The next morning, Lex led his team to continue the search, and after searching for half a day to no avail, these American soldiers began to complain and curse constantly.

"Shit! bastard! Fake!" back and forth just these few sentences, how can I have a dignified Chinese language that is sharp, and the language of swearing is not repeated for an hour.

Wei Heping had already left the habitat and came to the top of a mountain, he felt that the aura here was stronger than other places, and immediately sat down cross-legged to practice the exercises, and now as long as he found a little bit of aura, he would not let go easily.

Boom! The roar of a helicopter was heard in the distance, woo...... An airborne missile, whizzing towards his position.

"the mud horse!" Wei Heping scolded, turning over and jumping down the other side of the mountain.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and the rocks were blown up by the missile, and the debris flew around, boom! Wei Heping felt that his back was suddenly hit, as if he had been smashed on the back by a giant hammer, and his throat and eyes were sweet and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Enduring the severe pain, he used the wind control technique to land on a protruding boulder halfway up the mountainside, and spit out a mouthful of blood, and the roar of the helicopter in the distance was approaching, and he saw a depression not far away, and hurriedly got in.

The depression was more than three meters deep, larger than where he had been attacked by bald eagles on Mount Adiralangk, but it was so low that it was difficult for him to even sit up.

took out the short knife, injected a trace of spiritual power, and dug it to the side, the helicopter outside was already hovering on the top of the mountain, and from time to time some gravel was blown down the hill by the helicopter's rotating wings and slid down.

With a bang, the short knife couldn't bear his spiritual power and broke into two, and now his body was seriously injured, and his control of spiritual power was a little unstable, more and less, and the short knife broke after inserting the stone several times.

Wei Heping didn't care about anything else, he took out another tiger tooth saber, injected spiritual power and continued to dig, but fortunately this time he didn't break the saber and dug out a cave of more than two meters.

Throwing away the short knife, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately sat down cross-legged and ran the exercises to repair the injured back.

This time the injury was a bit serious, he felt that the sternum behind his back was broken a few times, and the spiritual power operation of the meridians in his body was a little sluggish, and two meridians had been broken, so he had to slowly use spiritual power to repair and dredge.

The roar of the helicopter outside kept coming, probably looking for his traces, Wei Heping just ran the exercises to repair the internal injuries, and waited until the injuries recovered.

The top of the mountain was about 200 meters away from the halfway point of the mountain, and the roar of the helicopter began to sound from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Wei Heping had no distractions, closed the six senses, and only ran the exercises to repair the internal injuries, the helicopter kept circling outside, and the huge roar was completely blocked by him.

I don't know how long it took, Wei Heping opened his eyes, felt that the injuries in his body were all recovered, and the spiritual power flowed in the limbs and bones, without a trace of delay, and there was a faint feeling of breaking through to the middle of the second layer of qi refining.

The roar of the helicopter outside had died down, and he took his backpack to tidy it up, and saw that there was a fist-sized dent on the backpack, which had broken around the dent, but fortunately the stone had hit him in the back, and if it hit his head, he would definitely die.

He secretly screamed in his heart, if he was hit in the head by a stone, he would be the only monk killed by modern weapons.

"Lao Tzu has avoided it, you are still in hot pursuit, since you want to kill Lao Tzu, then be ready to be killed!" Wei Heping decided to kill this base at this moment, the monk was originally bound to revenge, not to mention that now he was almost killed, if he didn't kill it back, it would affect his cultivation Dao Heart in the future.

After tidying up, he climbed out of the cave and saw that it was already noon, and realized that he had been practicing in the cave for four or five hours.

When he came to the boulder outside the mountainside, he looked around, but found no figure, turned and ran to the top of the mountain.

A few minutes later, standing on the top of the mountain, I looked into the sky around me and saw no sign of the helicopter.

I was thinking about how to find this base! At the foot of the hill came the roar of helicopters, and soon the roar was getting closer and closer.

Wei Heping immediately understood that the helicopter was searching for his body at the foot of the mountain, and it may have been looking for a long time but not finding it, and then flew to the top of the mountain again.

Raising his hand and grabbing a stone the size of a basin, he saw the wings of the helicopter spiraling and flying up, only thirty or forty meters away from him, "whoosh!" The stone with the size of the basin in his hand smashed directly into the junction of the wings of the helicopter with a fierce wind.

"Bang!" There was a loud bang, and the wing of the helicopter was hit by a stone, and suddenly a propeller fell, and then the other two propellers fell again, and only one propeller remained, and the helicopter fell down the hill in a circle.


Wei Heping felt the shaking of the explosion on the top of the mountain, and some debris was shaken and fell down the mountain.

"It's easy this time!" Wei Heping smiled, and suddenly had an idea, and immediately went down the mountain, the helicopter fell here, and those people would definitely come to check the reason, it was a good place to wait for the rabbit.

The fire caused by the helicopter explosion ignited some trees at the foot of the mountain, and the fire became bigger and bigger, faintly expanding, and a scorching heat was felt at a distance of 100 meters from the helicopter explosion site.

Ten minutes later, the roar of the helicopter came, and Wei Heping hurriedly hid in a hollow grass, and saw two gunships flying in the sky in the distance.

The two helicopter gunships were hovering in the air 100 meters away from the fire, which was at the foot of the mountain, and the terrain was relatively flat, and the helicopters could barely land.

The two helicopters began to land slowly, the vines and weeds on the ground were blown by the wings, Wei Heping was only more than 30 meters away from the helicopter landing, when the helicopter was still more than 10 meters away from the ground, Wei Heping suddenly burst out of the hollow grass, several take-offs and landings came to the helicopter more than 10 meters away, raised his hand and threw two grenades into the cabin.

In a flash, he took up and landed several times in a row, kicked on the branch of a small tree next to him, flew a few meters to another helicopter, and then performed the wind control technique, floated to the front of the helicopter, raised his hand and threw two grenades into the cabin, and then used the wind control technique to quickly fall into the woods next to him.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, followed by a series of explosions, "Boom, boom!" The first helicopter exploded in the air five or six meters in the air, like a flash in the pan.

At this time, Wei Heping had already fallen in the woods, he did not stop, he continued to jump into the woods, and the shock wave caused by the explosion chased after him.

"Boom!" was followed by another loud bang, followed by a series of explosions, and a second helicopter was also blown up by a grenade.

Wei Heping jumped up and landed on the top of the tree, launched the Wind Resisting Technique and jumped several times in a row, landing under a big tree more than two hundred meters away and hiding.

"Whew!" The powerful shock wave caused by the explosion roared by, and some small trees next to the big trees were blown off, and the vines and weeds were blown off, and they drifted away with the wind.

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