Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 1082 Set sail

The reorganization of the Black Wing headquarters did not attract Yang Yuan's attention. He was currently thinking about how to leave the capital again.


It’s indeed a bit difficult!

But it all depends on people. Yang Yuan left Beijing this time not because he wanted to start a war with any country.

He is going to inspect!

What projects are inspected?


That's a lot.

In the past two or three years, the Qian Kingdom has built dozens of projects. Any flaw in any one of them will be a big problem, which will damage the majesty of the court and the interests of the people.

This is related to Daqian's century-old plan. As Yang Yuan, the king of Qian, the leader of a country must pay close attention to it.

Civil and Military Officials: Your Majesty, you have just returned from outside. Wasn’t the reason for your previous tour just to inspect the place?

You promised us that you would not go out after coming back this time, and would stay in the city to serve as prime minister of state affairs (a new vocabulary brought by Yang Yuan)!

The King’s golden words can’t be ignored!

Of course Yang Yuan also has his reasons.

The last inspection of the local area was mainly to check out the local officials and aristocratic families who were doing evil. The purpose was to clean up the scum in the officialdom and deter the aristocratic families everywhere not to break the law and discipline!

The purpose of leaving Beijing this time is different from the last time. It is to inspect the construction status of various places.

Check whether there is any fraud in the completed project, and what stage of the unfinished project has been carried out?

Are there any areas for improvement?

Are there any projects that can allocate some people to more urgent projects?

Are there any project management personnel who are corrupt?

Have construction workers been deprived of their benefits?

These things are very important. Do you think I, the great king, should go and take a look at them?

They are working hard to build a stronger Qian Country. As the leader of Qian Country, I will definitely go to see them on site, care about their lives, and solve the problems in their lives, so that they can wholeheartedly build Qian Country.

The reason is a very good reason, but the civil and military officials still will not easily agree with Yang Yuanjing.

How can people be reassured that the leader of a country does not want to stay in the capital of his country?

As long as the king stays in the capital and no longer breaks out wars with other countries, the country of Qian will become a truly powerful country in two or three years.

A strong country with a solid foundation and lasting fighting capacity.

The current Qian Kingdom can be regarded as a powerful country, but its foundation is too frivolous. It was only because it plundered many Shun Kingdom families that it supported several wars in the early days of the founding of the country.

That is just foreign wealth and cannot last long. Qian Guo needs two or three years to settle down.

King Yang Yuan does not need to do much during this period. As long as he stays in the royal capital and handles government affairs, everything will develop for the best outcome!

This is already the case. Why are you still doing so much, Your Majesty?

Staying in the royal capital, people outside will not dare to do anything too extreme!

With you here, the sky in Daqian will be sunny!

Yang Yuan was certainly not someone they could easily convince.

Although what they said was basically right, if he stayed in Cangyang City honestly, Qian Country would be able to develop very well.

But why am I trapped in Cangyang City?

Yang Yuannai was the founding king, and his power was greater than that of ordinary kings and kings.

If he cannot often go to various places in Daqian to understand the sentiments of the people, will the future monarch of Daqian be able to?

What's more, it was not only the civil and military officials who trapped them at that time, but also themselves.

Yang Yuan believes that it is difficult for a monarch to be an excellent monarch if he stays in the capital all the time. It is even difficult to pass the exam!

How do you stay in the capital forever to understand the lives of the people in the country? No matter how many ears and eyes report the information, it is not worth seeing it with your own eyes.

Yang Yuan can guarantee that 99% of the people in Black Wing and the Military Intelligence Department will be absolutely loyal to him, but can future generations guarantee that?

What guarantee?

Therefore, the monarch must go out more often. On the premise of ensuring his own safety, there is no harm in going out more.

Of course, you can leave Beijing with a lot of fanfare and bring many guards, but don't bother the place and be extravagant.

Otherwise, leaving Beijing would not be to understand the sufferings of the people, but to enjoy yourself.

Such departures from Beijing should be stopped.

People like me left Beijing because of their support.

After leaving the capital and arriving somewhere, he can also help them reduce the pressure on government affairs.

Yang Yuan can handle many government affairs on the spot at the local level without having to report the matter to local officials.

Why don’t the important ministers in the capital understand?

You said, what's the benefit of all your efforts to prevent this king from leaving the capital?

Is there anyone in Daqian who dares to take action against me?

There is no danger, and my trip will not disturb the place. Why should you stop me?

Yang Yuan once again began his journey to persuade important ministers.

Every day he went to the house of an important minister to persuade him to allow him to leave the capital.

If Yang Yuan doesn't agree, he will continue to visit.

Until you convince them!

The method is a bit rogue, but the effect is very good.

Several generals were the first to agree to Yang Yuan's plan.

"Your Majesty, you know that we generals will definitely support you, but the two prime ministers and several ministers have strongly requested that we have no choice but to agree.

As long as you ensure that we will not be embarrassed by them after we agree, we will definitely support you! "

Yang Yuan: "Bullshit! You are a general appointed by my king, who dares to do anything difficult for you!"

Gong Yi looked at Yang Yuan with a very serious expression on his face.

Yang Yuan:......

Be bold!

What do you mean, do you think this king is deliberately making things difficult for you?

Gong Yi gave Yang Yuan a look of understanding, which made Yang Yuan almost drag him to a duel in the school field!

Lao Gong, what do you mean?

This king wants to duel with you!

You must not be allowed to slander my reputation!

But in the end Yang Yuan was still unable to take Gong Yi to the school grounds because Gong Yi agreed to support him in leaving the capital for inspection.

Finally, someone is willing to support him. Yang Yuan must not go too far!

After a gap is opened, it is only a matter of time before the copper and iron walls built by the officials of the Qian Kingdom collapse.

Yang Yuan took the opportunity of persuading Gong Yi to persuade several more generals, and then took the support of the generals to negotiate with civilian officials.

Gong Yi and others looked at the expressionless Baili Xi, Jia Xu and others, and felt a little ashamed. ,

We agreed that we would all oppose the King’s inspection in Beijing, but you actually rebelled again?

This is not the first time that military generals have "surrendered" to the king in advance!

What a shame!

But no matter how much the civil servants scolded him, it was impossible for the generals to change their minds. Yang Yuan hated people who were half-hearted.

It would be better not to promise yesterday and then regret it today.

Otherwise they will experience how terrible Yang Yuan's punishment is!

To put it bluntly, the game between the king and his ministers is a matter of compromise between the two parties.

The generals chose to support Yang Yuan, and the two prime ministers and civilian officials were unable to stop Yang Yuan from inspecting the situation.

However, they were not without gains. Because of their obstruction, Yang Yuan decided to leave Beijing after the Chinese New Year.

Two months to go.

Bailixi said that the old minister has tried his best, and I really can't do it alone.

Yang Yuan is very satisfied with the result, although it will take two months before he can leave Beijing.

But being able to leave Beijing is enough.

After all, he had only returned to Cangyang City not long ago. He left the capital twice a year. It would not be good to not stay in the capital for most of the year!

Not only the officials will have opinions, but the grandparents and mother will also be unhappy.

Even the people in Cangyang City will have doubts. Why does the king not like to stay in the capital? Does he not like us?

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