Rebirth of the Harry Potter

Chapter 406 First Kiss!

Diagon Alley, The Leaky Cauldron.

The hottest days of summer have arrived this year, which also means that the summer holidays are coming to an end.

Every big house in London, every pedestrian on the street, every car is sleepy.

Residents' lawns on both sides of the street, most of the lush grass withered and yellowed.

Because of the severe drought this year, the woman in Buckingham Palace signed the new regulations.

The public's watering hoses are temporarily suspended, and if found to be in violation, a fine of 80 pounds will be required.

It is said that mass demonstrations took place to protest the law. They held up banners and yelled that they are taxpayers and have paid taxes, and this law is infringing on their rights.

In this dreary weather, only in the morning can you feel a little bit of coolness.

When the pale yellow sunlight in the morning has not spilled into this room full of serene atmosphere.

A little girl's crisp and melodious urging voice broke the tranquility.

"Smelly Harry, hurry up and prepare me breakfast."

Then, two snow-white paws touched Harry's shoulders, shaking back and forth.

Harry stretched and saw a pair of lively pupils.

Although the cutie has been able to speak human words for several days, Harry is still not used to a good kitten, and the opening of his mouth is no longer a "meow" sound, but standard spoken English.

This is the wizard's pet. There are very few pets. Due to their powerful magic power, as they grow older, they will break through a layer of restrictions, their spiritual intelligence will be significantly improved, and they can use human language to communicate with wizards. .

The wisdom of the little cutie is about equal to that of a ten-year-old child.

In the past, Harry was woken up by the little cutie every day, thinking that she was getting close to him, but since she was able to communicate with people, Harry realized that it was not the case at all, she was just urging himself to prepare food for her quickly, Otherwise she will be unhappy.

Harry pinched the cutie's nape, and the cutie calmed down.

Harry threw the cutie to the ground and said, "You know where the snacks are for you, go find them yourself."

Then he pulled the blanket and covered Zhang Qiu who was sleeping beside him. When his fingers touched Zhang Qiu's tender shoulders, Zhang Qiu's shoulders trembled as if he had been electrocuted, but his peaceful sleeping appearance remained unchanged.

Harry chuckled inwardly.

The little cutie squatted on the carpet, and said angrily: "How can it be! You are my master's servant, why do you want me to do it myself? If you don't serve me well, my master... just find another servant, and when the time comes No matter how hard you beg, my lord will not pity you, hum."

Harry chuckled and moved his fingers. He opened a drawer on a table by the wall, and a bag of snacks with a cat pattern flew over.

"Little dried fish! Little dried fish!" the little cutie cheered, jumping up and down on the ground.

A large bag of dried freshwater fish fell in front of the little cutie. The little cutie stretched out her paws, grabbed two, and began to enjoy them.

While eating, the little cutie suddenly remembered something, and said, "Smelly Harry, does Zhang Qiu have my cat blood?"


"Yesterday, my lord heard that Zhang Qiu's voice was very cat-like, and I didn't sleep well all night. Could it be that she will become a cat?" Little Cutie asked puzzled while eating dried fish. road.

"Cough..." Harry had a weird smile on his face.

Zhang Qiu's eyes were closed, and his face was so red that he could bleed.

"By the way, you should give me more servants as soon as possible, otherwise, when you are not by my side, who will take care of me." Cutie said.

Zhang Qiu quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and went out. After listening to it, he wondered what the cat would say.

Harry stared into the little cutie's eyes and said, "I'm not your servant, I'm your master, understand?"

The cutie was stunned for a moment, then jumped onto the bed, got into Harry's palm, rubbed her little head in Harry's hand twice, and said, "That's fine. You are not allowed to say that you are not my servant anymore, otherwise I will The adults were really angry.


Harry: "..."



A movie theater.

The movies shown here seem to be very popular with young people, because most of the people flocking to the entrance are young couples who don't look like they just finished high school, or even junior high school students.

Men and women walk together in groups.

At the door, there is a group of young and beautiful handsome men and women waiting for someone.

Holding Cokes on the rocks and buckets of popcorn, they looked around.

"Why isn't Kana here? The screening will start soon." A girl complained.

"This is not the first time, you don't know her yet, as long as you go out together, she must spend hours dressing up." Another girl said.

She glanced at none of the boys who thought Karna should be angry because she was late, and couldn't help but burst out.

Isn't it just that she looks better? As for offering her up like a princess, cut it.

The boys are discussing an upcoming movie.

A boy said: "I don't understand what these girls are thinking. Is my suggestion not good? What's not good about the "007 Golden Eye" that is currently being screened? Agents, sports cars, beauties, saving the world... What love do you have to watch? A movie, or a rerun, what kind of eyes do you look at me?"

A boy in denim shorts, white short sleeves, and a duck cap patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Phinny, you should think about why you don't have a girlfriend until now."

"Why?" Finny asked.

No one answered his question.

Another boy looked at the girl with an innocent smile printed on the huge poster at the entrance of the movie theater, and said, "It's not bad to watch this movie. She is my favorite female star. When she was fourteen, she starred in ten of the movies. The three-year-old protagonist, and then became popular all over the world, so beautiful..."

Discussing beauty is an eternal topic for men.

Speaking of the stars with sweet smiles on the posters, without exception, everyone praised her beauty.

"God, if Sophie can be my girlfriend, I will lose ten years of life, no, I will be willing to spend twenty years..."

"You go dreaming!"

"Riers, your girlfriend is over there..."

"It's not enough to talk about it."

"God!" A boy moaned suddenly with dull eyes.

"What are you doing? You've been in heat most of the day." Someone kicked him.

The boy didn't respond, he stared straight ahead and said, "My God, I saw a girl who is cuter and more beautiful than Sophie!"

"How is it possible?" Everyone didn't believe it.

Following his gaze, all the boys were stunned.

A girl in a white princess dress with confused eyes, as if she had stepped out of a painting, looked at everything around her.

The light shrouded her body and reflected it, like a holy angel.

"Phinney, hurry up!" someone shouted.

"Huh? What?" Finny looked confused.

"You idiot, you are the only one who didn't invite a female companion who came here today. She seems to be single too, hurry up and invite her to watch a movie!" said a boy.

He was full of remorse, if he had come alone today, he would have rushed to the blonde girl immediately to ask for her phone number.

"Oh." Finny understood.

He walked nervously in front of that beautiful and outrageous girl.

The closer he got to the girl, the more Fini realized how beautiful the girl was, with creamy skin, eyes as pure as a baby, and blond hair that shone brighter than gold in the sun...

Heartfelt feeling.

bang bang bang.

The violent heartbeat sounded in Finny's ears.


Astoria was observing the street curiously.

Is this what Muggles call a cinema?

Astoria was attracted by the huge promotional poster, on the cover was a girl with a simple smile.

""First Kiss", starring Sophie Marceau. Wicca is a thirteen-year-old girl. She has just entered puberty and has begun to have a hazy sexual consciousness. She always hopes to have her own space and little secrets, but her parents have always It's hard to accept the fact that the little girl in my arms is finally going to be an adult..." Astoria read the words at the bottom of the poster softly.

"You, hello." Finny stammered and greeted, he didn't dare to look into Astoria's eyes, which made him feel ashamed.

Feeney felt that he was really low. He was good-looking, and it wasn't that there were no girls in school who showed their hearts to him, but he ignored them. I didn't expect to invite other girls for the first time, and I behaved so poorly.

But fortunately, the girl didn't show any disgust.

Astoria froze for a moment and said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes." Feeney said nervously, "Can I... invite you to watch a movie?"

Astoria looked at Feeney strangely.

Can you imagine that you are walking on the side of the road, and suddenly a tree jumps out to say hello to you? Finny didn't know why he had this intuition, but he thought that his wonderful metaphor must be what the girl was thinking.

"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?" Astoria asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's's..." Feeney said incoherently.

This question is too straightforward. Pursuing a girlfriend is the ultimate goal. There is also a series of watching movies, treating guests to dinner, and going on a date... How can you ask this question directly? Finny was dripping with sweat.

It seems that this girl is so innocent, if I say yes, she won't really agree, will she? Finny thought excitedly.

Astoria sent him to hell with a soft sentence: "That's not acceptable, I already have a fiancé."


This is a bolt from the blue.

Feeney was smashed to the ground, his first love, it was over before it even started.

"Ah, ha..." Finny smirked.

"Muggle, do you know what "sexual awareness" means?" Astoria pointed to the brief introduction on the poster and asked in puzzlement.

Finny looked dazed.

"It seems that you don't know either." Astoria muttered, turned and left, and she found the ticket window.

"I'll buy a movie ticket." After that, he put a wallet in the pay slot.

The aunt who sold the tickets glanced at Astoria, took the wallet, opened it, and couldn't help but gasp.

Inside was a thick stack of brand new fifty bills.

Is she showing off her wealth?

The ticket sales lady took one of them, found a bunch of change, and pushed the wallet and ticket to Astoria.

Astoria took the wallet and walked inside: "It turns out that we don't want to use up all the money."


The boys outside the door gathered in a pile, hooked Finny's neck, and wanted to strangle him to death.

"Tell me, what are you and that beauty talking about?"

"To be honest, I think you guys talked a lot."

"Do you want a phone number!"

"She said she has a fiancé." Feeney said in a daze.


"real or fake?"

"Being engaged at such a young age, could it be the legendary wealthy family?"

"I don't know who her fiance is, I really want to beat him up."


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