Seven Crowns

Chapter 50 Easy and comfortable goals

In the first half, Lu Wenbin was successfully cleared, which made Guiyang Experimental No. 3 Middle School more determined to continue to fight back and win the championship in the second half.

Anyway, they have a goal, and it is Meijiang Middle School who should be anxious. If they can seize an opportunity in the second half and score a goal on the counterattack, the game can end early.

Guiyang Experimental No. 3 Middle School plans to continue playing like this in the second half.

Therefore, after a 15-minute rest, Guiyang Experimental No. 3 Middle School continued their defensive strategy in the second half of the game, while Meijiang Middle School had to continue to be organized by Lu Wenbin to conduct a positional attack.

However, during the intermission, Zhang Minghai adjusted his tactics.

Although Lu Wenbin still relies on Lu Wenbin to break through to attract the attention of the opponent's players and then pass the ball out, it is not the player who catches the ball after the pass and shoots directly.

Lu Wenbin can still use his excellent off-ball running ability to find space, and then if the player who catches the ball is not sure about his shot, he will pass the ball back to Lu Wenbin again, and Lu Wenbin will complete the final blow.

Lu Wenbin, who runs without the ball after passing the ball, will not be marked by so many people, and may get better opportunities.

Zhang Minghai's adjustment made everyone's eyes shine, and Lu Wenbin took a high look at this seemingly unimportant school team coach.

Zhang Minghai finally showed what a head coach should do, instead of just waiting for Lu Wenbin to lead the team to victory, and then he was praised by Principal Cai.

Therefore, in the second half, although the positional battle of Meijiang Middle School still looked the same as the final stage of the first half, the core idea of ​​​​the tactics has actually changed.

In the first half, Lu Wenbin saw that Han Dapeng and others had a gap and a good chance. After passing the ball, he just waited for them to shoot, and then it was up to their luck.

At the beginning of the second half, after Lu Wenbin passed the ball, he did not stand and wait for his teammates to shoot, but began to use his ability to run without the ball to quietly find gaps.

Although there are too many people in the penalty area, it is difficult to find a space, and Lu Wenbin's off-ball running ability is only 8/8, but Lu Wenbin is still working hard.

All came to the finals, and he didn't want to fall before the finish line.

He must qualify for the National Finals.

The players of Guiyang Experiment 3 did not notice this change, because on the surface it seemed that the tactics of Meijiang Middle School were still similar to the second half of the first half.

When Lu Wenbin failed to make a breakthrough and attracted the attention of the three defenders, he would pass the ball to his teammates like in the second half of the first half, trying to assist his teammates to score.

However, No. 3 Middle School, which has been alert to Lu Wenbin's passing and the movement of other Meijiang Middle School players, did not give Han Dapeng and others many chances.

Within 10 minutes of the opening of the second half, Han Dapeng and Xiang Youming each got a pass from Lu Wenbin, but none of the final shots scored.

It looked like it was really possible for the three to keep a one-ball lead until the end of the game.

Just when the players of No. 3 middle were full of confidence and continued to defend, in the 67th minute, Lu Wenbin broke through two defenders of No. 3 middle and sent the ball to Nie Yingkun in the gap in the penalty area.

However, some players at No. 3 Middle School have already noticed Nie Yingkun's movement.

Before Lu Wenbin's pass reached Nie Yingkun's feet, a player from No. 3 Middle School pounced in front of Nie Yingkun, blocking the angle of Nie Yingkun's shot, and the goalkeeper also pounced on this side.

It seems that even if Nie Yingkun kicks and shoots, the chance of scoring is the same as before, very small.

After defending Lu Wenbin, the third middle player who forced Lu Wenbin to pass the ball also turned his attention to Nie Yingkun, who was about to take the ball and prepare to shoot.

As for Lu Wenbin, no one left.

Even in the top leagues, those world-class defenders sometimes involuntarily follow the direction of the ball rolling and divert their attention, making mistakes, not to mention high school school games?


When the ball rolled in the direction of Nie Yingkun and was not at Lu Wenbin's feet, almost no one paid attention to Lu Wenbin's movements.

At this time, Lu Wenbin had already used off-ball running to bypass the defensive player in front of him who was not paying attention to himself, and ran to the edge of the small penalty area: there was no defensive player in the third center.

This time, Nie Yingkun also saw the gap in Lu Wenbin's movement.

However, there were too many people in the penalty area and the opportunity was fleeting. Nie Yingkun had to pass the ball right away. There was no time for him to stop the ball and adjust, so he had to make a pass.

Then, everyone saw that before the ball reached his feet, Nie Yingkun raised his foot and seemed to be about to shoot.

The guard who jumped in front of Nie Yingkun turned around and blocked the direction of Nie Yingkun's shot with his back, ready to block the hole.

The goalkeeper also stared at Nie Yingkun's right foot, ready to throw the ball.

In fact, so much has been described, and only two seconds have passed on the field.

Then, when the ball rolled to Nie Yingkun's feet, Nie Yingkun's raised right foot did not shoot vigorously, but dropped gently, twisted his ankle and used the arch of his foot to send the ball to the other side of the small penalty area. : The other direction of the goal.

The guards and goalkeepers in the third center looked over with the direction of the ball, only to find that there was no one there, there was a gap.

And Lu Wenbin from Meijiang Middle School was running into that gap, and no one was following him.

The players in No. 3 middle school were suddenly shocked. A defender fell to the ground subconsciously to tackle the ball, but he missed the ball from Nie Yingkun by the slightest.

The other two middle three players who were slightly closer to Lu Wenbin hurriedly rushed towards Lu Wenbin, ready to interfere with Lu Wenbin.

The goalkeeper also rushed to the other side of the goal, ready to block Lu Wenbin's shot.

However, the ball rolls faster than anyone else. And Lu Wenbin, who was running ahead of time, no one could interfere.

The defender in No. 3 Middle School hadn't run to Lu Wenbin's side, and before the goalkeeper swung to the near corner, the ball had already rolled in front of Lu Wenbin.

Lu Wenbin did not stop the ball, nor did he hesitate. He swung his left foot while running and shot the ball with a burst. The ball flew into the net from the near corner of the goal in the blink of an eye.

And the late third goalkeeper, who didn't even have time to make a save, could only watch the ball go into the net.

In fact, it's a hit-to-wall match in the penalty area.

Nie Yingkun, who was in the gap, did not take a shot, but passed it back to Lu Wenbin, which was beyond the expectations of the players in the three middle schools, and made Lu Wenbin's shot look relaxed and comfortable.

For Lu Wenbin, whose shooting attribute is as high as 14/14, this undisturbed shot that is only a few meters away from the goal is too simple.

["The King of Seven Crowns" was created by Ming Qiao and exclusively released by UU Reading. The original chapters are updated simultaneously on the starting point reading APP, QQ reading, Genesis Chinese website, WeChat reading, and mobile QQ bookstore. All people read and support genuine! 】

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