Doesn't that destroy his relationship with his wife?

Therefore, Zhou Tianze approached Mu Qing.

whispered in her ear.

"This matter can't be rushed."

"Let them figure it out for themselves!"

"Just out of the five in our family, which one do you think I can handle?"

Mu Qing thought about it carefully, and she really felt that the five of her family were really incapable of being the masters of ordinary people.

The five of her family had extraordinary knowledge, and ordinary people simply didn't look down on them.

This Chen Ying was slapped by An An just now.

Mu Qing thought about it for a while, and felt that maybe she was too anxious.

The older one is only twenty-five or sixteen years old, so it seems that he can wait.

She thought so, and glanced at a few children again, and she didn't care about it.

Anyway, after they have someone they like, they will definitely tell her.

Mu Qing thought about it and figured it out.

At the dinner table that followed, the atmosphere became even more harmonious.

The five children also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it's not that they don't want to find a life partner.

Just after seeing their parents' love, they have become very picky about love.

And Mu Qing didn't know that the relationship between her husband and wife could also affect the mate selection criteria of several children.

She... invisibly raised the standard.

Chapter 723

noisy siblings

A few children stayed at home for a few days and walked around with Mu Qing for a few laps.

Then, the noise was noisy and wanted to go back.

It is said that the little girl he met on the shore some time ago seems to be in trouble, and he wants to go back to the hero to save the beauty.

He couldn't let his comrades get the first move.

Mu Qing only thought he was joking and didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, this child has liked a lot of girls from childhood to adulthood, but he just didn't have any results with any of them.

It's like a child playing a house, but it's gone in three or five days.

Mu Qing prepared a lot of good things for Nao Nao.

Because the child has been complaining about the lack of food at sea for the past few days.

If you want to eat a good meal, you are still dozens of nautical miles away from the ground.

Hearing this, An An naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to laugh at it.

"Who did you not work hard when you were studying, and now you have become a salted fish, who do you blame?"

"Zhou Huanyan, who are you talking about salted fish?"

After listening to the commotion, with a dissatisfied "Teng" sound, he stood up from the chair.

"Don't make fun of others when you think you have little success."

"Even if I am a salted fish, I will turn over in the future."

"How could someone as good as me be salted fish all the time?"

"At least I have to come back with the title of Overlord of the Sea."

"Return to the Overlord of the Sea? Are you still the King of the Sea?" An An rolled her eyes in disdain.

"What about the sea king? At least it means that I am popular, and I am better than you, an old girl who is over 25 years old."

"You will be 26 for the New Year, and you will be 27 or 8 in the blink of an eye. In two years, you will be 30."

"Old girl!"

"Jiang Huanran, don't argue with me."

"The people chasing me in the hospital all lined up from the hospital to the outside of the hospital."

"I don't despise their ordinary people. Whoever is like you wants to pick a flower."

"You don't let people see or pick flowers when they grow. What are you doing with them?"

"Do you think it is autistic, or is it content with itself?"

"Mom, look at your little son, you should educate him well, scumbag."

"How could we have such a bastard in our family, shame?"

"Who said it was shameful?" Nao Nao was also angry.

"When you were my age, you didn't accomplish anything, but you were born three years earlier than me."

"What are you pulling? It's not cute at all."

"Mom, look at your eldest daughter."

"You taught her how to be sensible, rational and elegant."

"Learn from little sister, little sister is so well-behaved!"

"It's like she's like a big trumpet, with thorns all over her body, chatting all day long."

Nao Nao was also very angry, and only said so many words in one breath.

How long has it been since he came out? He was asked to do this or that. He is a god.

Mu Qing couldn't help but smile when she saw the two children were arguing.

"Noisy, don't always make your sister angry, she is a girl and should be protected a lot."

"You forget that every time you get sick, it's not your sister who calls you first to tell you how to take medicine and how to deal with yourself."

"My sister also likes you very much."

"The two of you may not be very compatible in character, but this does not hinder the relationship between the two of you."

Mu Qing's words are very reasonable.

Even this little naughty noise can be heard.

"Mom, I see, I'll just let him be a little bit next time."

"I'm a manly man

Husband, don't care about him. "

Nao Nao quieted down, and Mu Qing turned to look at her eldest daughter again.

Ann is also a wonderful girl.

She probably followed Yuanyuan and Kangkang since she was a child, so this little girl has a little boyish temperament.

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