Reborn As a Pirate

Thirty-two witch real hammer

The girl's name is Noah, Noah Sara, a fortune teller, thaumaturgy, violinist, dancer, and a witch from the Romsala department...

Listening to this brilliant and strange resume, and looking at this timid and tearful petite girl, Lorraine felt a headache.

They seem to have a big deal on their hands...

Thanks to the blessings of the Dominican monks Cramer and Sprenger, the word witch is well-known in the Catholic world.

In the middle of the fifteenth century, the haze of the Black Death still permeated the corners of the European continent. A hundred years of recuperation was not enough to bring this wounded land back to life. When the next Black Death comes, they are still powerless.

At that time, a group of women wandered around the mainland in the name of ghosts and gods. Because they had a little knowledge of medicine and were willing to treat the poor, they soon gained the love and admiration of all walks of life.

They are honored as "witches".

This annoyed the church forces at the time, because most of the witches were pagans, or they deliberately concealed their beliefs and pretended to be pagans for the sake of livelihood and mystery.

In order to maintain their dominance in the secular world, the church began to launch smear campaigns against them.

This propaganda reached its climax in 1484.

Kramer and Sprenger obtained a large amount of "iron evidence" through despicable methods such as false accusations, intimidation, rumors, and torture. After sorting out and editing, they formed a system for identifying, cracking, and judging witchcraft. The Strange Book of Hammer.

This book officially separates "witch" from the category of traditional pagans, making it synonymous with evil, terror, curse and plague.

People panicked, and under the instigation of the church, the entire Catholic world set off a vigorous [Witch Trial] movement, which lasted for three centuries.

According to incomplete estimates, at least 100,000 innocent women died tragically in this crazy scam.

Even today, Lorraine still occasionally hears news about the execution of fire from other people's conversations, but most of the areas have been limited to inland villages where people's wisdom is hard to come by and news is blocked.

It can be said that as much as God believers persecute witches, they fear them as much.

And in front of him is a real witch...

Just now, she used the purple crystal ball in her pocket to charm a killer to become her protector, until Hana fell from the sky and broke the mysterious witchcraft...

Lorraine is very curious about the scientific principles contained in it, but the night is approaching, and this back alley full of Roma people does not seem like a suitable place to enter science.

He pondered for a moment.

"Miss Noah Sara..."

"Yes..." Noah's voice was thin.

She stood opposite Lorraine, twisting her sleeves, at a loss, like a little girl who was shy, not a sky knight who could ride a broom and chase Quidditch.

Lorraine narrowed her eyes and said solemnly, "Miss Sara, can you ride a broom?"



Unfortunately, Noah can't ride a broom.

Not even a broom, she had never ridden a horse in her life, only a caravan.

Lorraine's interest in her dropped by most at once.

Because even Kiki, who delivers the courier, can ride a broom, so a witch who can't ride a broom must be a fake witch.

As for why she was able to let her opponents confuse her with a single crystal ball, and she died without hesitation...

Lorraine speculates that it may be related to some kind of skill-type variant of deep psychological suggestion. Although it seems mysterious, it is not worth making a fuss about.

Miss Witch, who can't ride a broom, can only be regarded as a passerby to Lorraine. Now that Hana's sense of justice has been satisfied, it is natural for the two parties to part ways.

Walking out of the back alley, Lorraine stroked her chest and said goodbye to Noah, and continued her journey with Henna on her arm, preparing to return to the ship to plan tomorrow's kidnapping.


Walking and walking, Lorraine stopped.


Walking and walking, Lorraine turned around again.


Noah and Bai Er hung their heads and followed Lorraine five meters away with their sleeves clutched, neither chasing nor staying away.

The faster Lorraine goes, the faster she goes.

Lorraine walked slowly, and she walked slowly.

Lorraine stopped, and Bai Er yelled.

When Lorraine turned around, Noah started crying...

Miss Witch cried very skillfully, not rolling, but sobbing silently.

The big teardrops rolled and rolled in the long and bright eyes, and they would never fall down, making her eyes lose their miserable and tearful state for a moment.

Hana tilted her head and frowned: "Lorraine, is it..."

"She's a witch, and we have Pierce and Keren on board."

"But there are no people on board..."

"She's a witch, and she's never been at sea, and she can't sail a boat."

"There are rats on board..."

"She's a witch, and White Ears is just a lazy cat who only eats and waits to die. I don't think it can take on the heavy responsibility of catching mice."

"I can teach it..."

Lorraine hung a black line on his forehead.

He suddenly remembered that Hana could really catch mice like a real cat, because this was originally one of the daily trainings in cat fighting.

Lorraine couldn't help being caught in a dilemma: "Hina, tell me the truth, are you so persistent because of people or because of cats?"

Hana's emerald green eyes flickered: "My brother has a black cat by his side, so you should have one too."

"I told you I'm not your brother."

"I know, so you should have one too."


Lorraine paused the umbrella handle irritably, and took a deep breath: "Hina, if you want a black cat, I can accompany you to the market to find one after we get through with Viscount Alfonso. The viscount is the most important thing, is that okay?"

"That..." Noah, half hidden in the shadows, timidly raised his hand, "Sir, are you talking about Viscount Alfonso of Bermeo? Viscount Sacelica Alfonso?"

The good luck of the black cat came silently like this.

The Romsala tribe is a peculiar Roma tribe. In the memory of four generations, they started wandering westward from Minsk in the Republic of Poland. They once believed in Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant churches. Catholic embrace.

This is the standard Roma belief pattern, like duckweed, they are happy with the situation, as long as they can reduce the hostility around them, they can be devout believers.

But there is no doubt that they are believers in God.

As a group of God believers who are proficient in divination, they have a great market in the circle of noble ladies in Spain. They often go to a certain city on the recommendation of a certain lady to perform divination for a certain lady, and earn a short-term stay in this way and considerable commissions.

The same goes for this visit to Bermeo.

Mrs. Alfonso lost her fertility due to illness. Viscount Alfonso has been childless for a long time. He accidentally falls in love with his wife's beautiful country cousin.

Out of desire for children and worries about marriage, Madam began to believe in witch divination. She heard about the names of the Romsala Department through the introduction of her best friend, and then invited them to Bermeo, hoping to find a way to solve the predicament through Tarot divination.

However, an accident happened to Romsala's department on the way.

Their witch, Noah's mother, is dead.

They were attacked by a group of bankrupt peasants outside the city. Noah's mother died of a arrow. Before she died, she entrusted Noah with a fate crystal ball containing witchcraft power, making Noah the new tribal witch.

The next step is the bloody drama that is common in the succession of kingship.

Noah's three cousins ​​did not want to admit that this shy, timid, and very un-Roma new witch became the leader of the tribe. When she arrived in Bermeo, she instigated the entire tribe to rebel and began to use force to seize the crystal ball of fate.

Luckily, Noah escaped and wandered for her life in the streets and alleys of Bermeo. She was short of food and clothing for several days, and starved until she was about to die, and was rescued by Lorraine and Henna.

That's the whole story.

After listening to Noah's self-narration by the pier, Lorraine and Henna got together and whispered with their heads against each other.

"Hina, the kidnapping plan has gone bankrupt, and Viscount Alfonso has no heir. As for his wife and country cousin, no matter which one we kidnap, the other will encourage us to tear up. And whether we tear up or not, we will all be offended by it Viscount."


"That is to say, now only through the divination of the Romsala Department, can we quickly establish a friendship with the Viscount."


Reaching a consensus, Lorraine straightened up and straightened the wrinkles on the tuxedo: "Miss Noah Sara."


"Out of politeness, I have to ask for your opinion first." Lorraine nodded slightly, "Do you want to board the ship and start a new wandering with us strangers?"

"I...was abandoned by the tribe. If I leave the port, I may be caught and burned to death. If I stay in the port, I will definitely be killed by my cousin's people... You are a powerful person, so..." Noya bit Biting his lips, "Yes, I hope to be under your protection and be your loyal crew member."

"In this case, I have three questions that need to be clarified."

"You say."

"First, how many people are there in Romsala's ministry besides you?"

"Thirty-seven men, eighteen women, and six children remain."

Lorraine closed her eyes and thought for a while: "Is there any way to let them know that you are on my boat."

"You don't have to do anything. We'll buy information from thieves, beggars, and vagabonds, and you won't be able to hide anything in the port from your cousin."

"The third question, although the Viscountess believes in Wubu, what about the Viscount? What is his attitude towards Wubo?"

Noah's small face was tangled for a moment: "He is a devout believer and he is very repulsive to us, so the divination was not carried out immediately. Madam needs time to convince Mr. Viscount."

"Really..." Lorraine smiled and stretched out his hand to Noah, "Miss Noah Sara, the fortuneteller, congratulations, you have been admitted."

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