Lu Wei was talking to Li Xiang about the crops in these greenhouses, and outside, Boss Fang had already arrived. As soon as his car was parked in the parking lot, he rushed towards the No. 1 greenhouse.

"Brother Lu, Brother Lu, I'm here, haha, I really can't imagine it, your greenhouse is going to be picked so soon, it's really fast, it......'s fast."

"Boss Fang, come on, come and have a look, you see, these beauty cucumbers, come, I'll pick one for you to taste, and these horn-sharp green peppers, they will be out of the garden soon, otherwise, you see, if they grow any longer, they will be old......."

"Okay, okay, I'll take a breath, take a breath, even if I haven't tasted this cucumber yet, but just look at the neatness on this shelf, like a parade honor guard, I know that this cucumber must not be wrong, this is too Peugeot, too good-looking......".

Lu Wei picked a cucumber casually and handed it to the boss. The boss took the cucumber in his hand, checked it, looked back and forth again, stretched out his hand and touched the cucumber, and then opened his mouth and took a bite.

"Oh, no, is this really a cucumber? Why is it so juicy, oh my God, how does it feel like biting into a potato chip, it's so crisp that it cracks a little bite? God......

As soon as I heard the boss of this party say that the cucumber was so brittle that his teeth broke, Lu Wei, as well as several big beauties on the side of the live broadcast, laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their waists, I really didn't expect that this bad old man, black humor was quite authentic......

Unexpectedly, the footage of these big beauties laughing was captured by the live broadcast, which caused the entire live broadcast room to not shake, and those who stared intently were simply stunned, and their backhand was a string of gifts to brush out ......

After taking a bite of the cucumber, the boss of this party was like a hanging, as if he didn't have time to chew it, and after a few clicks, he ate the cucumber cleanly, and while eating, he couldn't help but hum and chirp in his mouth.

"Mr. Lu, Boss Lu, this cucumber, hum, it's too delicious, and it's not even a dregs, it's so delicious!" Lu

Wei looked at this boss and laughed vigorously, he didn't know if this boss was deliberate, or acting, anyway, he couldn't escape from the fact that he was very involved in the play, and he ...... too into the play

Lu Wei picked two more cucumbers and took them, picked another green pepper from the green pepper tree on the side, followed the boss, and walked out of the No. 1 greenhouse. They walked on the asphalt road towards their Hongqi car.

Li Xiang didn't come along, he knew that Lu Wei was going to talk to Boss Fang about business, and he followed him, what a hindrance.

Two people, one left and one right, got into Lu Wei's car, and Lu Wei turned on the air conditioner. And Boss Fang is still immersed in the super refreshing experience of this beauty cucumber.

"Brother Lu, I have tasted and seen these cucumbers, yes, they are quite outstanding among the cucumbers I have seen. In this way, I will give you twenty yuan a catty, and I will arrange for the car to come and pull it early tomorrow morning, as many as you want, how do you think?"

"Okay, Boss Fang, it's okay, what about this green pepper, this taste is also very good, I specially picked a few at noon, and went back to fry it myself and ate ......."

"It's okay, wait a minute, I can pick a few myself, take it to the Dongmang Estuary River Fresh Restaurant and fry it, it must not be said, the taste should be extremely delicious, yes, this sheep's horn tip green pepper, whether it is the appearance, or the appearance, are all first-class and one has nothing to say, I will give you ten yuan a catty, how much to want, It is also early tomorrow morning, I will arrange for the car to come and pull the ......."

"Okay, no problem, then I'll arrange workers for the start, and prepare to start picking ...... tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Brother Lu, this greenhouse is ten acres of land, if there is no delay in the middle, tomorrow morning, you can finish picking out the car, okay, that's it, let's go to the greenhouse to have a look, by the way, pick a few for me and I'll take it back ......."

The business went more smoothly than expected, and the price given by the boss of this party made Lu Wei a little surprised. This should be considered a sky-high price, and I don't know how this boss markets this crop, anyway, he can eat it, and he must have the ability to sell it.

"By the way, I saw it, the raspberries transplanted in the past, it seems that it won't take many days for the fruit to ripen, Boss Fang, you have to be mentally prepared, this time, the yield should not be small......

"Oh, that's okay, no problem, I'm always ready here, these raspberries, I've been looking forward to it for too long, haha, it's finally about to leave the garden, it's great, it's great, it's great, the flavor I ate before, now that I think about it, I still feel good......."

Lu Wei and Boss Fang laughed at each other and walked into this greenhouse. Those big beauties are still eating cucumbers and playing live broadcasts. Lu Wei walked over and shouted at them as he walked.

"A few beauties, early tomorrow morning, our No. 1 greenhouse will start picking, remember to come early......."

"Wow, really, then I must come, hehe, it's really cool to play here, eat and play, and help pick, haha, it's really comfortable......."

"By the way, Boss Lu, you have to take care of our food, look at it, in this live broadcast room, they are all asking where to buy these beauty cucumbers, and this sheep's horn tip green pepper is also, God, it's too late to answer ......."

"It's for sure, hehe, you can go outside the greenhouse to rest for a while, and I'll see if this fruit corn can be eaten ......."

As soon as the boss heard about it, the fruit corn also rushed over. Lu Wei found a corn tree nearly two meters high, this corn tree, like the others, has two ears on the left and right, and the ears are bulging and look very full.

"Boss Fang, look, this fruit corn is almost time to pick, the seeds are almost there, in this greenhouse, it seems, there are tens of thousands of plants, if you pick them together, it is estimated that it will take a big cart to pull it out, do you want to come and pull it together tomorrow?"

"I look at this corn, tsk, I can't imagine that this most ordinary thing, as soon as it reaches your Brother Lu's hands, it seems to be reborn, completely changed, this corn kernel is really full, wow, a soak of water, look, it has splashed on my face......." The boss pinched a grain, and the splashed juice really spread out, like an arrow shot.

"Brother Lu, I looked, these corns, the cobs are quite long, the grains are really full, you see, the one I peeled out, there are no empty seeds at all, God, these corn kernels, it seems that they are still glowing with gold...... Okay, I've found another baby."

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