Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 748 Long Haochen’s clever move (Part 1)

When the time reached two and a half hours, Qiu Yonghao finally sighed, and withdrew his hands at the same time as the other two partners. A powerful force surged out from the holy bead, pushing their bodies to the edge of the large trial field. stopped. This also indicates that the Warrior Temple is once again at the bottom. Until now, the total number of points in the Warrior Temple has not exceeded thirty.

Qiu Yonghao's face looked ugly as if he was about to bleed. He did not stop to watch the battle, turned around and left the training ground, walked up to the stands to sulk.

Without competition from one side, the collision between various fields within the Holy Pearl has not only not diminished, but has become more intense.

Especially after the realms of the Magic Temple gradually merged, its power became more and more powerful, with the three major attributes of wind, darkness, and earth merging. Make their domain feel like magic. The area with the superimposed amplification effect does not look any weaker than that of the Knights Temple. It is precisely because their performance is getting stronger and stronger that the Warrior Temple is eliminated early.

The Assassin Temple and the Soul Temple have also begun to become in danger. Whether they collide with the realm of the Knight Temple or the Magic Temple, they will be severely shaken.

The situation on the Dawn of Light side was not bad. The three of them had been stabilizing their territory. Under the guidance of Long Haochen, they did not seek merit but no fault. Although Chen Ying'er consumed a lot of energy, the situation was relatively good.

After the Warrior Temple, the most dangerous one is the Priest Temple. The Priest's Temple is not good at attacking or defending. Although the strong men in the three major fields headed by Mr. Ling have done a good job in field integration. However, they cannot effectively fight back every time they are hit, and their consumption is naturally faster than other temples. At this time, the faces of the three priests became very ugly, and they might withdraw from the competition at any time.

At this moment, Long Haochen, who had remained silent, suddenly slowly raised his head, and his eyes became extraordinarily bright.

The moment he raised his head, under the influence of Qi, he first attracted the attention of Yang Haoyu and Li Zhengzheng. Everyone present felt that the two of them had the strongest spiritual power and paid the most attention to Long Haochen.

Yang Haoyu was slightly startled when he saw Long Haochen's shining eyes, while Li Zhengzheng was shocked. They all felt that something was about to happen.

Sure enough, the next moment, Long Haochen's actions shocked all the experts in the field, and even Chen Zidian almost screamed in surprise.

A layer of golden brilliance burst out from the mixed realm of Long Haochen and the three of them.

This layer of golden light is Long Haochen's realm of light god. And on the outer layer of his golden light, there is also a layer of solid white.

Is he crazy?

In the seven-party competition field, each party is a solid integration of the three major fields, sticking to one side and avoiding excessive consumption as much as possible. At this time, Long Haochen actually expanded his territory within the Holy Pearl. Although it seems that his field is integrated with Cai'er's field. But in this way, the realm he has opened will definitely become the target of public criticism and be attacked by all the temples! It is very likely that he will be eliminated in the next moment.

However, a shocking scene also appeared. The fusion fields of the five major temples were all bounced away after encountering this golden-white light. This golden-white light contains a very special kind of spiritual power fluctuation. It seemed to be a supreme existence. Any domain that touches it is like ice and snow touching a red-hot iron, showing signs of melting, so that the five powerful temples have to shrink their domains to avoid stronger contact.

Are they also fusion magic? Li Zhengzheng has already eaten. He also did not expect that after the domains of Long Haochen and Cai'er merged, their power would be so powerful.

In fact, in the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, the real trump card is the domain fusion between Long Haochen and Cai'er. Only the people in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group know about this increase.

Long Haochen and Cai'er were both extremely high-level beings in their fields. Long Haochen's Light God's Domain is unparalleled in purity, and it is no exaggeration to say it is the best in the entire Holy Demon Continent, while Cai'er's Purification Domain is to purify all negative forces, especially the breath of darkness and the undead.

When the purest realm of the God of Light meets the most purifying realm of purification, strange changes occur. The extreme purity of the light was sincerely loved by the purifying energy. The fusion of the two parties was like the love between Long Haochen and Cai'er, without any barriers. After the two merge, the field becomes the field of light god's purification. No matter what field it is fighting against, its terrifying purification power will be increased to an extremely astonishing level by the increase of light. So much so that at this moment, it actually suppressed the impact of the other five temple fusion fields at the same time.

Of course, in this fusion state, the spiritual power consumption of Long Haochen and Cai'er will double. The stronger the impact in other areas, the greater their consumption will be.

After a brief shock, Li Zhengzheng couldn't help but frowned. Even though he didn't have much contact with Long Haochen. But he knew Long Haochen's character quite well. Based on his knowledge of Long Haochen, despite his young age, this young man was actually far more calm than his peers. I won't do anything aimless. His sudden and comprehensive expansion of the field must have made a difference. But what exactly is he going to do? Such an expanded field is easy to expand but difficult to withdraw. I'm afraid they can't afford the consumption in the recovery process.

Soon, Long Haochen gave everyone the answer. After the light god's purification field shook other fields, the white color belonging to the purification suddenly disappeared. In other words, only Long Haochen's Light God's Domain was left there. In this way, if Long Haochen encounters another impact, he will have to fight against more than a dozen experts in the field on his own.

However, a shocking scene happened at this time.

The golden light suddenly converged, and Long Haochen actually forcibly controlled his Light God Realm. When no one else could complete the control within the Holy Bead, he actually succeeded in controlling it. His Light God's Domain was compressed like a golden rope, gently draped over the priest's temple fusion domain that could withdraw from the competition at any time.

A magical scene appeared.

The moment the two realms came into contact, the bodies of the three powerful men in the Priest Temple were shaken at the same time. Immediately afterwards, their faces showed incredible expressions. The next moment, the bodies of the three domain experts moved uncontrollably, and in the blink of an eye they were next to Long Haochen and the others. The fusion domains of these three priests were also compressed in an instant, and were easily included in Long Haochen's Light God Domain.


The appearance of this scene made even the three powerful knights of the Knights Temple feel incredible. Who would have thought that Long Haochen would do such a shocking thing in this battle in the field. He actually used his own domain to forcibly fuse the domains of the three powerful men in the Priest Temple and incorporated them into his own fusion domain. In this way, their field becomes a fusion of six people!

Regardless of the strength of the domains of the Knights Temple and the Magic Temple, no matter how powerful they were, there were only three of them. As soon as Long Haochen and his team merged the domains of the three priests, their domain power increased instantly, completely surpassing them. On both sides of the Knights Temple and the Magic Temple.

After a brief shock, the three pastors immediately understood. Under the protection of Long Haochen's Light God Realm, their consumption was greatly reduced. Moreover, covered by the realm of the God of Light, their realms are integrating more perfectly. Even the three priests clearly felt that their fields had become increasingly purer after being affected by the Light God's Realm.

This gave them a big surprise. Only then did they realize that Long Haochen's domain was so powerful. Perhaps, his domain cultivation was not strong enough. But the level of the field is so high that it probably ranks first in the league.

The three major priests quickly stabilized their emotions, and there was even a faint smile on Mr. Ling's face. He vaguely guessed that this was Long Haochen reciprocating the favor! At the beginning, he gave him the qualification to enter the Dream Temple, and now this young man is repaying this favor.

In the Temple Competition, there have been so many domain wars, but there has never been a situation where the domains of two major temples have been united. It is not because they are unwilling but because they are unable.

What Long Haochen did seemed simple, but in actual operation, even the strongest player in the alliance like Yang Haoyu couldn't copy it.

It is too difficult, too difficult to control the realm within the Holy Pearl. The reason why Long Haochen was able to do it was because he was assisted by Cai'er's Purification Domain, and because his own domain level was high enough and his mental power was strong enough. But even so, he must first release the domain to a large enough size, and then shrink the domain. There is an element of trickery involved. When shrinking, he only needs to maintain contact with the priest's temple and shrink in other directions. Relatively speaking, it will be much easier to control. But even this is not something that other major temple areas can achieve.

What's more, there is an even more important point, that is, Long Haochen's Light God Realm can complete the contraction and integration of the Priest's Temple Realm in an instant.

In the Light God Realm, the soft and gentle Priest Realm did not resist at all. Even the three Priest Temple powerhouses were pulled to Long Haochen and the others because of the pull of the Realm. This shows how effective the attraction of the Realm is.

It was precisely by relying on these two points that Long Haochen successfully obtained the integration of the three major areas of the Priest Temple.


I just got some bad news today. My eighty-year-old grandma is sick. I celebrated her eightieth birthday this year. I had constant diarrhea and was hospitalized. I wish her a speedy recovery.

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