Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 11 All the apes return home, and their luck skyrockets!

"It's a pity that if you want to rely on annexing other tribes to improve your own cultivation in the future, it won't work."

After sorting out the harvest, Sarushuo felt a full sense of harvest, and just wanted to continue taking action, conquer other tribes, and expand his own tribe as quickly as possible.

However, he knew that this was dangerous and would not work at all.

First of all, all the apes he is annexing now are the ape clan. In this way, other overlord races will not say anything when they see it. After all, this is an internal matter of the ape clan, and it is difficult for them to interfere.

After the annexation of the Golden Ape clan, there are no other ape clans in this area. If they want to expand, they need to attack other types of clans.

It is not a big race. If it wants to annex, the other party will definitely not surrender so easily and will fight to the death. I am afraid that the dominant ethnic groups will also intervene and suppress it.

Secondly, now that all the Xiantian tribes are facing the threat of the ferocious beast tribe, they have generally formed an alliance. They generally coexist peacefully with each other and maintain a fragile balance.

If he attacks other ethnic groups, he will definitely be dissatisfied with other ethnic groups and think that doing so will destroy the overall situation, thus becoming the target of public criticism and breaking this balance.

By that time, even if he were ten times more powerful than he is now, he would probably be in an extremely dangerous situation.

Therefore, in the next period of time, we cannot continue to expand. We can only stay dormant and rely on normal means to let the clan members practice hard and reproduce vigorously to improve the strength level of the entire clan.

"Ape Gold, I order you to take all your clan members with us and move to the cave of my ape clan." Thinking of this, Ape Fire gave the order.

The spiritual energy of that small Cave Heaven Paradise is much richer than that of this stone forest, and there is still some space. There is no problem in accommodating another 100,000 tribesmen.

After that kind of cave heaven paradise with excellent environment, the strength of the entire clan can be improved the fastest, so it is naturally necessary for the golden ape clan to move there.

"Leave our clan territory?" Yuanjin was startled, feeling a little reluctant deep down in his heart. He felt that his place was very good, with abundant metallic power and very suitable for practice.

I don’t know how long it will take to adapt to the new place after moving away like this.

However, he had just become a defeated general and had just surrendered. At this time, if he dared to raise objections, he could only carry them out unwillingly.

So, soon, Yuanhuo took a large number of apes including Yuanchi, Yuanshi, Yuanjin, etc., and returned to the small cave paradise after a long journey.

"Next, this will be your habitat." Yuan Huo pointed to the vast area deep in the cave and said to Yuan Jin.

Yuan Jin was stunned.

Looking at it, this cave heaven paradise is very vast and full of spiritual energy. It has a fresh air and has various attributes of power. One of the areas has Gengjin energy surging, which is at least more powerful than the stone forest where he lived before. It must be ten times stronger!

"The leader of the Yuanhuo tribe actually asked us to move to such a paradise. It's a huge profit. It's a huge profit." Yuanjin was shocked. At this moment, he suddenly felt that following Yuanhuo seemed to be a good idea.

Next to them, Saruchi and Saruishi laughed secretly when they saw Sarugane's expression. Do you now know how lucky you are to follow the clan leader? It was stupid to be unwilling before!

"Everyone go to the square."

At this time, Yuan Huo issued an order, and all the apes immediately froze and took action. In a short time, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the square.

"This time, our tribe is expanding like never before. You all must get along well and not conflict with each other. Anyone who violates the rules will be severely punished!"

Apefire first gave him a stern lecture. Although they were all apes, there were frequent conflicts between these branch groups before this. It would be outrageous if they were still fighting every day after being unified by him.

Then, Yuan Huo changed his voice and said in a deep voice: "Now that there are thousands of races, what we should do is to strengthen ourselves and do our best to increase our strength so that we can truly stand on this ancient land."

"Before, I have taught you a magical power - Danshan. Of course, the Jin Yuan clan has not learned it yet, but it doesn't matter. Later I will ask Yuan Chi and Yuanshi to send people to teach you the magical power of Danshan. .”

"Now, I want to teach you another magical power. This is the great magical power - insight across the wall. Only Golden Immortals and beings above Golden Immortal can practice it!"

"All clan members should watch carefully and practice hard for me to reach the Golden Immortal realm as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will never be able to access more powerful magical powers in their lifetime."

As he spoke, Yuan Huo showed off the "insight across the wall" magical power he had previously received from the system, and taught it to the powerful apes at the Golden Immortal level.

This kind of teaching was very inspiring. Many apes' eyes turned red and they were extremely envious. That was a great magical power, ten or a hundred times more powerful than a small one.

Especially those apes at the Mysterious Immortal level who were not far from the Golden Immortal realm clenched their fists tightly and made up their minds to practice hard and break through as soon as possible.

As for the Golden Ape clan as a whole, they are simply crazy at the moment.

All the creatures of the Golden Ape clan opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it. After surrendering to the Ape Fire, they were treated very well. First they were moved to a cave in the cave, and then they were able to practice two magical powers!

Suddenly, when they looked at Ape Huo, their eyes were filled with admiration. This was a born king. Such a person should lead the entire ape clan and be the king of the ape clan!

As for Yuan Jin, he was completely convinced at this moment.

"Not only did you bring our tribe to the Paradise of Cave Heaven, but you were so generous and taught two magical powers directly. This kind of situation is beyond my imagination."

"It is said that in every ethnic group, a true king will be born. Perhaps, this is the king born among our ape tribe. He will definitely unify the entire ape tribe in the future!"

"Perhaps one day in the future, he will lead us to achieve a high status among the hundreds of innate tribes."

Yuan Jin thought excitedly in his heart. At this moment, he felt a sense of passion and passion. He couldn't bear it anymore and kowtowed directly to the ground and shouted loudly: "Thank you, Patriarch!"

Hundreds of thousands of other tribesmen were infected, and they all fell to their knees, shouting loudly: "Thank you, Patriarch!" All the voices gathered together, shaking the entire secret realm.

"Very good, let's all get up." Yuan Huo nodded with satisfaction. From the looks of it, these apes are now completely at home and are not afraid of causing chaos.

And the reason why he teaches the great supernatural power of seeing across the wall is naturally because the system has bound the entire tribe, and these tribesmen's practice is equivalent to helping him practice!

It's a pity that the level of this magical power across the wall is too high. Only those who practice to the level of golden immortals can understand it. And how many golden immortals can there be in the entire ethnic group?

Now, the strength of this ape clan is still far from enough!

"I only want to say two things."

Yuan Huo spoke calmly, his voice full of majesty, "First, practice hard, and second, have more children and trees, so that our ape clan can grow as soon as possible. Do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, Patriarch, we will work hard to practice, have more children, and strengthen the ape clan!" All the apes responded loudly, and as one, the luck of the entire clan increased greatly at this moment.

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