After listening to Tongzi's words, she savored it for a while and understood.

It is estimated that the child in Wu Jieyu's belly either has a problem and cannot be born, or the child is fake, if it can be born, it is estimated that Xiao Moxi's head can be green and shiny.

Suddenly I thought of something again, and couldn't help but complain about the system, "Tongzi, it's all your fault, give me the whole man with so many wives, and so many wives have slept with me, so I have to worry about whether his other women will get pregnant, you see that there are so many things happening now." [

Ah...... This, well, I won't find you this kind of in the future, it's okay to find you all innocent beautiful men, right?]

System Xiao Yingying jumped in that panda skin.

Jiang Ruyi said with satisfaction: "Yes, hehe, Xiao Yingying, you are the best." "


Wu Jieyu's temperament is not easy to get along with, and now because she has a death-free gold medal in her stomach, she is even more domineering in the harem.

Seeing who is unhappy, they will beat people or punish them at every turn, so that many people go to complain to the emperor to no avail.

Because Xiao Moxi would only give a few verbal warnings, and did not give any punishment.

After all, how can she say that she still has his prince in her belly, although she is dissatisfied with her behavior, it is not easy to punish her.

But Wu Jieyu didn't know, she thought that the emperor was very conniving with her, so her style was even more arrogant, and those who went to complain to the emperor were even worse, and she took revenge again.

And Jiang Ruyi, whose appearance made Wu Jieyu jealous, was inevitably affected.

Jiang Ruyi didn't want to quarrel with them, so he basically didn't go out on weekdays, but he couldn't push it off when he went to ask the queen for peace on the first and fifteenth days of the new year every month.

In the queen's palace, he was ridiculed by Wu Jieyu several times, and he didn't see the queen or anyone else help him, and even fell into the ground.

Leaving the queen's palace, she caught up with her on the way back, "Sister Jiang, why are you going so fast? "

Wu Jieyu. Jiang Ruyi saluted her slightly, but Wu Xueru's face immediately changed.

"Come on, press Jiang Changzai down to the palace, but you can't salute, so let's kneel here for an hour. Someone

immediately came to press Jiang Ruyi on the bluestone slab on this road.

She couldn't resist, so she could only be pressed down and kneeled, and she also signaled to Mian'er who wanted to stop her with her eyes not to act rashly.

"Jiang Chang is here, you just kneel here, if you want to blame, blame you for seducing the emperor with this charming fox. After Wu Jieyu finished speaking, she twisted her waist and walked away.

It's really aggrieved, ahhh!!h

Jiang Ruyi is about to go crazy, but in this royal society, it is really not a good choice to rebel against people with higher status than himself.

has been complaining to the system in her heart, and Tongzi can only comfort her bitterly.

She was like an angry bag, and she took Mian'er to kneel on this bluestone road for an hour before staggering back to Chuxiu Palace.

also received a lot of eyes from those people passing by, which made her lose face.

She will definitely take revenge for this revenge.

She couldn't stand the pain in her knees, and even took care of her by Lan'er, and Mian'er was ordered by her to lie on the bed to recuperate.

Suddenly, the system and Jiang Ruyi said: [Host, I can buy props with pain-relieving effects.] ]

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