"Is this era primeval? Is it still the overlord of Beidou?"

"It's cold!"

"It's cold!"

The Nantian Sect Master looked at the scene in front of him in a daze.

He saw it clearly.

The ancient race creature who had just woken up was trying to constantly provoke the taboo of the Su family with words!

Isn't this looking for death?

Do you really think that a half-saint can be invincible Beidou?

Are you kidding!

Even if it's a saint!

A true saint of the ancients has been born!

In front of the adult, he is also as fragile as a chick.


Who gave this primeval creature such the courage to show off in front of that adult?

"If this primeval creature didn't have these superfluous operations, I feel like it would still have a way to live. "

"But now..."

"It's gone!"

"Even if the primeval race revives en masse, it will be difficult to save its life. "

"In the presence of the Lord, no being can save it. "

If it was in front of that primeval creature now, then the Nantian Sect Master would really want to say a word to the other party.


You're cold!

You've provoked a supreme taboo!

With your half-saint cultivation alone, I'm afraid you won't even be qualified to carry shoes for that adult.

"Courage is commendable..."

"I hope later, when you die, you won't be too ugly. "


Next to the huge stone monument.

The newly-born primeval creature was wrapped with an extremely terrifying aura, and the power belonging to the saint completely exploded, unconcealing the violent and exuberant power in his body.

Between heaven and earth, the laws turned into lines and pulled out.

Wrapping around its body, it sets off its current figure with extraordinary majesty and otherworldliness.

An ancient, powerful, terrifying aura emanated from its body at all times.

This is a terrifying force!

A thought of the saint...

You can kill the king of the way!

And the half-saint, although not as powerful as the saint, can already initially pull the holy path law between heaven and earth, and let the law descend to the supreme power.

If a demi-saint wants to kill a monk of the rank of a Dao Slashing King, it is simply not too simple and easy.

At this time.

The body of this primeval creature was surrounded by a terrifying aura that belonged to a demi-saint.

Even if it is a king of the Dao, if he stands here, he will kneel on the ground and tremble.

This is a Half-Saint Rank primeval creature!

A creature of the primeval race that has been sleeping for at least 100,000 years!


It's much older.

It's even very likely to be from primeval times!

It may also be related to the ancient heavenly court in the mythological era.

All in all.

In its body, there are countless secrets!

And this is also what Su Xuanji is curious about it.

If it weren't for the curiosity in my heart...

Then hit from the beginning.

This primeval creature has no chance of survival!

And will, he was directly wiped out by Su Xuanji with a wisp of killing intent.

Wipe it out completely!

"Terran ants..."

"Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

"Get down on your knees at once!"

"I can forgive you for your rude behavior (Qian Zhao's) just now!"

The crimson-skinned primeval creature stood beside the stone tablet, a pair of scarlet and demonic eyes full of tyranny, and two black horns on its head, with a domineering momentum.

Standing in this space, it is like a pillar of the heavenly dome standing up to the sky!

An incomparably majestic and ancient powerful aura erupted from its body.

Like a majestic and untouchable mountain!

After waking up from its slumber, the first creature it saw was naturally Su Xuanji, who had been staying here quietly.

Right now.

It was looking down on all beings with a pair of arrogant eyes, as if it was looking at a small and insignificant ant, and looked down on Su Xuanji condescendingly, looking very arrogant, strong, and domineering.

It's innate arrogance!

The pride that comes from the blood flowing in the body!

It is even more contemptuous and disdainful of the human race by birth!

"I don't understand what you're saying. "

After listening to what the primeval creature said, Su Xuanji had a strange expression on his face.

Language barrier!

Can't communicate!

The language spoken by this primeval creature must be the lingua franca of the primeval period.

And now.

This era is already in the late stages of the wilderness!

The time gap between the two sides may be more than a million years!

Since times have become completely different.

Thousands of languages have evolved.

For a while, Su Xuanji was unable to communicate and exchange with the other party.

This is a huge generational struggle that spans millions of years.


No matter how much Su Xuanji said at this moment, he was purely just playing the piano to the cow.

The primeval creature in front of him didn't understand it at all.

"Forget it. "

"The first priority is to take you down first. "

"Then, think about these tedious things slowly. "

Su Xuanji glanced at this primeval creature lightly, and whispered to himself expressionlessly.

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