Seven Crowns

Chapter 19 The Unexpected Final

On the morning of October 3, Principal Cai Yusen used a rented bus to pull all the school team members to No. 1 Middle School, ready to start the final.

At 9 o'clock, with the whistle of the referee, the final of the 2006 Meitan County High School Football Championship officially started, with Meitan County No. 1 Senior High School playing against Meijiang Senior High School.

In this final, because the competition for the championship was involved, the students of No. 1 Middle School, the cheerleading team of Meijiang Middle School, and the citizens who came to watch the lively, the audience exceeded 2,000 people, standing in a full circle around the stadium.

Some students from No. 1 Middle School couldn't squeeze in and couldn't see it, so they ran back to the classroom and moved stools to stand and watch. The balcony of a student dormitory building beside the stadium was also full of students from No. 1 Middle School.

It seems that it is really a battle of dragons and tigers about the championship.

However, the development of the battle after the start of the game disappointed countless spectators.

Especially the students of No. 1 Middle School, none of them expected that the No. 1 Lieutenant Colonel team, as the host, played a defensive counterattack in their own home court amid the cheers of the whole school students and playing on the court they were very familiar with.

In fact, this is also a helpless choice for the coach of No. 1 Middle School.

There is a saying in the football world that there is an unnamed game in the final. In order to ensure victory, most teams will first base themselves on defense and strive not to lose the ball.

Even if the final 0-0 is tied, a penalty kick is better than a regular-time loss.

In addition, in the first game, Meijiang Middle School won 6-3 against the strongest vocational high school in the past, which really surprised the coaches and players of No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Wenbin's star-level performance of five goals and one assist in a single game in that game left a deep impression on the coaches and players of No. 1 Middle School watching the game.

Therefore, they not only adopted defensive counterattack tactics in today's game, but in the training on October 2 yesterday, they also practiced defensive counterattacks and extra penalty kicks.

During the game, the coach of No. 1 Middle School sent a fast midfielder to mark Lu Wenbin closely, and asked the guards to always pay attention to assisting defense.

Those who were broken through by Lu Wenbin must not give up, and must immediately chase back and continue to build a defense line.

In his mind, if Lu Wenbin can be frozen, Meijiang Middle School's offensive ability will be reduced by 90%. Then drag the game into a penalty shootout and win.

As for Meijiang Middle School, Zhang Minghai did not expect that No. 1 Middle School, which is playing at home, would play so conservatively amid the cheers of thousands of students in this school, and adopted extreme defensive counterattack tactics.

The so-called extreme is that Yizhong only left a fast forward to harass in the frontcourt, and the other 9 players and goalkeepers all defended in the backcourt.

As long as the attack of Meijiang Middle School hit the first half, after entering 30 meters, it was almost impossible to move.

A high school student's vision, off-ball movement, passing and receiving ability, dribbling ability, etc. are all far from professional players.

Even the long-range shots that professional teams usually use when facing intensive defense, Meijiang Middle School can't use them.

As a group of amateur high school students under the age of 18, let them use long-range shots to break through dense defenses, let alone accuracy, they are far from strength.

Except for Lu Wenbin, who has a physique of 12/12, who occasionally shoots a powerful long-range shot that can threaten the goal of No. 1 Middle School, the long-range shots of Han Dapeng, Nie Yingkun, Xiang Youming and others are almost no threat.

Even Lu Wenbin was lost in the crowded defense. Occasionally shot, either blocked by a central defender, or lost the target under the desperate pulling of the opponent.

Throughout the first half, Meijiang Middle School did not score a goal.

Of course, the full defense also failed to score a goal, and the two sides were still 0-0.

If the game goes on like this,

Although the scene is a bit ugly, it is undoubtedly a victory for Yizhong.

For Meijiang Middle School, which had an explosion of mentality after the 6-3 victory over Vocational High School, consciously won the championship 100%, did not practice penalty kicks, and even had no psychological preparation for overtime, it was undoubtedly a disaster.

Throughout the first half, Zhang Minghai jumped on the sidelines in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

Although the joint training time is still very short, under the influence of Lu Wenbin's strong personal ability and the halo of junior leaders, the entire Meijiang Middle School team, including coach Zhang Minghai, has become accustomed to relying on Lu Wenbin on the court.

Now the opponent has resorted to the shrinking defensive tactic of close-fitting man-marking and placing the whole team on the bus, freezing Lu Wenbin, and Zhang Minghai has nothing to do.

At halftime, Lu Wenbin looked at Coach Zhang with expectations, but Coach Zhang only gave instructions to make more breakthroughs and shoot more goals.

It's crap, and it's useless crap.

In the first half, Lu Wenbin was already fighting for his life, but his 10/10 dribbling was really not an overwhelming strength.

If it was just one or two people, it would be fine, but almost all the opposing players were crowded within 30 meters of the goal, giving Lu Wenbin no room to break through.

Break through one person and the ball will be stabbed away by another person. Even if you break through two, maybe the first person to be broken through will rush back and join the defense.

Can't finish it at all.

Occasionally there is a shot, but also lost the target under the interference of the opponent.

The opponent's goalkeeper also played extremely well. Lu Wenbin's only shot that hit the door frame in the first half was also saved by the opponent's goalkeeper, leaving Lu Wenbin helpless.

Just when Lu Wenbin felt that Coach Zhang's method was not enough, Lu Wenbin suddenly heard his father's voice.

In the first game on October 1, the son of a leader of the winery got married. Lu Chongxin and Sun Jiahui had to go to a banquet, so they didn't come to see Lu Wenbin's first game.

Today, Lu Chongxin is free. Therefore, I rushed to No. 1 Middle School to watch my son's final and cheer him on.

Before the start of the game, Lu Wenbin had a face-to-face with his father, but there were too many people and there was no time to say anything, and the game started.

Now, Lu Wenbin saw his father squeeze over from the crowd and waved to Lu Wenbin.

Lu Wenbin walked up to his father and said frustratedly, "Dad, I've disappointed you, I didn't play well today."

Unexpectedly, Lu Chongxin shook his head and said: "Don't be discouraged, you played very well in the first half. The First Middle School has almost nothing to do with you, you can only rely on crowd tactics to siege you, you are almost one People are challenging the back line of No. 1 Middle School!"

Lu Wenbin shook his head and said, "What's the use of that? Anyway, I didn't score a goal."

Lu Chongxin laughed and said, "You are wrong. You don't have to score goals in person to win."

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