Has it been underground for a thousand years?

Judging by that calm figure, it didn't seem like it would harm us anyway.

Still, I was afraid that my appearance would appear in a dream, so I couldn't get closer and tried to talk to him from a distance.

"that… … excuse me."

Whether he heard me or not, he didn't even think to look back, and met his bony fingers, flipping through his bookshelf, bang bang bang bang bang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Unable to move any further, he took one of his beans from his pocket and tossed it nearby.

Then his skull stopped his fingers from flipping through the pages and turned his head.


The moment I turned my head, the darkness of my two eyes, which could not tell the depth of the skull, seemed to be looking at me.

'radish… … That's scary!'

Besides, the bones were buried in the ground for a long time, so it was dark and difficult to see.

“Ah, Ariel, you go and talk to me.”

[Are you afraid of fools?]

Ariel shook his head as if he could not help it, and then approached the skeleton.

As Ariel said something, the skeleton looked at me and moved his mouth.

“Tick tock tok tok.”

There was no sound, only the sound of the jaw joint hitting the teeth.

“Ariel, what are you talking about?”

[I do not know. I open my mouth, but I can't hear a voice.]

‘Uh-huh, there’s one more kid who can’t talk.’

Skeleton turned his head back to the book and focused his attention as he flipped through the book.

‘Is it fun?’

It was like reading a book for a moment, then suddenly the bones that were attached to it were torn apart and scattered on the floor.

The book, which had lost a place to rely on, also fell to the floor.

“Uh, why is he like that?”

[Why is that?]

“I don’t know, so I’m asking.”

He approached and looked at the skull lying on the floor, but only his teeth clashed and his mouth moved.

“I think you’re talking?”

I can only hear the jaw joint hitting, but I don't know what you're talking about.

“Are you hungry? When we’re hungry, too, we fall because we have no strength.”

[Is that so?]

Just in case, I picked up popcorn, peas, and apples and put them in front of the skull.

Then the scattered bones were attracted like magnets and started to stick together again, and they sat down with their finished body and started eating food.

Food enters the mouth, but immediately passes through the ribs and falls to the ground.

Even so, the skeleton keeps putting it in its mouth.

“What is he doing? Are you eating?”

[I do not know. It all falls to the ground.]

The skeleton, who had been eating for a while, suddenly opened his mouth and groaned and burped.

'OMG… … .'

The food that passed through the skull's mouth and ribs was scattered on the ground without any change in shape.

“What, did you miss the soul of the food?”

Seeing the food that has fallen to the ground, Kami, a glutton, approaches and starts eating.

“Kami, don’t eat that!”

But it's already too late.

Isn't the cami who took a bite of an apple and spit it out with the expression that he ate the most delicious thing in the world?

"Huh? Why are you there? What does a cami taste like when he spits out everything he eats?”

Out of curiosity, we approached and ate one bite at a time.


The shape was fine, but the taste was not of this world.

“Hey, the taste is dead!”

[Dead! 👑👑]

“I have to bury them. I've already gone to that world. You must have eaten only the souls of the fruits.”

[Eat souls?]

“You, too, be careful not to be eaten by skeletons.”

[Be careful.]

When he saw the skull, he was still reading a book.

“Let’s just let him read a book. I can't speak, so I can't ask anything."

It didn't seem like it would harm us or do anything.

I kind of felt that way.

“Ah, bamboo! I have to make it a regular one. I was surprised by that piggy-duck and left it.”


“Yeah, that skeleton man. I don't know your name, so for the time being, shall I call you Mr. Pigduk?

[No other name?]

"Well… … So how about Aides? It means ‘the invisible one’.”

[Aides? good!]

I looked at the skull with a questioning look, but only turned over the bookshelf.

“You seem to like it? Then unite with Aides?”


“Okay, I’ll go and get some bamboo.”

I went to the place where I escaped earlier and brought the bamboo.

The thick, hard and long bamboo was heavy to lift by myself, but I was able to carry it lightly with ‘simulation through imagination’.

The bamboo field was still proliferating with bamboo shoots, but it was growing at the very common sense rate as we know it.

“I’m going to make a bench out of bamboo, how do I cut it? Should I summon cherry blossoms again? I have the jungle sword at home.”

Then I heard a creaking noise and turned around, Aides closed the book and slowly got up from his seat.

"Why? What… … What are you going to do?”

Aedes walked around and stretched out his fingers, making a gesture as if sensing something.

It's like detecting something under the ground with a metal detector or a water vein detector.

[What are you doing?]

"I know yeah."

While searching, the finger bones began to tremble in one place, and then Aides stopped.

With his palms facing the ground, he bent his fingers to give it strength, as if pulling something.

Wasn't the wriggling ground cracked and broken, and the fragments floated into the air, followed by something long rising?

It was rusty and rotten and swollen black, but the silhouette was a long sword used by generals.

I don't know if it's real or a toy.

“What, what? What do you see coming out of the ground?”

As Aides with a long sword approached, we fled behind a tree in fear.

“What are you doing with that? It’s good!”

[I don't read books. Not good.]

“Hey, you shouldn’t talk.”

But Aides did not come towards us, but towards the bamboo.

Even whirly rik!

Aides swings the long sword several times and cuts the bamboo into an appropriate size in an instant.

“Did you cut bamboo with that one now? In an instant? It must be a real sword.”

[It sounds good.]

“It all looks rotten, but it’s better than our kitchen knife.”

It must have been that they were trying to help us, but it was really strange to summon a long sword from the ground.

“Wow, it was like King Arthur was choosing Excalibur!”

As we approached with joy, the right hand holding the long sword fell apart as it separated.

“Oh, my right hand fell off again. Wait a minute.”

He picked up the scattered bones of his right hand, took a piece of cloth and tied it well so that it would not fall off with the bones of his arm.

Then Aedes made a circle with his two arms.

It seemed to mean thank you.

Then he spread out his palm as if to wait.

Aideth wandered around again, sensing something with his fingers.

Eventually, as if finding something, he stopped and bent his fingers to apply force, but this time, something suddenly rose from the ground and fell next to Aides' feet with a dull sound.

He then motions for us to come.

“Let’s go.”


Aidees pointed to a few lumps of dirt.

“What is this? Is it just dirt?”

He picked up a lump and shook off the soil, and inside it was a golden color that was glistening in the sunlight.

“Hey, what is this? book… … Is it gold?”

No matter how I looked at it, it looked like gold.

There are three gold bars the size of a fist!

It was a little distorted, but it was definitely a cast gold bar, and it looked like it weighed 1kg per piece.

Shake off all the dirt and bite firmly with your teeth, and your teeth will go in.

"G… … It's real gold!”

There was also a small lump of dirt next to it, so I shook it off, and this time, a few white, shiny little gems were revealed.

"this… … This!"

I think it's Diamond?

is not it?

I do not know.

I've seen a diamond ring before, but it wasn't enough to judge easily.

“Are you giving me this?”

Aedes nodded his head and returned to his seat, picked up his long sword, and began to wipe it with the leaves.

It felt familiar, as if handling a precious sword.

As the dirt of the long sword fell off Aideth's grooming, an old-looking sword that could only be seen in his antique shop was revealed.

It was already rusty and the blade was sluggish, so it was difficult to guess the shape, so even cutting the bamboo with that was a strange thing.

‘By the way, if you take it to an antique store, it will be quite expensive, right?’

Perhaps he noticed my eyes, Aideth shook his head.

This seemed to mean no.

'what? Were you even a sword-wielding general during your lifetime?’

By the way, Ai Des could know what was under the ground, and he seemed to be able to use magic to pull it out.

If he had been rolling in the ground for hundreds of years or thousands of years... … ?

I now understand what the term ‘master of the earth’ means.

I looked at the three gold nuggets and the jewels in my hand and smiled with a smile of conversion.

'Where did you find such a blessing in front of me?'

Still, I needed money to invest in Ko Kun-soo's films, and I was even thinking of getting a loan using the building as collateral, but it seemed like it wouldn't work.

The more the better.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

I approached Aides.

“No more? Find more.”

Ai Death raised his head at my words, put his long sword on the tree, opened the book again, and began to read Taeyeon's self-talk.


[The idiot is greedy.]

“Yeah, where is this? what a bummer You did a good job planting bamboo.”

[Is it a belly button?]

“Yeah, yes, bum.”

[A very valuable thing or person?]

“It says so in the dictionary.”

[What about Ariel?]

“Ariel is lucky too.”

But my gaze was still on Aides.


Ariel sniffed her nose and went to Cosmos and Whirlwind and Cammy and looked at me.

“Oh, no. Really, you guys are also lucky. Anyway, let's make it as soon as possible. I'm surprised you guys make these things."

[Is it a belly button?]


Then he opens his arms and approaches.

He brought the bamboo that Aides had cut and tied it tightly with a tree trunk he had brought from the forest, then made four legs and set it up by the stream.

Overturning the finished table was easy thanks to the help of the children.

“It’s done.”

Because the bamboo grew well, a sturdy bench was made.

"What do you think? Sit here like this.”

I get on the platform first, take a seat, and lie down, and the children also climb onto the platform.



“Whew, Whew~”

Everyone seems to be satisfied, so I felt proud.

“I’m going to set up a pergolas here on a bench and plant wisteria.”

Aideth, who was reading a book with her back against a tree, got up slowly and approached him, put his hip bone on the corner of his bench, and started reading again.

“But did Aides really exist for a thousand years?”

When I asked, Aideth turned around slowly and moved his jaw joint and seemed to say something, but nothing was heard other than a snapping sound.

“Sorry, it was my fault for asking.”

But looking at Aides' body, I thought it would be okay if I washed it a little in the stream.

I jumped up and went to the creek to pour water in a bucket.

“I think I’ll be fine if I wash Aides, how about you?”

Then Aides nodded, and the shape crumbled and bones fell to the floor.

"Ugh! Why, why? awfully!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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