Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1229 Quickly brush the copy

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction, returned to the dungeon, and said, "Continue to open up wasteland, I'll go to pull the monsters."

Passing through the front garden, followed by a narrow corridor and a wide corridor, there are also 100 monsters in these two places.

"Remnant Flame"

"Escape the Dagger"


"Hot Fast"


Players who didn't pay attention heard Lu Yang shouting these words, and saw a group of monsters rushing over. The archbishop priest still released the law skills, Xiao Liang was responsible for pulling monsters alone, and everyone released group skills, less than 5 Killed all the monsters in minutes.

"Let's go, let's call the lord." Lu Yang said with satisfaction.

Level 140 Nightmare Dungeon, the second time to clean up the mobs was so fast, and the lord monsters were seen every few minutes, which made them not know what to say, and all of them showed excited expressions.

Passing through the corridor, in a spacious hall, I saw the second lord, the Galola Magic Warfighter in the form of the white element.

Garora Magic Warfighter (Lord)

Level: 140

Blood: 300000000000/300000000000

"It turned out to have less HP than the first lord monster." Chu Xiao said excitedly.

It took 27 minutes to kill the first lord monster just now. Everyone was a little tired, and they were very happy to see one who lost 200 billion lives.

Lu Yang said: "The attack power of this lord monster is much stronger than the first one, and the creatures he summons are also quite special. Xiao Liang opens the monster."

Everyone: "..."

"Isn't it much stronger, boss, you don't need a position." Chu Xiao asked in surprise with a big mouth.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "With the archbishop priest here, no matter how powerful the monster is, it's a dish, Xiao Liang."


"Xiao Liang carried the shield to launch the charge skill, and hit the lord monster with a bang.

"Ignorant mortals, you will die on this land just like your ancestors." The 20-meter-high Garola Warfighter threw a magic ball out of his left hand.

"The Law of Holy Light, Slow"

"The Law of Holy Light, Slow"


10 consecutive Holy Light Laws were drawn around Xiao Liang in an instant, and the damage Xiao Liang received was reduced by 10%. When drawn 5 times in a row, the damage Xiao Liang received was only more than 3 million per second.

To fight this lord normally in the previous life, you need to specialize in element resistance gems, in order to only lose 5 million HP per second and resist 3 attacks of the lord monster.

The first is physical output, and the second is magic output. Regardless of the equipment obtained, the material money for gems, equipment, enchantments, and potions paid for this dungeon is a large number. It can be seen that the nightmare dungeon has How difficult.

However, there is an archbishop priest on Lu Yang's side. The special bloodline that should have appeared on a large scale after level 180 has appeared at this level, which has helped Lu Yang save a lot of energy. Xiao Liang's equipment is only level 130 dark gold. Without changing the magic resistance gem, it is still stable against monster resistance.

After 5 minutes, the lord monster lost more than 30 billion HP. He stopped attacking, and a huge hole appeared in the middle of his body. At the same time, countless white mana dragons flew out of the hole.

Lu Yang shouted: "All the long-range professions stand by Xiao Liang with me, half of the archbishop's priest group is brushing blood, and the other half will release the law of holy light for us."

All the remotes quickly came to Xiao Liang with Lu Yang, Lan Yu and Yeyue Tingfeng discussed and decided that Lan Yu would take 5 people to mainly ensure the life of the whole group, and Yeyue Tingfeng took 5 people to ensure the lives of all remotes.

More than 100 mana dragons quickly flew to the top of Lu Yang and the others, sending lightning bolts towards Lu Yang and them.






Each lightning bolt from the Mana Dragon, when hitting one target, also deals 3% chain damage to all other targets.

"Boss, why can't Mana You Long attack." Chu Xiao saw the word "Invincible" after the name of Mana You Long.

"After we were attacked, there was an extra buff, and all damage was increased by 1%." Pluto Suppression said in surprise.

Lu Yang shouted with a smile: "Listen to my order, all long-range occupations, fully output the white empty position of the lord, that is his weakness."

This was originally a special attack method of the lord monster. The body turns into 100 mana dragons, which attack all remote targets. At the same time, each attack will add an overload effect to the damaged target, with 1% attack power for 3 seconds, can stack 100 layers.

With 100 simultaneous attacks, each person can get 100% spell damage bonus, and attacking the white hole exposed by him can cause 100% crit.

Of course, the white hole wasn't big, and the lord monster would swing his entire body when he attacked, but for the people around Lu Yang, it wasn't difficult to target and attack.

"1895736" (overload + crit)

Pluto's attack is very comfortable to fight, and each attack can deal nearly 2 million damage, while the shooting rate of the Starbreaker shooter is 2 attacks per second. In the duration of 1 minute, he hit it alone. With more than 220 million damages, the 10 shooters added up to a total of 2.2 billion damage.

Counting the melee attacks of the theocratic knights, the melee attacks of the mad wolf warriors, and the attacks of shaman and other professions, the output of everyone in the group dealt the damage that normally takes 3 minutes to hit in this minute, causing 50 billion. damage value.

In this way, Lu Yang didn't need to bring people back, and the second stage of the lord monster ended without releasing any skills, and continued to maintain the second stage.

Just 8 minutes later, the lord monster fell to the ground.

System prompt: You killed the Garola Magic Warfighter

Lu Yang looked at the equipment.

Garora Bloodsworn Gauntlets (Superior Gold)

Level: 140

Defense: 11420 - 11450

Magic Resistance: 11420 - 11450

Intelligence: +11250

Constitution: +7000

Additional Spell Damage: +17547

Additional Spell Penetration: +17547 Points

Additional spell crit: +17547 points

Set: 1/8

2 pieces: spell level +2

4 pieces: Attacks have a 15% chance to deal 30% more damage

6 pieces: Increases spell damage by 10%

8 pieces: Casting spells has a 30% chance to grant you a magic shield against 500,000 damage

The other two are the bracers and the boots. With only two lord monsters, two-thirds of the mage suit has been played, and two more pieces will be able to collect a complete set of the Garora Bloodsworn suit.

Lu Yang said, "Let's go, let's go to the mobs."

Everyone shouted in unison: "Oh~!"

Brushing over the lord monsters so easily made everyone's face full of smiles. At this speed, the equipment for their group could be completed in just a week.

After walking through the hall, he officially entered the palace. There are soldiers on duty in the hall, ranging from melee to long-range, as well as magicians, but Lu Yang is still the same as before. The three lord monsters are also the last lord monster.

Garola's five blood guards are called Decapitation, Frost, Terror, Holy Light, and Will. These five people are all about 10 meters in size, and each has 60 billion blood.

"Five lords appear at once." Chu Xiao said in surprise.

Lu Yang said: "It's simple, Xiao Liang pulls together, the ice-type archmage still goes to the Tianhe explosion to control the holy light and increase blood in order. His blood increase cannot be interrupted. Everyone uses range attack magic, let's go."

The most hated person in the last life was the lord Shengguang. All treatments were instant, and there was no chance for other occupations to be interrupted. Each time he added blood was 10 billion.

"Yes." Xiao Liang roared and charged at Shengguang.

"Humans, I admire your ability to get here, but you can only get here." Sheng Guang was a woman, smiled gracefully, and launched a holy light shock at Xiao Liang.

"The Law of Holy Light, Slow"




For 50 consecutive Holy Light Laws, Xiao Liang carried the attacks of 5 people without any problem. Although they could destroy Xiao Liang's more than 5 million HP each time, they could only resist two swords, and the third sword would kill him. As a result, everyone's attacks are much simpler, all of them are range magic.

With 60 billion HP, he can't handle the range magic. Among the 5 lords, only Terror is a warlock, and he will use his fear skills to control everyone, but his magic is read for 1.5 seconds. .

Lu Yang has been staring at the terrifying skills. Whenever he wants to read the article, he must be interrupted by a magic. Without this, when Xiao Liang can handle it, compared to the previous two lords, this lord kills It's very simple, and it's over in just 5 minutes.

Lu Yang clicked on the equipment and took a look.

Garora Wise Staff (Superior Gold)

Level: 140

Physical attack: 50156 - 50888

Intelligence: +24250

Constitution: +12000

Additional Spell Damage: +36547 Points

Additional Spell Penetration: +36547 Points

Additional spell crit: +36547 points

The remaining two items were Garola's belt and gauntlet, which just happened to put together a complete set of mage suits. The first one to benefit became Chu Xiao, and the little girl jumped up with excitement.

Lu Yang looked at the last item, and unexpectedly another immortal refining stone exploded. He did not upgrade Hui Yao, but left the dungeon with the team. At the door, there were 999 teams and more than 99,000 people. Standing there silently.

"You can see clearly." Lu Yang jumped onto a high platform and asked loudly.

"See clearly." The other 1,000 team leaders and players responded one after another.

"Okay, start brushing." Lu Yang said.

The 1,000 teams burst into the nightmare difficulty dungeon with a laugh and started to play. Lu Luyang also returned to the dungeon and led the team to swipe hard. While playing, he hummed a song.

"Little Ben, I just need a T. Powerful heroes crush the team. You don't need to be able to fight. Hehehe, let's go over with A..."

Zhuojiu and Pluto, who were following Lu Yang, looked over in surprise when they heard Lu Yang's humming song.

"Boss, what kind of song are you playing? It's very funny." Zhuojiu asked.

Lu Yang said, "How about it, it's a good match for this dungeon."

The people around them nodded.

Lu Yang said, "This is an old song, adapted from an old game before. If you like it, I will teach you to sing it."

The original version of this song is a song sung by a certain star. When it was about 180 in the late last life, many people had the blood of the archbishop, and the equipment of the MT was quite good. The mage and the shooter pushed this copy together.

I don't know which talented guy has used this song in this copy, and it feels especially good to sing while brushing.

Lu Yang liked this tune, and he happily sang it to the crowd. Zhuojiu and Chu Xiao and the others sang while swiping.

"Haha, this dungeon is so cool to brush, it's really cool to brush it," said the Pluto Suppression.

"I don't know how other guilds out there know how we feel about brushing level 140 dark gold equipment like this now," Luoshen said.

"If you know it, you must be jealous. When we have all the dungeon equipment in the future, we will brush the equipment and sell it together. It will make more money than they will make money from robbing Nian beasts."

"That is, once you refresh, you can grab two or three years of beasts. As for things, I have no luck."

"Oh, it's all the same."

The players of the Jagged Brotherhood have acquired the equipment, so they will no longer be jealous of the Nian beast.

Lu Yang also started the era of quick brushing. His team included Mu Yu, Nanfeng Zhiyi, and several high-level players with artifacts. The special attacks they launched alone could kill hundreds of millions of lords’ lives every time. value.

At Lu Yang's speed, it only takes half an hour to produce 9 pieces of equipment per dungeon on average. If you are lucky, you can get 2 Immortal Refining Stones, and you can get one if you are unlucky.

After 16 hours of continuous brushing, 288 pieces of level 140 dark gold equipment were produced, and 20 sets and nearly 100 pieces were collected.

In one day, the equipment of one-fifth of the entire team was assembled. When it was time to rest at night, Lu Yang asked the others to go offline and rest first, and brought all the guild's vice-chairman and above players. The guild headquarters of Tianyuan Divine City.

"What's going on outside today?" Lu Yang asked.

Tu Feng said: "There is chaos outside, and the major guilds have exposed their strongest legions."

Lu Yang became interested and asked, "What kind of legions are there?"

"Compared to other not-so-special bloodlines, the Abyss Demon King's Legion, Mummy Legion, and Abyss Mage Legion of the Group of Eight are the strongest." Tu Feng said while opening the official video.

In the picture, the scattered players attacked the Sixiang City on a large scale. Tens of millions of people poured out of the teleportation array in the Sixiang City and rushed outside the city. All players wearing the guild badge on their chests would be violently attacked by the scattered people.

For a time, Sixiang City and the surrounding level 130 maps were all occupied by the scattered players, but when the scattered players were celebrating their victory, the drums of war sounded around the entire big map.





From the perspective of the sky, stretching higher, you can see that on the 131-level map, the G8 players with more than 10 million people are divided into 8 huge squares, which are gradually inward in the form of a huge encirclement. tighten.

The two sides of the battle formation, on the one hand the loose people fighting indiscriminately, and on the other hand the guild players who had meticulous planning and were commanded by special personnel, and both wore advanced equipment and possessed the power of bloodline, the two decided against each other.

From a high altitude, as soon as the two sides made contact, the scattered players were defeated in all directions, and countless scattered players were strangled by the meat grinder encirclement formed by tens of millions of players from the Group of Eight.

In the eight encirclement circles, Tu Feng clicked on the fighting group in the due east direction. He said, "This part is the most fighting among the scattered players and the strongest, but they died the worst."

The screen is zoomed in to the east side. In this place, more than 3 million casual players are fighting with the G8, the Mexican guild, and the president Galga personally participated in the battle. During the war, he turned into a four-legged 5-meter man High flame demon form, like him, there are 5000 people in flame demon form.

"Killing, it's something I really enjoy, try my fire rain." Galga made a move with his right hand, the clouds in the sky turned red, and within 50 meters in diameter, a large rain of fire fell from the sky.

After hitting the ground, the damage dealt was able to explode 5 times the crit. In just a split second, all the enemies within 50 meters were killed except for the anti-war and anti-riding.

Just when they thought it was a long-lasting, long-cooling skill, the rain of flames only fell once and then stopped. What surprised them even more was that Galga raised his hand to summon the rain of flames again. Equal to this is a skill with no cooldown.

"I have seen the statistics given by other anchors. These 5,000 people alone have killed at least 1 million players. Their attack power is too high. Each critical hit is 5 times the critical hit, which is completely beyond the current You have the strength of a player." Tu Feng said.

White Lion frowned and asked, "What kind of legion is this, do you know their specific skills?"

Tu Feng shook his head and said, "Sorry, I haven't gotten any news yet. Galga swept all the enemies with just this skill. In their guild, these 5,000 people are the same as our studio. The combat power commanded by China is also a top-secret combat power."

"This group of enemies is difficult to handle. Once there is a strong defensive battle in front of us, we will face a big loss if we fight them head-on." Doojiu said.

Having such an army is equivalent to having a heavy artillery unit, or a heavy artillery unit that will kill with one hit. It is stronger than the Forbidden Magic Mage Corps, because the Forbidden Magic Mage Corps is a long-lasting skill, and there is a long cooldown when it is released. , but this skill has not been cooled down, and only one attack can be used for a long-lasting large-scale battle. For a time, several vice presidents are thinking about how to deal with such an enemy.

Lu Yang was also a little surprised to see this legion. This was one of the most difficult super legions to deal with in the last life. The abyss fire mage legion had the strongest single attack power of the fire archmage bloodline, and the group attack was this abyss. Fire mage army.

"What other enemies?" Lu Yang asked.

Tu Feng returned the screen to the previous one and found the screen on the north side. After clicking on it, there were also two sides fighting fiercely in the screen. When they came out, they all pointed to the field.

A dark green light flashed, and thousands of large tombstones appeared in the arena. When the tombstones appeared, the attack power of the scattered players was reduced by 30%, their movement speed was reduced by 20%, and at the same time, there were several magic-immune monsters around them. mummy.

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