Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 59: All despising

061 should be in awe of online games

On June 16, daily sales of 57,600 yuan;

On June 17, the daily sales were 132,300 yuan;

On June 18, daily sales of 208,500 yuan;

On June 19, the daily sales were 286,200 yuan.

The unanimous contempt in the online game forums will certainly bring trouble to the Chunqiu network operation team. However, are merchants investing in games and operating games to make players praise it? Between applauding and not applauding, capitalists will inevitably favor the latter.

Praise and curse are not important, business income is the most substantial.

For example, the daily sales of 286,200 on June 19 is simply converted by an average online player providing a daily income of 6 yuan, which is equivalent to an average of 47,700 players online. For other games, in two months or three months of public beta, the average online player piled up to 40,000, and he was excited to announce the success of the operation. The "Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" abolished the unprofitable free beta period with the fact that it was permanently free. The money was collected the first day it went online, and 47,700 were collected online on the fourth day.

More importantly, the money-gathering of "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" does not mean that you will die after addiction. From June 16 to June 19, you can clearly feel that the players' enthusiasm for krypton gold is getting higher day by day. After potential players all understand the unspoken rule of "recharge = combat power", and after RMB players are familiar with this mechanism, they can rest assured that the daily sales of "Ten Kingdoms" will slow down its growth rate. At this time, its base is already It was so huge that Chang Mingxia and Jing Minqiang were shocked to aphasia.

On June 26, daily sales of 793 thousand yuan;

On June 27, the daily sales amounted to RMB 800,000.

Simple conversion, daily sales of 800,000 can be converted to 133,300 online players on average. The No. 1 Chinese online game market, "Legend of Hot Blood", has an average number of online players of only about 300,000. Although "The Spring and Autumn of Ten Kingdoms" has been scorned by paying players, its profit rate has bucked the trend of "Legend of Hot Blood". One-half of that.

"Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn" such a considerable profit, did not attract the timely attention of the Chinese online game industry.

Public opinion in the online game industry has formed a tendency to despise the general situation, and all game manufacturers have subconsciously made judgments: "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" has died of curse, what competitiveness can it have?

As for the simultaneous online data and average online data, 150,000 is high, and game manufacturers don't believe it very much. Because data can be falsely reported. On the National Day in 2002, Shanda Internet used gimmicks to promote it. It used to play word games on purpose. During the "Legend of Hot Blood" event, an announcement popped up saying it celebrated 10 million online. The total number of netizens at that time was only a few, and there were only so many online game players at that time. There are really 10 million online as exaggerated, and at worst, there should be an average of 1 million online. By analogy, daily sales of 6 million yuan, there should be 180 million sales in January, but your Shanda Networks total revenue in 2002.

No one believes in the propaganda of "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn".

The online game industry has regarded "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" as the cannon fodder that died at the level of unnecessary innovation.

The focus of public opinion on online games is all focused on the tearing between the legends of "Legend of Hot Blood" and "Legend 3", and the intrigue between Shanda Networks and Optical Communications. "Legend of Hot Blood" launched version 1.75 of "Unlimited" to kill "Legend 3" on May 27, and Shanda Network launched version 1.76 "Reloaded" on June 28. The 1.76 version of "Reloading" is a supplement to the 1.75 version of "Unlimited", but the effect is very good. Many players in the "Legend 3" open beta, ignoring the free experience during the open beta, have returned to the embrace of "Legend of Blood".

However, the fierce battle between "Legend of Hot Blood" and "Legend 3" did not impact the sales of "Ten Kingdoms".

The reason is simple, the target customers of the two games are different.

Players who are obsessed with "Ten Kingdoms" and are willing to spend thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars, it is extremely difficult to return to a relatively fair paid game.

Some players want everyone to be equal in the game. If I have a good sense of operation and a little luck to good equipment, I will have the opportunity to abuse the upstarts like coal bosses. However, this apparent equality of all is actually a kind of inequality. The reason why these players can walk in the game is that they have a good sense of operation. The second is that they invest a lot of energy and time in the game, and then gain the capital to crush other players in the game world. This type of player screams for equality, fairness and justice. In fact, it is precisely seeking to use their talent and time capital to crush those players who do not have enough talent or enough time.

This behavior cannot be criticized.

Players’ pursuit of justice is like counterattack life in the real world through talents (operation awareness), hard work (investment of energy and time), and luck (equipment violence rate) at some critical moments. Whether in the game world or in the real world, the human heart is still that kind of human heart.

Players under the permanent free mechanism, their pursuit in online games is very simple and rude, that is, they are pursuing inequality, that is, they are pursuing one ride to be a thousand gangsters. However, such apparent inequality is actually another kind of equality. The reason why renminbi players can walk in the game is the real world renminbi reserves. This is the fundamental reason why players mock them. But here comes the core question, where did the RMB players get their RMB? Not all renminbi players are prodigal and rich second-generation, not all renminbi players are corrupt criminals. The vast majority of players, especially those half-RMB type office players who top up thousands of yuan and tens of thousands of yuan, all their RMB savings come from real world efforts.

Looking at fairness from this perspective, the problem is simple.

Some players invest most of their spare time and energy in the game world, hoping to gain more capital than other players; while other players are busy working overtime or other life, investing most of their energy in the real world, and then leverage the mall system The renminbi is exchanged for the privilege of the game world, hoping to gain more capital than other players.

No one is more noble than anyone, everything is a question of return on investment.

The market is thus divided. Some game manufacturers are willing to serve the former and reach the limit, which is probably "World of Warcraft"; some game manufacturers are willing to serve the latter, because the latter tends to have more consumption power, and the impulse to recharge is equivalent to several years of months. Card, game manufacturers do not need to reach the limit, and serve a very small number of RMB players, and they can get good returns.

Therefore, there will be permanent free online games everywhere in China in the future.

If Wei Dongsheng is a player, an ordinary player, and an ordinary player who has time to play games, he must naturally support the former; if Wei Dongsheng is a busy office worker with an annual salary of 500,000 or 1 million, he will encounter a The game he likes suffers from not having enough time to clean up tasks. Of course, he is willing to spend 100 yuan a day in exchange for real working time.

For example, no matter how fun and attractive "World of Warcraft" is, if Wei Dongsheng is busy until one o'clock in the morning, he will definitely not have enough time to copy copies with his teammates in the game. Over time, Wei Dongsheng will inevitably fall behind and leave "World of Warcraft" lonely. As for another option, give up real work, stay in front of the computer and copy copies with his teammates on time... Haha, don't be kidding, Wei Dongsheng will not be able to take his whole life if he likes "World of Warcraft".

It has nothing to do with morality, only interests.

No matter how good it is, it cannot deprive those players who don't have enough time to love online games.

The group of players targeted by "Ten Kingdoms" are those truly free players who have enough time but no money, and those paying players who have money but don't have enough time.

It doesn't matter whether the game mechanism is good or bad, but the customer groups for each other are completely different.

In this era of paid games, "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" is the only choice for players who have enough time but no money and those who have enough money but no time. Therefore, in addition to the fierce battle of "Legend of Hot Blood" and "Legend 3", the simultaneous online data of "Ten Kingdoms" players have quietly and slowly increased, and daily sales have also quietly and slowly increased.

In the summer of 2003, the online game market was full of swords and swords.

"Legend of Blood" version 1.76 "reloaded into battle" won unanimous praise from legendary players. "Legend of Blood" returned slowly in July, while "Legend 3" went high and low, quietly changing the slogan of 400,000 simultaneous online players to 300,000 players online at the same time. Shanda Networks maintained its rhythm and continued to attack Optical Communications. Optical Communications announced that "Legend 3" will officially charge on August 1. Shanda Networks immediately launched its own copyrighted product "Legendary World" on July 28.

Since then, the legendary brand has been split into three games with similar but different styles: Legend of Blood, Legend 3, and World of Legends.

Shanda Networks has high hopes for "Legendary World" and hopes to divert all the players of "Legendary World" to "Legendary World" in order to get rid of the copyright restrictions of Korean companies. Unfortunately, the technical team of Shanda Networks currently has no ability to shoulder the heavy burden. The "Legend World" released in a hurry, the graphics and smoothness are not comparable to "Legend 3", even "Legend of Hot Blood" is far worse. Shanda's player migration plan ushered in a severe setback. Seven days after the public beta, it embarrassedly celebrated that the number of simultaneous online "Legendary World" exceeded 120,000.

Secretly, Shanda Network is in a state of desperation.

At the same time, "Triumph", operated by Tencent, was released in public beta at 7pm on August 1. In addition to the legendary series, Wei Dongsheng is most concerned about "Triumphal", and follow up its progress in time. Unexpectedly, Chang Mingxia, the white swan who lost her grace in this world, was in danger and rescued, and "Triumph" turned out to be a joke. First, "Triumph" uses a 3D screen structure, but because the player's computer configuration can't keep up, the scum will appear jagged shadows; secondly, the server crashed after 12 hours of official operation; finally, the players in the northern Netcom area were depressed and found that the delay rate was high To the point of unbearable.

Chen Tianqiao, the head of Shanda Networks, teased Tencent: "We are in awe of Tencent's entry into the online game field, but Tencent must also be in awe of the online game itself."

When the online game media teased Tencent, it also incidentally picked up on and severely criticized it by name and name: "Tencent and Chunqiu should be in awe of online games."

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