Real World Pokemon

Chapter 44: :The usage of 0 becomes strange

   Chu Ye weighed a fruit knife in his hand, and kept turning in his palm following the rhythm of his fingers, as if stuck between his fingers.

   Of course, Chu Ye has not specially practiced using daggers and knives. In his previous life, he was an ordinary person. He ran the gym three times a week at most, still for the purpose of losing his beer belly.

The fruit knife is made of a variety of strange things, very sharp. When Chu Ye just went to the yard to test the abilities of the variety of strange things, he easily used this fruit knife in his own fruit plate as the original prop to pierce the yard. There are at least two dictionary-thick boards in Rina, and the tip of the knife does not come out from behind the boards.

Under the ingenious control of Variety Monster, the extremely sharp blade could not hurt Chu Ye at all. Instead, Chu Ye had an illusion of instructing like an arm. Chu Ye slashed the blade with his fingertips without cutting herself. Turning Weird dulled the blade, and the light reflected by the metal under the sun made Chu Ye a little dazzling.

   Chu Ye found that Variety Monster seemed to be easier to transform into a lifeless item.

   "Xiaobai, become a rope."

   The knife twisted in his hand, and a circle of only one meter long appeared in Chu Ye's hand, and the hook with a heavy object on one end, Chu Ye threw towards the bulge in the direction of the wall.

I saw that the rope that was only one meter long stretched quickly, and because Chu Ye couldn't aim it, the hook suddenly turned around in the air and instantly hung the raised building on the wall, and steadily circled twice. The hook is still hanging on it.

  Chu Ye nodded in satisfaction, patted the rope and said: "It's a very good job, Xiaobai, I will rely on you to protect my life in the future."

When Chu Ye was in the room, he searched for pictures of various equipment on the Internet. The Variety Monster can change one by one, and it is more flexible than the fixed equipment Variety Monster. The long-term survival in the wild has made the transformation skills of the Variety Monster fully practiced. Level, even when he is resting, he is used to becoming a rock or a sapling to hide himself.

All aspects of attributes have reached the peak in the long-term hunting. If Chu Ye does not add the potential attributes of Variety Monsters, then Variety Monsters may only be strong in this life. This is also the weakness of this race. The racial attributes are not. high.

   Moreover, Variety Weird and Chu Ye had a psychic coincidence, and they began to cultivate a little tacit understanding with Chu Ye. Of course, they were incomparable with Guisi, but even so, Chu Ye was already very satisfied.

   This shows that Variety Monster has begun to try to accept his trainer. This tacit understanding is like a seed. In the future, it will eventually grow into the towering tree called the bond. The spirit that can form a bond with the trainer is very terrifying.

   There is no mental communication, and the trainer can understand the trainer’s intentions between the trainer’s gestures, and only rely on a change of eyes to understand what the trainer is going to do. This kind of coincidence of minds is more terrifying than superpower.

   The Variety Monster retracted the rope while Chu Ye's wrist was shaking. Chu Ye patted the Variety Monster and said, "Xiaobai, can it become a hat?"

   Variety Monsters did not like the environment inside the Poke Ball just like Guisi, Chu Ye simply did not take Variety Monsters back into the Poke Ball, and then agreed with Variety Monsters that he could not transform and appear in front of others casually.

A red and white sun hat printed with a elven ball pattern appeared in Chu Ye's hand. Chu Ye righted the hat. In fact, Chu Ye still had a lot of tricks on how to use all kinds of strange things, but it was almost afternoon, Chu Ye I also plan to buy some materials, and when I go to school, I will go to the fruit laboratory to make some energy cubes. After all, there are only five energy cubes on hand now, and they can only last for a few days.

  Guisi needs to consume a lot of energy to practice the technique of multiple shadow clones. The original three or four days of consumption is now used up in one day, making Chu Ye realize that he wants to continue to make energy cubes and the money-making plan must be accelerated.

   After having the Variety Monster, all future plans can be carried out with confidence. After all, the ghosts can only cover the smell of Chu Ye. The Variety Monster is different. If the transformation ability is used properly, it is a big killer.

   Chu Ye, with the two elves standing next to him, felt a little relieved. Ghosts and Variety Monsters are important elves for him to establish a foothold in this world, and Chu Ye values ​​them more than himself.

The death of Liuwei also sounded the alarm for Chu Ye. Taking advantage of the fact that the elves must lay the foundation when they are weak now, this stage is the most plastic stage of the elves. The foundation of the tall buildings is the most important. Chu Ye still understands this truth. .

You don’t need Chu Ye to worry too much about Variety Weird. Although Variety Weird is only at level 8, long-term survival in the wild has given you enough experience in both the psychology and the strength of Variety Weird. This is the kind of cultivation room for ghosts. The elves that come out are not comparable.

Of course, Chu Ye didn’t mean to dislike Guisi. After all, Guisi had started to work very hard after following Chu Ye for a There was no other elves who had developed a proud and indulgent personality. In the eyes, both elves are more satisfied.

   carefully pressed the hair into the inside of the hat, and the slightly big hat also slowly shrank to fit, blocking the violent sunlight on his head.

  Chu Ye stretched out slowly, the wound on his shoulder was still aching slightly, Chu Ye grinned and opened the door and walked out.

Even though she had taken medicine for injuries, Chu Ye went to the Elf Center to ask a nurse to treat her wounds with almost a doll. After all, the wound on her shoulder was not serious, but it also affected Chu Ye’s exercise. Elf Center is the best at treating this. Kind of trauma, as long as almost the doll has a healing wave and healing bell, Chu Ye's wound will heal almost.

   Watching the wound fall from the scab, leaving only a faint scar, Chu Ye wanted to raise a lucky egg or almost a baby who was a team doctor.

These two kinds of elves have extraordinary advantages in terms of healing and support, especially the healing heart and the characteristics that fit their own positioning. However, these two elves are generally only cultivated by alliances and countries, and they are only It will be distributed to those who work in the wizard center, and Chu Ye can only sigh.

I spent an afternoon sweeping all kinds of items that can be used in the Elf Item House, but Xianyang is only a small county, and the quantity of goods is not as large as that in the big city, but what Chu Ye bought is not particularly precious. Materials, the ones that should be bought are almost bought.

The remaining few materials and props are out of stock, and Chu Ye can only wait to order online tonight, but the order and delivery speed in this city is still very fast. It is good that the goods can be obtained before going to school on Monday. Not too anxious.

   After spending more than 500,000 yuan, he walked home carrying large and small bags.

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