Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 44 Yancun Invasion

After Zhucun began to warn of intrusions, the hunters also began to prepare various materials for the purification ceremony.

At the same time, the Wang family has also trained a new generation of witches, ready to participate in rituals at any time.

As for the two witches of the previous generation, they were injured by the spirit's aura. Although they were not dead, they were unable to support another high-intensity effort to attract spirits. In order to avoid accidents, the Wang family chose to train them again.

"It's strange that the Wang family doesn't have the last generation of witches to show off their remaining talents?"

Gu Luosheng also took the opportunity to get to know the witch.

He discovered that the ritual was actually bound to the witches, and only two witches could induce souls at a time.

Once the miko is exhausted, the ceremony ends, and there is no such thing as being replaced.

Moreover, in addition to wearing spiritual clothes, the witch's dance and spells have special meanings, which can resonate with the altar ceremony to a certain extent and expand the scope and effect of attracting souls.

This is a secret of the Wang family, and Yancun has not mastered it.

The three-year purification ceremony actually attracted some evil spirits from Yan Village, making the purification ceremony much more difficult.

But in the end, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the Wang family has no intention of changing the status quo.

If Yan Village cannot hold a purification ceremony, it will always be in an environment where spirits are rampant and people often die.

Under this situation, Yancun has no ability to threaten Zhucun, and must spend a lot of resources to support the grassroots to clean up the evil spirits, resulting in only one spiritual root resurrector per generation.

"Hey, fellow Taoist Wang Yue, this purification ceremony is quite large, so let me contribute."

Gu Luosheng looked at the two witches, sighed, and said to Wang Yue.

"Fellow Taoist, do you pity this witch? Actually, you don't have to. Just by existing, we are protecting the village. They should also contribute their own efforts. Otherwise, what is the meaning of their existence?"

"Fellow Taoist Ancient, you are still too kind. Maybe you can save one person, but what about thousands of people?"

Wang Yue shook his head slightly.

"Every one I can save is one. I just lost some spiritual power and need a few days to recover. But they have to lie down in bed at such a young age. It's pitiful to think about it..."

Ancient Luosheng Road.

"It seems that if you continue talking, it will be my fault. If fellow Taoist insists on doing this, I can give up the position of hosting to you. Then you can use your spiritual power to kill the spirits as much as possible, and you can save the two people. "

Wang Yue smiled bitterly.

He wished he could get rid of this task.

It's a complete waste of time and effort.

But it's one thing to think so in your heart, naturally you can't show it so obviously on the face.

"Sorry to trouble you, fellow Taoist!"

Gu Luosheng also felt strange. He was obviously helping Wang Yue get out of trouble, but Wang Yue acted as if it was Gu Luosheng's fault. This kind of attitude that was integrated into his bones was really inconsistent with Wang Yue's rough face.

But it didn't matter. He wanted to host the ceremony this time, more because he wanted to get a glimpse of the mystery of the ceremony.

Saving the witch was just a casual act. The trouble caused by the rules of the world was not something he could solve now. When he was still there, he could help and save a few people's lives.

But since he is gone, these immortal cultivators must not want to waste their magic power to protect mortals. Otherwise, it would be easy to kill all these spirits with the power of the immortal cultivators through some purification ritual.

Gu family, on the dining table.

The family was eating and drinking and was not affected by the drought.

Even if most of the food is donated, the remaining food will be enough for their family to eat, and they are not in a pinch yet.

"Luosheng, you are actually the one presiding over this purification ceremony? Is there any trouble? I think there have been quite a few problems in the past few years. It should be more difficult than in previous years, right?"

Father Gu didn't eat well and said worriedly.

"It's a small problem. It's not difficult to kill all the spirits by one person after awakening the spiritual roots. This time is just a cutscene. Don't worry, dad. It's better to worry about me than to worry about big brother. He is also a hunter now."

Gu Luosheng stuffed the chicken drumstick into his mouth and swallowed it while talking.

"I hope that's the case. That boy has really grown up and is so handsome. Do you hear me, Gudao, be careful and don't be reckless when you are in danger. Find your brother!"

Gu's father laughed and cursed, then his eyes fell on Gu Dao.

Gudao is now the backbone of the family, so he cannot fail. Being embarrassed is a trivial matter.

"Dad, my cultivation level is higher now than when Luosheng participated in the purification ceremony for the first time. I have no problem protecting myself. And you know that I am not good at being in the limelight!"

Gudao said.

Xia Xiu nodded quickly: "Yes, dad, my husband doesn't like to be in the limelight, so don't worry! And you don't know that my husband now has the third level of Qi-nurturing skills and has cultivated nearly twenty internal Qi. It's very powerful. I can break iron tools with my bare hands!"

"As long as you know what's going on, I don't understand this. I just want you to live a good life." Gu's father shook his head.

Most of his hair is gray and he doesn't have much time left, but he doesn't want his son to get ahead of him.

Just as Gu Luosheng was about to say something, his eyes changed and he suddenly turned towards the door.

"Luosheng, what's wrong?"

Gu Dao immediately became alert and picked up the horizontal knife beside him.

His brother is your master at the top, so he is naturally much sharper than him. Something may have happened!

"There's a battle in the north, and there's a voice coming over. Mom and dad, you hide in the cellar immediately. My eldest brother and I will go out! Yuanyuan, help me get the bow!"

Gu Luosheng also picked up the horizontal knife, gave an order, walked out of the house and ran towards the outside of the village.

Gu Yuanyuan ran in the opposite direction. Gu Luosheng's mansion was located in the center of the village.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

The sound of gongs and drums soon resounded throughout Bamboo Village.

By the time Gu Luosheng and Gu Dao arrived, a group of people had already charged in, each holding a big sword or a wooden shield, and slashed at anyone they saw. The villagers fled in all directions, but some people continued to fall.

"Swish swish!"

There was also an archer in this group of people. He was very accurate and could shoot one arrow at a time. He was obviously a master.

"It's someone from Yancun who made a sneak attack at this time! Suffer death!"

Gu Luosheng didn't have the slightest intention of holding back. He suddenly jumped and flew dozens of meters into the crowd.

This terrifying speed makes Gu Luosheng no different from a high-speed truck. Everything it passes by is directly torn into pieces, and his death is extremely ugly.

"It's an ancient hunter, he can be saved!"

Someone shouted.

Although they had never known Gu Luosheng's strength in the past, with this hand alone, even hundreds of people were not enough for Gu Luosheng to kill alone. In an instant, they understood why Gu Luosheng was promoted to the top of the village and was promoted to the top by the village chief. Treated politely.

This kind of strength is Zhucun's Dinghai Shenzhen, which can easily wipe out all foreign enemies!

"Spiritual Root Resurrectionist!? He's so fast, aren't he afraid of traps?"

The archer was locked by Gu Luosheng and was so frightened that he had no intention of resisting.

As soon as he turned around, he burst out his inner energy and ran away.

But Gu Luosheng glanced at him, and suddenly kicked the sword of the Yancun soldier beside him. The blade was immediately broken by the kick, and flew out with terrifying force. In just a flash, the archer was split into two halves, and blood spattered on the spot.

"When...I...don't want to die..."

The archers struggled to crawl far away.

Even if he is an ordinary person, he can still struggle for a period of time, not to mention that he has cultivated inner energy.

However, this idea of ​​survival pales in front of the severe pain. In the end, he circulated his inner energy and shattered his heart.

Committed suicide!

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