Reborn I don't need a heroine

123 Chapter 123 Is this a rehearsal of domestic violence?

Before halfway through the first trial class in the martial arts hall, Wang Heng's coach changed. Before Wang Heng could come up with a reason for refusing the free membership card, Cao Zhan had already walked away silently and handed over the new student to Ye Xun.

Ye Xun moved his shoulders, neck and wrists, and said with great interest: "Senior, you are the one who tutors me in mathematics, and I will tutor you in fighting!"

Wang Heng: " do you plan to tutor?"

"If you want to improve your math grades, you can't just read the books, you have to do the questions," Ye Xun solemnly imitated his original words, "and the key is not the number of questions, the key is to understand every question thoroughly. Wrong question book, sum up how you are wrong."

Wang Heng twitched his lips: "So your way of counseling is to call me directly?"

"How could it be? That would be too rough..."

Saying that, the girl took off her boxing gloves and put on a pair of targets. From the outside, the thing looks like a squashed boxing glove.

Ye Xun raised his hand to block in front of him, and said, "Come on, hit me in the face."


"That's right, use your strength."

Wang Heng still hesitated: "But you are a girl..."

"Don't underestimate me. And, if you're really worried, don't use all your strength, just try to throw two punches casually."

Ye Xun stood firmly with his feet one in front of the other, and waved his hands, as if he was provocative.

Seeing her like this, Wang Heng didn't say any more.

Following the main points that Cao Zhan explained not long ago, he punched out. When the fist was less than half a meter away from the girl's face, it was blocked by the hand target and made a muffled sound.

Wang Heng was about to withdraw his fist, but suddenly felt his arm being pushed down, and then, a gust of wind rushed towards him, making him close his eyes subconsciously.

But while closing his eyes, he didn't wait to be beaten, but hurriedly backed away from Ye Xun's attack range.

After standing still, he opened his eyes and took a closer look. He found that Ye Xun hadn't exerted all his strength—in other words, even if he stood stupidly and didn't dodge just now, she couldn't hit him.

Ye Xun withdrew his hand, smiled and said, "You are indeed talented, you react really quickly."

Wang Heng let out a tried and tested sigh: "My reaction speed has always been very fast."

"But it's not enough to react quickly," the girl pointed out patiently. "You are too stiff when you punch, and don't let go of the other hand when you punch. Your right hand is used to hit people, and the left hand must be ready to use it at any time." Defense!"

Wang Heng understood a bit: "Is this the so-called doing the exercises? It's not practicing the movements against the air, but in this way... Let me correct them after I have done all the movements?"

Ye Xun nodded: "That's right, because I don't like hitting the air."

Wang Heng: "I thought what you said about doing the problem was actual combat."

Ye Xun: "That's impossible, because you don't have the foundation, you have to practice one movement at a time. Practice one kind first, make sure that the movement will not be deformed when exerting force, and then practice the next one. Now if you go directly to actual combat If you don’t, then it’s too much to bully you. By the way, if you don’t believe it, why don’t we try it now?”

"I don't believe it..."

Before Wang Heng finished speaking, he was forced to interrupt by the impatient girl: "Come and try! I know you won't believe it, your eyes tell me!"

Indeed, because Zhou Mu had never sparred with Ye Xun, it was hard for Wang Heng to believe that this girl could really rub herself against the ground. After all, when I saw her fighting others in the amateur arena, I always felt that it was no big deal.

"Then try it."

Wang Heng was also very curious about whether he, who hadn't started fighting yet, could protect himself in front of Ye Xun. Or, take advantage of the fact that there is no sign of being attacked by the hatchet, and test the opponent's lethality first?

So the two stepped onto the other side of the ring.

At this time, there were already many customers in the martial arts hall, and many apprentices like Cao Zhan or higher-level coaches were busy giving advice. Seeing someone on the ring, they all paused and looked over.

A confrontation between opposite sexes, where one of them is a beautiful girl, is a rare scene.

Ye Xun said in a loud voice: "I'm just competing with my friend, he hasn't practiced before, so we're just playing around, you don't need to watch..."

After explaining it this way, sure enough, the apprentices and coaches in the martial arts school stopped staring at this side. It's just that there are still a few guests who couldn't help being curious, and their eyes drifted here.

"Okay, don't be burdened," Ye Xun put on his boxing gloves and clapped his fists, "No matter how bad a novice loses, it's not shameful."

Wang Heng raised his hand suddenly: "Ask, what rules do you use?"

Ye Xun asked: "What rules do you want to play? Boxing? Sanda? Or MMA?"

Wang Heng thought for a while: "Boxing can only use fists, Sanda can be used, and MMA can be hugged, is that so?"

Ye Xun shook his head slightly: "Sanda can also throw, but the opponent cannot attack when he is on the ground, so many moves in Jiu-Jitsu cannot be used. Also, Sanda cannot use knees and elbows, and MMA has no restrictions."

After a short but prudent thought, Wang Heng felt that, as a novice, he should choose the rule with the most restrictions. Otherwise, if she manipulated her in a hug, wouldn't she be pushed down and unable to get up?

"Boxing, I choose boxing." He said decisively.

"Then let's start now," the girl shook her hands with a smile, and raised her fists, "There is no need for a referee, just now!"

Wang Heng also imitated her appearance and set up a posture.

Both of them are right-handed, so they are half sideways, with the left side in front and the right side behind. However, Ye Xun's movements are obviously more relaxed. And her steps are more agile.

The girl's feet took small steps at an extremely fast frequency, sometimes moving forward, sometimes backward, and sometimes moving left and right, making it difficult to pinpoint her position at the next moment.

Suddenly, Ye Xun launched an attack.

After a few steps in a row, the girl rushed over quickly. Wang Heng retreated subconsciously, but the speed of his retreat was obviously not as fast as his forward rush, and he was bullied into him in the blink of an eye.

Although he was a little flustered, Wang Heng still kept in mind the key points of the boxing block - his hands were tightly covering his face, his arms were attached to his torso, and his chest and abdomen were protected.

However, the rookie's defense is very limited.

Ye Xun's left hand closest to him punched first, and a forward swing punch hit Wang Heng's forehead. The force wasn't very strong, but it was enough to make him stagger and open a hole.

Immediately afterwards, the girl hit Wang Heng's right shoulder with a straight backhand punch.

Ye Xun aimed at this part. There are no organs, so it's not a vital point, and it doesn't matter if it hurts a little. In short, just make sure he doesn't get hurt.

At the same time as the girl retracted her fist, Wang Heng had already fallen on his back onto the ring.

He clutched his right shoulder, and there was only one thought in his head...

In the first week, Ye Xun was definitely the last to be blackened. If it was a little earlier, let alone myself, how could the other three have any chance of surviving?


Get it done before midnight, success!

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