Primordial Sequence

Chapter 76 Weird feeling

The Adventurer's Guild was unprecedentedly deserted today. The powerful Extraordinary gathered in the lower streets to fight. Camus and others dragged the captain's body back to the Adventurer's Guild. Susie jumped off the carriage, and then Gao Ruisi also jumped off with a painful look on his face. The group returned to the investigation room. Susie took out a special carrier pigeon from the room of the investigation room and released it.

"This is the carrier pigeon of the Aurora Society. The captain is a member of the Aurora Society. The Aurora Society will send someone to take his body back for burial."

"Where are his relatives?"

Susie dragged off the light armor, threw it on the carriage, and looked back at Camus.

"We are his relatives. I hope he is right about you. Go buy some white candles. It will take about a week for the Aurora people to get here."

"Isn't it good to bury him here? Or in the collective cemetery of the Rose Investigation Team?"

Susie shook her head. "The captain told me that the Aurora's 'Holy Sanctuary' has the remains of the saints. Where is the Aurora's sacred cemetery? He said he wanted to return to the Aurora before he died."

"Where is the language worm?"

At this time, Kaxiu came over with a scalpel. "It must be made sure that it is dead. If the language worm matures, it will parasitize the next person. If it parasitizes six times in a row, it will become an invincible monster after the sixth time."

"What a terrible species, take it out."

When Kaxiu heard it, he carefully pulled open the captain's clothes, only to see a large bulge at the captain's heart. Because the heart was crushed by him, some purple-black blood was flowing. Kaxiu swallowed his saliva and cut open the heart with a scalpel.

As the heart was opened, some white mesh structures were exposed. A pink flesh worm was clinging to the heart. Its body was connected to several large blood vessels, and it was lying quietly in the heart that was already half empty.

Kaxiu cut the blood vessels connected to the speech worm and clamped him up. Suddenly, the blood in the heart spurted out and splashed Kaxiu.

"Take this speech worm Camus. It is a material for a high-level magic potion."

Looking at the speech worm Camus handed over, he felt a little nauseous, but he still took a glass jar from the carriage and put it in. Then everyone worked together to move the captain's body into the basement of the Adventurer's Guild, and bought white candles to light around his coffin. Susie took the captain's relics, opened his book and began to pray.

"Holy, noble, and glorious first light, we are full of gratitude and praise you, you are the creator of life, the guide of civilization..."

By the time everyone finished praying, it was already afternoon. Because they were in a bad mood, everyone dispersed after praying. When Camus walked out of the gate, he saw the little girl squatting there quietly and couldn't help but have a headache.

"I'll take you to the orphanage, take care of yourself."

The dog-headed little girl followed Camus without saying a word. The two finally stopped a carriage and ran towards the orphanage.

Shengyao Redemption Orphanage

The maple leaves in summer are lush and green, and there is some fresh soil on the bluestone road. There are white walls and gray houses. The roof of the house is triangular, and some brown tiles are hanging on it. There is a huge white cross sculpture in the middle of the house. Except for the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, there is no sound. It is terribly quiet.

Camus looked at the orphanage quietly, frowning. Is it so quiet in broad daylight?

"Dongdong...Sir, wake up."

Camus walked to the door and knocked on the security room at the door. A fat man in a black uniform raised his head in confusion and opened the window.

"Sir, do you have something to do?"

Looking at the fat security guard, Camus took off his hat, "Hello sir, are you adopting a child?"

The security guard nodded quickly, "Yes, sir, I think you need to talk to our director, please follow me."

As the iron gate opened, Camus walked in with the dog-headed girl. There were two huge gray-brown trees at the entrance of the orphanage, and two huge lawns on both sides of the road. It looked quite peaceful, but why was there no child?

"Excuse me, sir, where are your children?"

"Oh sir, they are all taking a nap, so be quiet."

Soon, several people arrived at the director's office through the quiet corridor and stairs.

"Knock knock...Ms. Leteli, a gentleman wants to see you."

"Please come in."

Pushing the door open, I saw an old goat woman reading a newspaper. She was wearing a gray suit and reading glasses, and her snow-white hair was neatly groomed.

"Ms. Leteli, my name is Camus, nice to meet you."

Leteli raised her head slightly and saw that Camus was well-dressed and had pointed ears like a moon elf, so she put down the newspaper in her hand and stretched out her arm.

"Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Madam, I have a child here, can you help her?"

Leteli rolled her eyes, looked down at the little dog-headed girl, and frowned.

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken, this is a child from the lower street, right? We have never accepted children from the lower street. Not only are they greedy, stealing, and beating people, they don't know how to be touching, and no one wants them. This is just a burden for us."

Camus had a blank expression. When a person has no hope for life, it is possible to do anything, not to mention a group of lower street civilians who have no food to eat.

"Madam, she doesn't need to be adopted. I will pay you enough tuition and living expenses. She must study and have a safe place."

After hearing this, Leteli looked at the little dog-headed girl quietly and thought for a long time before speaking.

"If you are willing to bear everything about her, I can take her in. What is your name?"

"Rand Taylor"

"Okay, take her to the first floor to go through the formalities. We need your address, contact information, relationship with the child, and the necessary deposit."

Upon hearing this, Camio put on her hat and looked at Ms. Letelli, "Thank you, madam. May the sun god bless you."

Kamiao took the little girl to the first floor and went through various procedures, and paid a full living allowance of 1 gold coin. This was for three months, and she would have to pay it again after three months.

Looking at the list in his hand, Camus rubbed his hair, squatted down and looked at Taylor.

"Good luck to you Taylor, don't forget that you want to kill me. Study hard. If you have anything, come to me at the Adventurer's Guild. Oh, this is for you. This is my gift to you. What's the matter? Things can call my name in the mirror.”

Taylor looked at Camus, then at the mirror in his hand, and turned around calmly, "I will kill you."

Kamiao grinned when he heard this, "You are welcome to come and kill me. Remember to eat well and drink well, and cover yourself with a quilt at night. I will come to see you often. I'm leaving first."

"Madam, I'll leave it to you," Camus said as he handed over two silver coins. The teacher accepted it happily and stood behind Taylor.

Watching Camus leave, Taylor clenched her fingers, clenched her silver teeth and followed the teacher to the dormitory.

Camus walked out of the door and breathed a long sigh of relief. He was about to stretch his body when he suddenly turned around and looked at the window on the third floor.

"Why do you always feel something is wrong? Do you have a weird feeling when you come here?"

After saying that, Camus opened the Eye of Truth, but found nothing. He frowned, touched the "blasphemous rune" materials in his arms, and hurried home.

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