Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 11: Cell phone

013 Simple Wisdom

The next day, Wei Dongsheng followed Huo Yongshan to look at the house and discovered that this two-story building was actually the predecessor of a certain Internet cafe in memory. In other words, in Wei Dongsheng's memory, there are a total of five Internet cafes centered on Wu Ping Yigao, two of which were newly opened in 2003. The two-story building that Wei Dongsheng is about to lease will be renovated into an Internet cafe in a few months if it is not disturbed by Wei Dongsheng's little butterfly. But how should I put it? The past life is the past life, and the future is the future. Now this two-story building belongs to Wei Dongsheng's site.

There are a total of six houses in the two-story building. If you pay for the renovation fee, the landlord will be tolerant to break through the downstairs compartment and decorate it into an Internet cafe. Wei Dongsheng had no intention of stepping into the Internet cafe industry, and rejected the renovation fee proposal. He added the mattress closet today and treated this small building as a simple decoration for his new home. There is a place to live, broadband optical fiber is also being laid, and the demand for computers and servers is more urgent.

Sales of 69,000 yuan on September 19, 88,000 yuan on September 20, 101,000 yuan on September 21, and 107,000 yuan on September 22, totaled 365,000 yuan for the week. On Saturday and Sunday, many local banks suspended the remittance and transfer business, and the total sales volume could still maintain a positive growth rate. The next day, Monday, September 23, ushered in explosive growth without accident. The sales volume reached 205,000 on that day, almost Sunday. Twice. In five days, the total sales amount is about 570,000 yuan, calculated on the basis of 60% dividends, which is a profit of 342,000 yuan.

Only five days after the opening of the game studio, Wei Dongsheng brought 340,000 yuan in income, which is a surprisingly huge profit.

After all, the first pot of gold is only the first pot of gold, and Wei Dongsheng can't stay on his own. On September 24, Wei Dongsheng borrowed 30% of Huo Yongshan’s dividend to make up to 500,000 yuan. He asked Huo Yongshan to borrow three vans and led four tall student agents to the provincial capital Lutong City. On the evening of September 26, Wei Dongsheng rushed back to the Internet cafe, and was surprised to find that a group of student agents were celebrating happily: "What's the matter?"

Huo Yongshan trembling hands handed out three business lists:

On September 24, sales of 336,000;

On September 25, sales of 433,000;

On September 26, sales of 554,000.

The daily sales in the past few days have grown at an alarming rate. On September 26, 554,000 were collected. This exaggerated sales surprised Huo Yongshan. Wei Dongsheng was also quite surprised, but thinking about it carefully, such a miracle is a matter of course.

First of all, in the surrounding market environment of online games in 2002, the density of game studios was relatively sparse, and their profit methods were still at low levels of repetitive labor such as assisting plug-ins or swiping gold coins, unlike Wei Dongsheng who copied equipment as he wanted. Furthermore, Legend is currently a point card timing online game. Operators rely on players' online game time to make money, deliberately adjusting the explosion rate of related weapons and equipment to an extremely low level, which objectively creates a vast market demand.

Internet search revealed that the legendary operator Shanda had a total monthly revenue of US$3.7 million in June 2002, equivalent to 30.62 million RMB, which is equivalent to 1.02 million daily sales. At first glance, the game studio’s daily sales have reached 554,000 yuan, and it still maintains a terrifying positive growth rate. Isn’t it possible to make more money than Shanda?

how can that be!

However, nothing is impossible.

Wei Dongsheng's game studio is absolutely similar in nature to a free-to-play game mall. No matter how rich a player is, he wants to spend again. The contribution to Shanda is still a point card. The number of dollars calculated by online time is no different from poor players. In Wei Dongsheng’s game studio mode, a player willing to invest Regal players can generate tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits, and the efficiency is tens of millions of times better than the time-based payment model. Wei Dongsheng’s game studio seized the pockets of a few wealthy players, chasing up to half of Shanda’s daily sales or even tying it up completely, which is not surprising at all.

Of course, Wei Dongsheng's game studio is still rootless if it makes money. Legend is a product of Shanda. Shanda was aware of the fluctuations in the number of equipment and began to track and investigate, or simply modify it to increase the explosion rate of the corresponding equipment, or fix the server backdoor loopholes, and the game studio's income instantly dropped to zero.

No matter how money is made now, it cannot change the fact that it cannot last.

Thinking of this, Wei Dongsheng gave up a surprise and gave a calm compliment.

Celebrating ten minutes with Huo Yongshan, Wei Dongsheng said: "Remember the custom-made multi-layer bed-style iron shelf two days ago? Let them get off work early today and help me move the iron shelf and the computer I bought to the second-story building. "

Huo Yongshan remembered Wei Dongsheng's reasons for running around these days: "Is the computer bought?"

Wei Dongsheng: "I got it."

Huo Yongshan: "How many did you buy?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Wutai."

Huo Yongshan looked at Wei Dongsheng embarrassedly: "You borrow three cars to travel thousands of miles to the provincial capital, so you buy five computers?"

Wei Dongsheng: "There are three more servers."

Huo Yongshan expressed his understanding: "The iron rack has been transported to the outside of the second-story building. I don't know how you are laid out, so I didn't move into the house. I will call them to help move the iron rack and the computer."

The three vans have limited capacity and can't hold too many students. Wei Dongsheng supervised the three vans back to the second floor building, and Huo Yongshan led more than 20 students to arrive late by other means of transportation. This group of students, there are high school freshmen, high school two and three high school, although not just young and strong, but also better than the crowd. In less than half an hour, the bed-like iron shelves filled the two rooms on the second floor according to Wei Dongsheng's idea. Wei Dongsheng checked that there was no problem, and issued a new order: "For rooms with iron frames, one server per house; three computers and another server, move to a vacant room, and the other two computers are placed on the first floor. hall."

The student lacks computer knowledge. Before returning to the van, Wei Dongsheng explained in detail which server is the server and which house to move to. Huo Yongshan saw that the three servers were really good, and he was surprised and said: "Not big?"

Wei Dongsheng was at a loss: "What's not big?"

Huo Yongshan: "I bought five computers and three servers for three vans. I thought how big the servers would be. Look, one van is enough."

Wei Dongsheng embarrassed: "You haven't seen a server in an Internet cafe. The size of the Internet cafe server is not large. How can the server I bought be large."

Huo Yongshan: "I'm just surprised that one van can be installed, why do you insist on borrowing three."

Wei Dongsheng opened the second van on his own: "In addition to servers and complete computers, there are other accessories. Fifty sets of motherboards, CPUs, memory sticks, hard disks, power supplies, fans, etc., will be assembled into fifty simple computers in the future. Use with the server."

Huo Yongshan was dumbfounded: "Simple computer?"

Wei Dongsheng briefly explained: "A simple computer is the most basic computer without a display, keyboard, mouse, and chassis graphics card."

Huo Yongshan was even more confused: "Without a keyboard, mouse, and display screen, can this computer play?"

Wei Dongsheng didn’t have to be wordy, why don’t you need keyboard, mouse and other equipment, and simply answered Huo Yongshan’s question: "The gameplay is different. But rest assured, one of the five fully equipped computers is bought for you. Don’t be afraid of not having a keyboard and mouse."

Wei Dongsheng didn't explain in detail, and Huo Yongshan didn't ask any more, because he was only curious for a while. If Wei Dongsheng really explained in detail the usefulness of simple computers, explained in detail the setting up of servers, and explained in detail the construction of local area networks, Huo Yongshan would be quickly confused and not understand, and the more he listened, the more boring.

The assembly process of a simple computer is very simple, it is nothing more than inserting the wires and **** the screws in order. Wei Dongsheng first assembled a number of units by example. Several students with strong hands-on ability quickly learned to help Wei Dongsheng to get 50 simple computers and arranged the lines under Wei Dongsheng's guidance. By ten o'clock in the evening, this two-story building had been completely renewed, especially the three houses on the second floor, showing a peculiar technology workshop style. The power-on check confirmed that there was no obvious problem. Wei Dongsheng announced the end of the mission and invited more than 20 students to have a late night snack.

After eating and returning to the house, Wei Dongsheng lay in bed for a moment and found that he was not drowsy, and then went to the computer again. Starting two of the three computers, Wei Dongsheng set out to compile a simple smart program that had been in his mind for days. The simple smart program is a high-tech from the Empire of Shadows, and it reinterprets what life is in a new way.

What is life?

In other words, to what extent can computer intelligence be considered to have wisdom?

Some people look highly at the work of programmers and think that only when computer intelligence can self-optimize and innovate program codes can be regarded as true wisdom; some people think highly of human emotions and think that computer intelligence can understand what is meant by feelings and love, and that there is true wisdom. Fiction and movies in popular culture are obviously more inclined to the second setting. There are countless stories such as the Western World. When fantasy robots conflict with humans, they all take emotions extremely seriously, as if love, hatred, and hatred are the basis of robot awakening.

However, the shadow enemy countries do not think so.

From the perspective of the shadow empire, love, hatred, and hatred, especially the idea that love and wisdom are bound together, can only highlight the ego and arrogance of human beings on earth.

Human beings are intelligent life, but intelligent life is not limited to the human form. In addition to human forms of life, there are many non-human carbon-based lives in the universe, as well as many non-carbon-based intelligent lives. Civilizations in the universe have their own characteristics. For example, the shadow empire does not have the concept of marriage and childbirth, because they are similar to hermaphrodites, and their reproduction convention is to achieve an increase in the number of races in a self-divisional manner. The citizens of the Shadow Empire are obviously intelligent lives, but they have no concept of marriage, naturally they have no concept of love, and they will never seek death for love.

The citizens of the Shadow Empire have the cultural customs and moral system of the Shadow Empire. Don’t expect them to worship the sacred love like in novels, movies, and fantasy stories.

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