Rome Must Fall

Chapter 222 Pompey and Caesar

Cratens was an important figure in the Sulla faction, not only because he had a good relationship with Crassus, but also because he was the most powerful lawyer in Rome. The Senate sent him out in the hope that he could persuade the difficult Crassus.

Crassus did not ask in a hurry, but first warmly entertained Cratens. After having a good meal and wine, he asked about the results of the Senate discussion.

Cratens calmly wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth, straightened the wrinkles of his clothes, looked at Crassus with sharp eyes, and said in a deep and deep voice: "Crasus, we don't have to beat around the bush anymore. "Although you are in the military camp these days, your people are quite active in Rome. I don't believe you know anything about the results of the Senate's discussions."

Crassus immediately changed his expression and sneered twice: "Crattens, the reason why you dare not say it directly is because you feel guilty?"

"Crasus, is this how you treat people who sincerely defend you!" Cratens responded confidently: "If it weren't for the persistence of Catullus and me, the Senate wouldn't have discussed it for so many days! Even if they triumphed in the end Even though your proposal was not approved, you still received the small triumphant compensation. Isn’t it because of my contribution?”

"A small triumphal ceremony..." Crassus curled his lips disapprovingly and stopped glaring at Cratens, but the resentment in his mouth still did not subside: "The Senate agreed to hold a triumphal ceremony for Pompey so quickly, but stingyly only gave I had a small triumph, with people riding in carriages, wearing laurel wreaths, followed by soldiers, and sacrificing bulls...

But I can only walk, with no soldiers to follow, only civilians to accompany me, and I can only sacrifice sheep when I go to the temple... Compared with Pompey, I simply became a clown in the eyes of the Romans. This is how the Senate treated a person who has been through life and death and protected. The hero of the country, how unfair this is! "

"I understand how you feel. This is indeed a bit unfair. After all, when the rebels were strong last year, only you in the entire Senate stepped forward and stabilized the war situation in Italy!..."

Cratens followed Crassus' words and expressed his sympathy. Seeing that the other person's expression softened slightly, he turned and said softly: "But you should also know that many Romans always think that slaves are our dogs. Dogs bite their masters when they are mad. Beating to death is a very common thing. They will not think that it is a reciprocal war. Pompey faced the rebels of our Roman civilians. He not only annihilated them, but also conquered many Spanish barbarian tribes. territory, which is more favored by the elders..."

Crassus said angrily: "Fighting the slave rebels is just a lesson to a group of dogs?! Have they forgotten that it is these dogs that they despise that have defeated our Roman army many times, killing and injuring more than 100,000 Roman soldiers, the legal officer Crabo He died in battle, Valerius was defeated, Cassius, the governor of Northern Italy, was defeated, the consuls Publicola and Clodianus were defeated, the Roman people were trembling with fear, and no one in the senators dared to lead the army in battle... …

Have they forgotten the ugly appearance they showed last year in front of these slave rebels! Rome had not faced such danger in decades, and if this wasn't a fierce war, what was! "

Amid Crassus's roar, Cratens remained calm. He sighed: "It is precisely because of this that the Senate is unwilling to make public announcements. This is not only for the dignity of Rome, but also for the stability of the country. Let slaves We keep to ourselves.

Besides, you spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources building a long wall to trap the rebels, but ultimately failed. Many elders have objections to this. And there’s—”

Cratens paused and said with emphasis: "Although you won the battle against the rebels, the remaining rebels were eventually annihilated by Pompey, and you did not gain a complete victory."

"I have completely defeated the rebels. My army is chasing the defeated troops everywhere. It is impossible for them to organize any more battles! Pompey just happened to encounter a large group of defeated troops that our army is chasing. He does not need any help at all. He was captured in the middle of the battle, and he actually had the nerve to claim that he ended the war! He is a shameless thief! ..."

Crassus said a lot of angry words out of dissatisfaction with the Senate, but in the end he reluctantly accepted the Senate's resolution: Rome would hold a small triumphal ceremony for him, which would be held on the same day as Pompey's triumphal ceremony, and His little triumph came next.

After Cratens left, the resentment on Crassus's face quickly disappeared, and his expression became deep. He played with the wine glass in his hand, and suddenly said: "Quinkeus, you know the main purpose of this guy coming to me. ?"

"Master, isn't he here to announce the results of the Senate's decision?" Kunkeus asked softly.

"He is here to deepen my hatred for Pompey, so that the two of us will fight each other in the future, so that those in the Senate will feel at ease..." Crassus said calmly.

"Master, that Pompey is indeed hateful..." Kunkeus said carefully.

"Those people in the Senate underestimate me!" Crassus snorted disdainfully, with an enigmatic smile on his face: "As long as there are enough benefits, enemies can sometimes become friends... Kunkel Us, you go back to Rome to organize people, and publicize the fact that I have worked hard to suppress the rebels for Rome for more than a year, but in the end I was treated unfairly by the Senate, so as to win the sympathy of the people!"

"Yes, Master."

Crassus put down his wine glass, strolled out of the military tent, and looked eastward at the far distant Capitoline Mountains, revered by the Romans, disappearing and appearing...

For the sake of the supreme Roman power, Crassus decided to temporarily endure the humiliation he suffered today.


On the day of the triumphal ceremony, on the road leading to the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill, a guard of honor led the way. Prisoners from Spain and Italy were escorted to the front of the procession, followed by the Pack wagons of various trophies.

The protagonist of the triumphal style is located in the center of the team. He is covered with ointment, his face is dyed vermilion by brownstone, he wears a golden crown engraved with his achievements, armbands on his arms, a staff in his left hand, and a scepter in his right hand. Bunched with laurel branches, sitting on the horse chariot, like the majestic Jupiter.

On both sides of him are the heroic cavalry, and behind him are the veterans who have followed him through life and death...

When this huge procession crossed the city gate and entered the city of Rome, dense crowds of people on both sides of the road let out deafening cheers, flowers were flying, colorful flags were fluttering, and the whole city was boiling...

Gnaeus Pompey was intoxicated by the praises of the people. At this moment, he suddenly thought of Sulla.

This is not the first time Rome has held a triumphal ceremony for him. As early as 10 years ago, after he divorced his first wife and married Sulla's daughter, Sulla sent him to Sicily and North Africa to wipe out the Marius Remains. His outstanding performance Mission accomplished.

Sulla asked him to disband the army and return to Rome, but he requested a triumphal ceremony and refused an order to immediately disband the legions.

Sulla had always doted on his young son-in-law, but this time he hesitated. After all, Pompey was not even a senator at this time, and the triumphal ceremony was Rome's highest honor.

Faced with Sulla's rejection, the young and impulsive Pompey said the sentence "More people worship the morning sun than the setting sun." The old Sulla finally gave in, and Pompey got his wish.

Sulla called him "Magnus" during the grand triumphal ceremony. No matter how arrogant Pompey was, he could tell that Sulla gave this nickname more out of ridicule, but this time he conquered something that gave the Senate a huge headache. Spanish rebels, and also eliminated the slave rebels in Italy. Such achievements should be worthy of this title!

Gnaeus Pompey Magnus, what a nice name! ...Pompeo became extremely excited when he thought of this, and his face turned crimson due to the surge of blood.

"Look, Pompey's face is red again!"

"He's so thin-skinned!"

"What a lovely hero!"

The cheers of the Roman people on the roadside were even more enthusiastic. The 36-year-old Pompey still maintained his habit of blushing, which made everyone happy, because they believed that blushing was not only a cute sign that their hero was still young, but also proved that he was naive. With his honest character, they were not jealous of Pompey's rise to the sky, because this young hero from an ordinary background lived out the deepest dreams of the Roman people.

There was a young man among the cheering crowd. He did not shout, but quietly stared at Pompey on the four-horse chariot, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

He has a slender figure, a delicate appearance, fair skin, and a pair of bright and sharp eyes. Unlike others who like to wear short-sleeved robes, he wears a long-sleeved robe with golden tassels on the cuffs and a belt. He was purposely tied very loosely...which made him stand out from the crowd.

He is Gaius Julius Caesar, who has been very controversial among the Roman people in recent years.

On the one hand, the people admired Caesar's courage. Despite the threat of death, he refused the dictator Sulla's request to divorce Cinna's daughter Cornelia, and thus lived in exile overseas for many years.

On the other hand, his pursuit of fashion and unique lifestyle made the conservative Roman people uncomfortable. There were even rumors in Rome that he became a pedophile for King Nicomedes IV of Bithynia during his military service in the Eastern Province. Sexy stories, and completely ignored that he won the warrior crown for his bravery in battle in the East, and that he was not just a playboy from a famous family who only wanted to have fun.

Caesar didn't care too much about the posthumous reputation of the Roman people. At this moment, there was a fire burning in his chest: he was about to turn 30. According to Roman political tradition, 30 years old was the beginning of Roman citizens entering the political arena. However, look at what is happening before him. Pompey, who was only a few years older than himself, had already achieved such great achievements. Because of Sulla, the Senate broke the tradition for him many times and promoted him quickly. You have to think of a way, otherwise you will just mess around in the Roman political arena step by step, and in the end you will just lose everyone...

There was also a young man in the crowd not far from Caesar who did not cheer, but he looked at Pompey with admiration in his eyes.

Marcus Tullius Cicero was his name. He came from the small mountain town of Alpirum. He was thin, with a slender neck and clumsy movements. His image was a bit bad, but he was This is not too inferior, because he was sent to Rome to study when he was a boy, and his gift of eloquence is amazing.

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