Reborn As a Pirate

Eighty-one encounters

"The first question is whether the Roy Chamber of Commerce needs rescue."

On the deck of the Butterfly, the three admirals of the Broken Fleet gathered together. Lorraine also invited Acharin and Pierce to participate in the meeting. Acharin has enough ability to participate in decision-making, and Pierce's identity is to study and listen.

Yassin Saklin covered his mouth, frowned and looked at the battlefield map in front of him, and said firmly: "The ships of the Roy Chamber of Commerce are almost surrounded by the United Fleet, and they are not superior in number, firepower and combat power. I think it is necessary to Rescue."

He was a strong young man with blond hair and brown eyes that came from the Suckling family. He had a loud voice and a big waist. He had served in the Channel Fleet and served as the third officer of the fifth-class ship HMS Reef.

However, although his resume is excellent, he is still Odilan's nephew, and he is much closer than Nelson in terms of blood relationship. Before he was transferred to the Breakthrough Fleet, he had never had the experience of being an independent leader in the Saklin Chamber of Commerce.

Lorraine saw the reason through getting along these days.

Yashin is very good, but his personality is a little dull. While possessing strong executive power, he lacks the ability to think and adapt. It is enough to be a deputy, but far from being a master, so he cannot be trusted.

This answer is a standard Yassin answer. Whatever Lorraine asks, he thinks about it, never goes beyond it, and has no bright spots.

Lorraine nodded: "Second question, is the Roy Chamber of Commerce worth our risky rescue?"

Acharin smiled disdainfully: "Although they are just a group of stupid British guys, their antique carrack-type ships are the only way to fight the Reindeer. Captain, if you lose them, you will be helpless against Villen."

His words aroused the dissatisfaction of all the English gentlemen present.

Lorraine glared at him coldly: "You were insulting your captain just now, Acharin, and you have to clean up the deck this week, so as to make an example to others."

Yacharin blinked: "Captain, you know I'm referring to those idiots at the Roy Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"Yes, but I like it." Lorraine shrugged and poked heavily on the battlefield diagram in front of him. "The third question, are we capable of rescuing the Roy Chamber of Commerce?"

This question silenced everyone.

The nine-pounder can't threaten the Reindeer, so why should they save it?

Raven shook his arms: "The battlefield is huge, gentlemen. We can cut in from the upper wind to create opportunities for the Roy Chamber of Commerce to break through, and at the same time prevent ourselves from falling into the battle group. We should make one thing clear, we It is to rescue the Roy Chamber of Commerce in the spirit of morality and justice, not to prepare to die in their place."

"This is a pertinent suggestion, Raven." Lorraine finally heard what he wanted to hear, and laughed, "Wind direction!"

"The wind is northwest and west, four knots!"

"The fleet forms a battle formation, hangs the flag of the Chamber of Commerce, and cuts the wind around the southeast of the battlefield. Let's go to the upper wind and kick Velen's ass, and set off."

"Yes, Admiral!"


The airiness and flexibility of the Brigantine allowed Lorraine's orders to be fully practiced.

The crossing fleet formed a triangular front arrow, with Pansies and Cattails in the center, Shaklin and Minder Chamber of Commerce guarded the two wings, cut obliquely into the wind, and circled towards the wind on the battlefield at a high speed of three and a half knots.

The distance between the two sides is eighteen kilometers, and they only need to sail for two and a half hours before they can reach the battlefield.

Two and a half hours is not enough to determine the outcome of a large-scale naval battle. Of course, the loss of the Roy Chamber of Commerce is inevitable.

Lorraine has no intention of saving the entire fleet of the Roy Chamber of Commerce like a savior. What he wants to save is Roy's battleship, or more precisely, the antique destroyer Mamluk of the Karak type.

The fleet turned forward at high speed, drawing an arc with a zigzag trajectory. After driving steadily for an hour and a half, the set route suddenly became strange.

The watchman put too much focus on the main battlefield in the distance,

For a while, he ignored his own front, and collided with another large fleet without any preparation.

Haina shouted from the top of the mast: "Two kilometers away, the enemy is found right in front! Five Brigantine-type ships and six mixed-sail Schooner-type ships are approaching each other!"

"The enemy ship is confirmed to be the Yodel Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands!"

Lorraine turned up the foremast in shock.

Through the binoculars, he quickly found the enemy track that Henna warned of. More than a dozen slender ships lined up in a row, galloping with full sails.

Pirate flags are erected on their masts, and under the snow-white skulls, there are two delicate tulips in the shape of an X, one orange and one red.

The Tulip Pirate Flag is the flag of the Jodel Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands. As a member of the United Fleet, their First Fleet is in the middle of the pack, above the Calmar Chamber of Commerce in France, and second to the Herrera Chamber of Commerce and the Desai Chamber of Commerce in Spain.

Lorraine narrowed his eyes and looked at the rapidly advancing fleet.

Judging from the opponent's formation, this was just a chance encounter. Lorraine's purpose is to detour to the upwind and rush to help the Roy Chamber of Commerce, and their purpose is probably to go to the downwind to gain benefits in this hunt.

They also apparently discovered the broken-off fleet, the sailors on the deck panicked, and the sailors ran with howls.

The front boat slowed down and the rear boat deflected. Their purpose was very clear, they were going to form a battle line before contact, and make full use of their advantage of being in the upper wind.

But their admiral obviously overestimated his command level, and issued adjustment orders at high speed.

The fleet under his command was not in place as he thought, but became more scattered than before.

The downwind is facing the upper wind, the number of ships is at a disadvantage, and there is no advantage in firepower...

Haina ran all the way from the mainmast to Lorraine stepping on a rigging, and asked with a frown, "How to deal with it?"

"The distance is too close." Lorraine shook his head. "The relative speed is almost twelve knots. It doesn't take ten minutes for us to collide."

"Can't avoid it?"

"It can't be avoided, and they have already found us, and they don't seem to plan to let us go." Lorraine sneered, glanced at the majestic battleships following behind the Butterfly, and said softly, "Let's fight!" , It’s just a pity for the Roy Chamber of Commerce.”

He flew down from the observation deck and quickly issued a series of adjustment commands.

"Battle B, interspersed to meet the enemy, double-teamed by two ships!"

The changed semaphore of his order was quickly transmitted to the wing ships behind him. The captains shouted to order the sailors, and the deck was in a hurry.

Lorraine stepped on the bow guardrail of the Butterfly, and drew his knife forward with a clang: "We are not prepared, and neither are they. This is an encounter."

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. In this kind of war, only courage can become the magic weapon to determine the outcome!"

"Gentlemen, muster up your courage, break through the fleet, and meet the enemy!"

Following Lorraine's order, the six battleships all rang out a long shout.

"Welcome! Enemy!"

"The gunner is in position! The boatman is in position! The sail is in position! The deck is in position!"

"Open the gun door and load it!"

"Order B tactics, interspersed, double-teamed!"

"England! Onward!"

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