"You still eat."

Uncle Cheng clipped the chicken leg back to Zhou Lanping.

The two of you just pushed it to me, and I pushed it to you, and you didn't notice it at all. Liu Liang, who had been standing at the door with a face full of resentment.

Liu Liang took a big mouthful of rice, then turned around, holding back the disgusting man and threw it outside.

Uncle Cheng is wearing an apron and is busy in the kitchen. He washes the dishes for a while, and sweeps the floor for a while. He is very virtuous, and looking at him like this, we know that he is often busy in the kitchen and is also a habit. Live in the kitchen.

He was wiping the plate with a rag, and he didn't know what song he was humming, and he was very leisurely.

As soon as he put the plate away and turned around, he was taken aback, but within a second, he began to laugh heartlessly.

"It's pretty, what do you want, I'll get it for you."

Liu Liang just stared at him without blinking, but Uncle Cheng was still smiling, and the corners of his smiling eyes had some fine lines.

Liu Liang didn't speak, and stood here all the time, like a pillar.

"Didn't you think of it?"

Uncle Cheng asked with a good temper.

"Then think about it slowly. Uncle has to wash the bowl, but this bowl has to be cleaned, otherwise bacteria will easily grow."

His mouth was no longer humming, but babbling instead.

"Who are you?"

Liu Liang asked suddenly.

"I was picked up by your mother."

Uncle Cheng continued to wash the dishes, his slender fingers were very nice.

"Who are you?"

Liu Liang asked again.

"Oh, I forgot."

Uncle Cheng sighed, "Maybe I'll remember it later."

"identity number?"

Uncle Cheng didn't even think about it, he just reported a series of numbers.

Only after he finished reporting, he suddenly stopped the movement in his hand.

He turned on the faucet and rinsed the detergent foam on his hands.

He turned around, still looking at Liu Liang with a smile.

"No wonder your mother said that you are very smart. You can be the first child in the school. Your IQ is not bad."

"You don't need to say it."

Liu Liang curled the corner of her mouth sarcastically.

Anything can be installed, but the instinctive reaction will not.

"Find a place to talk."

Uncle Cheng wiped his hand on the apron, and then walked out of the kitchen. Soon after, the two of them were already sitting on the stone table. As soon as Liu Liang saw the stone table, there was also a stone table. In the empty space on the side, I will think of the stone pier that I did not take back.

If you take it back, it will look great here.

And her very resentful face also made Uncle Cheng really uncomfortable. He knew from the beginning that there was a little monster in Zhou Lanping's family, and it was not easy to fool, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

Liu Liang raised her face and stared straight at Uncle Cheng's eyes.

His eyes are still quite clean and dust-free, with a kind of helplessness and tolerance, just like Zhou Lanping's eyes looking at her sometimes, this is tolerance for the younger generation and for the children.

Liu Liang didn't seem to be that uncomfortable either. She couldn't feel the malicious intent of this person at all. She said that she was wearing a restorative solution, and she was unusually sensitive to changes in people's emotions.

That's why she didn't kick this person out as soon as she entered the door.

"You don't have amnesia?"

Liu Liang asked directly.

"Well, no"

Uncle Cheng touched his head embarrassedly. Now the wound has been healed long ago. In addition, his resilience is amazing, so now he can't even find the scar.

Besides, the doctors all said that it was just that the scalp was broken and there was a lot of bleeding. The thunder was loud and the raindrops were small.

He smiled and sighed.

"Do you think that memory is so easy to lose? How many people want to forget those bad, painful, self-paralysis and self-destruction from time to time, but how many people can really forget?"

"This is a memory. It lives and dies together with people. It is a part of everyone's body. I really want to forget everything, but your uncle and I have the same smart head as you."

He said, raised his hand and patted Liu Liang's hair.

Liu Liang suddenly felt a strange feeling, rising from his fingers.

Nuan Nuan wanted to talk back, but he knew that his tolerance was enough to tolerate her doing anything.


Liu Liang snorted coldly.

"Who are you and why are you following my mother?"

After talking for a long time, I said some nonsense, don't play any word games for her, show off her literary talent, and look like a philosopher.

"My name is Cheng Bin."

Uncle Cheng, no, Cheng Bin folded his legs, this posture is absolutely perfect, although he is already an uncle, he is also a beautiful uncle.

"Forty years old this year, I have a son who is a few years older than you."

There is no surprise to Liu Liang. Everyone has to get married and have children. It is strange that they are still single at such a large age.

"I know what you want to ask?" Cheng Bin didn't wait for Liu Liang to speak, and explained it himself.

"My wife has had a difficult childbirth, and it has been nearly 20 years now."

When he mentioned his deceased wife, he was still suffocating with a faint wound. He said that memory is with people, whether it is good, bad, pleasant, or painful, it is the same.

"So I'm single now."

"Why did you come to my house, what are your plans?"

Liu Liang didn't believe that this person had no ghosts in her heart. If there were no ghosts, she couldn't use the method of amnesia to stay at her house.

"I have a plan."

Cheng Bin also confessed to his purpose.

"Everything I do is for your mother."

"So you bumped your head on purpose?"

Liu Liang twitched the corners of her mouth, quite ruthless.

"You have wronged me a little bit. Cheng Bin raised his hands. I didn't use bitterness, because that was your mother. If it was someone else, what would it have to do with me? I don't want to bump my head, your mother was It bumped into me, either I fell or your mother fell and got hurt."

"When I woke up from the hospital, I was wondering how to make your mother accept me sooner, so I pretended to have amnesia and entered the room smoothly."

"Could it be that you fell in love with my mother at first sight?"

Liu Liang still didn't believe it.

Love at a glance when you are young is so weak, not to mention a handful of age, a few years of life experience, has long since worn away the previous innocence, become mature, stable, and of course full of utilitarian intentions.

At this time, they are already light on love, and there may be love at first sight.


Cheng Bin leaned back on his back and gestured with his hands, all of them had the charm of a middle-aged man. He was tall, not ugly, and had a good temper. He went to the hall and went to the kitchen. This middle-aged man treats women. There is a fatal attraction, and it is no wonder that her mother is willing to keep him, on the one hand because of guilt, and on the other hand, because he is unpleasant.

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