Ride and Cut

Chapter 414 Internal and External Troubles

In the early morning of the next day, a drizzle drizzled over Fulis, like smoke and fog.

The translucent rain fell, filling the air with a scent of moist earth. The laurel and holly are washed by this, and they become greener, taller, more vigorous and lovable.

The well-carved royal garden has a different style in the rain.

The water dripping from the treetops fell into the pond, ticking like strings, creating perfect rings of ripples. The goldfish in captivity seemed to be unable to bear the dampness, and they burst out of the water, leaving behind a string of pearl-like bubbles.

Qiqiu had gone completely crazy in the rain, his black hair was wet and stuck to his body in strands, and he didn't care about restraining himself. Crawling among the trees, dirty like a mud monkey.

Gunther, who was as strong as a bull, was wearing a tuxedo, and his silk gloves were as spotless as snow. He was straight and serious, silently holding up a black umbrella.

"It's really cool when it rains." The lord stood under the umbrella, let out a breath, and turned into a long dragon of white mist and slowly drifted away.

This slightly cool morning is very suitable for waking up his sleepy spirit due to lack of sleep.

"Huh, yes." Bedric took a long breath.

It's been a long time since I saw him, but his cynical temperament has subsided a lot. Wearing a pair of delicate gold-rimmed flat mirrors, her hair is neatly combed.

Although the face is still the same face, but the senses are more than turned upside down. When we met for the first time this morning, if it wasn't for the guidance of the palace steward, Li Cha probably wouldn't have recognized him.

In fact, it's not just him, Bedrick almost couldn't help asking who this brother is. Regardless of the eye-catching large aperture behind his head, the Lord of the Alpine Fort has also changed a lot.

Move the breath and raise the body. Or in layman's terms, experience will shape a person's temperament.

Controlling the life and death of tens of thousands of people, worrying about the fate of all mankind, and competing with the ancient overlord Titan, all these made Li Cha calm down a lot, and Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi had a faint sense of majesty.

As a child of the royal family, Bedric has seen and heard enough. Once he saw the circle of light and the circular seal on his forehead, he understood everything, and the thief asked him with a smile when he planned to marry Yeyu.

Then Richard described in detail the whole process of his messing up.

Bedrick was stunned for a while, then chuckled, "Actually, I met Ms. Yeyu a few times when I was very young, and I still called her Auntie. Fortunately, you guys didn't make it, otherwise it would be a bit weird to think of it as an uncle."

"I don't know how many dragons she promised to support Pompeii before." The lord whistled.

"The undead are the common enemy of all life after all, Ms. Yeyu should not be a stumbling block in this regard." Bedric said, "But she must hate you to death."

"Let's not talk about this." Li Cha grinned, "The coronation is about to happen, how do you feel?"

"Don't mention it." Bedric took a deep breath. "If I had a choice, I really don't want to be king, especially at this critical moment. But everyone told me that I must not escape."

"Yeah, it's an eventful year." The lord didn't know what to say.

The coronation ceremony is also a grand gathering of all parties, and a series of informal meetings have already been held in private.

It's a pity that they are about to face such a terrifying enemy as the evil Titan, but the imagined situation of uniting and fighting against the enemy has never happened.

He just learned that Pompeii and San Jose have still not been able to reach a formal cooperation agreement even though there is a space gap at the border. It's just a verbal agreement to help each other, and the effect is basically equivalent to a piece of toilet paper.

According to gossip, this was ordered by His Majesty Nero in San Jose.

When he heard Buckland introduce the pioneering work of the Academy of Magic earlier, Richard still thought that Nero might be a British lord, but now he has decided that he is purely stupid, otherwise he would not be able to make mistakes on major issues of right and wrong.

To be honest, facing this situation, even Li Cha himself was a little disheartened. A mess of human beings, no matter how you look at it, you can't be optimistic.

"You have to be careful of those pointy-eared elf kingdoms." Bedric pursed his lips in distress, and it took him a long time before he said, "They are desperately trying to win recognition from all countries, but they are unwilling to make any promises. Uncle Schmidt said that this kind of behavior is not normal."

"Besides, the grain harvest was poor last year. Even if the harvest is good this year, the military food reserves must be very tight." He spread his hands, "I have reported to me everywhere, but what can I do, San Jose is not even willing to export a grain of grain now."

"Damn it, relying on mountains and landslides, you can only rely on yourself at the critical moment." The lord lord punched viciously, and the air wave made the rain curtain stagnate. "I will find a way to deal with the military rations. Anyway, I will definitely be able to eat it, so don't ask about the details."

Ever since he found out that the Titans were plotting against this world, Li Cha never had any fantasies. It may seem a little fussy to others, but he is indeed always preparing for a world war!

That is a super-scale that has never been seen since the birth of human civilization!

Compared with it, all the so-called wars in the past are as ridiculous as children playing house. It is absolutely impossible to win this war by relying on a small mountain fortress alone, so we must unite as much as possible with all forces that can be united and look at the problem from a global perspective.

If it is really impossible to integrate all intelligent life, at least Richard will never allow Pompeii, the rear, to collapse. This is his bottom line.

"What about the ordnance?" Bedric's eyes lit up, "I heard that the ordnance of Alpine Fort occasionally sells on the market, and it can fetch sky-high prices."

"I still have seized second-hand bandit weapons in my warehouse, do you want them?" Li Cha looked at him contemptuously, "You should start to register or even train blacksmiths nationwide, integrate high-quality minerals across the country, and build larger workshops. For the entire Pompeii, a stable supply of a large number of qualified ordnance is far more meaningful than a few magic weapons."

"You think I don't want to?" Bedrick was suddenly discouraged. "It's too difficult to do this—the high-quality minerals are all owned, and absolutely no one is willing to give up such a huge benefit for nothing. If I really dare to forcibly nationalize them, believe it or not, they dare to rebel the next day? So even if you know that time is running out, you can only watch."

"Hmph." The lord smiled meaningfully.

Of course he knows that whether the new system can replace the old system often does not depend on whether it is more efficient or smarter. It depends on whether the emerging vested interests can bring down the old ones in the struggle.

It is for this reason that regimes or nations are so often foolish in the face of catastrophes.

"When necessary, don't be afraid to kill. Killing now is to save more people in the future."

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