Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 1081 Unexpected Harvest 2

Because there were too many battlefields opened up, the Chu State, which was strong and had no civil strife, was also overwhelmed.

“The war must end here so we can focus on ending the war everywhere!”

"We are very powerful, but we have more enemies. If they discover our intentions and join forces, Chu will lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"For the sake of the Chu Kingdom's future generations, we must make a choice!"

The King of Chu and the officials and families of the Chu Kingdom quickly reached a consensus.

Together, they will use all their strength to support a battlefield, defeat the enemy, and end the war.

"Since everyone has agreed to this decision, no one should hold back in secret. If I find out, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu's changes required time to adjust strategies, which gave Chu's enemies a moment of respite.

They would not be so naive as to think that the Chu State would coexist peacefully with them. The short-term peace was just that the Chu State was accumulating stronger power, and when they were ready, they would launch a more violent attack than before!

Therefore, they must find more allies during this time. Their respective strength alone cannot stop Chu's actions!

Yang Yuan was very excited after reading this information from the intelligence manual. Shun and Qi had both been beaten by Da Gan. Do you want to try fighting Chu from afar?

Moreover, Shun State and Qi State both had domestic troubles to resolve and were temporarily unable to annex other countries.

But the Chu State was different. They were able to conquer other countries while dealing with domestic conflicts.

Yang Yuan didn't want to have to face the overlord of the south, Chu State, after he had solved the northern kingdoms.

Although Chu State is already the overlord of the south, there is a high probability that it will succeed in unifying the south of Zhongzhou.

Even if Yang Yuan wanted to support the small countries around Chu State, he could not prevent Chu State from unifying the south.

However, Yang Yuan would be quite happy if it could add some difficulties to Chu State.

"We cannot let the Chu State unify the south without much loss. They must at least let them suffer casualties of 200,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of stone grain and grass. It is best to delay them for a while. After the Qian State develops for two years, the Chu State that occupies the south will not Qian Guo’s opponent!”

In fact, the best result is to let Chu State unify the south and suffer heavy losses. In this way, Qian State only needs to defeat Chu State to capture the south of Zhongzhou.

So Yang Yuan decided to use his last savings to contribute to the peace of Zhongzhou.

The hegemonic behavior of Chu State is absolutely not allowed. As a peace-loving regional power, Qian State has the responsibility and obligation to help the countries in Zhongzhou ensure their own security.

Of course, Yang Yuan still has a lot to say, such as maintenance...


persist in……

After Yang Yuan decided to help the small country in the south, he did not make any fanfare, but only called a few important civil servants and generals.

They all supported Yang Yuan's decision.

Baili Xi: "The Chu State is far away from our Qian State. Even if your Majesty wants to assist the small country in the south, he won't be able to help much."

Gong Yi: "As long as it can add some obstruction to Chu State, it's best to allow those small countries to persist for a few more years, so we don't have to be too anxious!"

Zhao Long: "How many years? If they can persist for two years, they will be considered to have played a long time. If the Chu State is determined to win them, it will be considered good if these small countries can persist for a year and a half!"

There is no way, the gap between these small countries and the Chu State is all-round. Even if one or more geniuses appear in a small country, they are just a mantis in front of the powerful national power of the Chu State.

Even a being like Mu Sheng cannot protect his country by one person.

Although he finally avenged his country's destruction, what's the use?

Han Chen finally became Han Chen!

As the saying goes, one person can plan shortcomings, but many people can plan longings. Several important ministers of Daqian discussed many useful strategies during the chat.

Yang Yuan found that this method of discussion was very useful, at least he no longer had to rack his brains to think of a solution. You don't know how uncomfortable it is to be in a state of not being able to come up with a solution to a problem.

Yang Yuan was really afraid that a handful of hair would fall out if he touched his head!

We can’t let our thick black hair fall out!

It is said that smart people are easy to be perfect. Yang Yuan is thinking about how to be a fool. No, being a fool is too stupid. It would be better to be as wise as a fool!

With the support of several important ministers, Yang Yuan was able to increase his support for several small countries in the south.

After no longer supporting the Suzaku Army in combat, Yang Yuan's portable space output was finally able to accumulate.

As a result, before a month has passed, the output of the portable space has to be taken out and sent away.

Yang Yuan was still a little heartbroken and a little uneasy.

The output of portable space has always been Yang Yuan's confidence. He has full confidence when making any decision,?

One is to have the unparalleled combat power of the imperial soldiers, and the other is to have the supplies produced in the portable space.

Now that Yang Yuan plans to support the small country in the south to fight against Chu, the output of the portable space must be enough, let alone accumulate it.

If not, he would have to use part of his savings to go to Qi State to purchase some grain and send it there.

You definitely can't buy it in the name of the Qian Kingdom. People in the Qi Kingdom know that it's the Qian Kingdom who purchase the food. It's okay if they don't sell it. If they sell it and then snatch it back halfway, then the Qian Kingdom will suffer even more losses!

However, after the first batch of grain procurement is completed, there is no need to worry too much about Qi State going back on its word and intercepting the grain purchasing team.

Qi State is definitely willing to add some trouble to Chu State. They want to prevent Chu State from unifying the south more than Qian State.

The hatred between Qi and Chu is much deeper than the hatred between Qian Chu and Gan Qi.

Moreover, after Chu State unified the south, it once again targeted either Shun State or Qi State.

And the probability of taking action against Qi is greater.

Because Chu State did not want to involve Shun State in the south and benefit Qian State.

None of them are good people, as long as it harms others, it doesn't matter if it benefits or harms oneself!

Of course, it is best to be self-interested, otherwise what is the use of wasting time, effort and trouble on doing something?

Yang Yuan found unexpected gains from each intelligence manual, which made him feel better about reading intelligence.

"When you have nothing to do, just read the information sent by Black Wing. It's no better than going to some Goubao to listen to music!"

Yang Yuan looked at the ginseng tea served together with the intelligence manual, and his eyes drooled unconsciously!

Woo woo woo...

Ginseng tea is so delicious!

Continued Cup!

Ever since Yang Yuan made unexpected discoveries from intelligence from various places, the spies at Black Wing Headquarters have become even busier.

"Your Majesty can find important information from the intelligence we compiled. What does it mean?

It shows that our work is not done well enough.

We should have discovered that information and presented it to His Majesty! "

"Now I order everyone to re-read the information you compiled. Everyone must write a report to me. Don't write anything indiscriminately. I will read it!"

"Ouch! Boss, please spare my life!"

"Ah~~watch it again? Boss, can you not watch it? This is too much!"

"If you don't want to see it, that's fine. If you don't want to see it, go to the library to sort out the files. It will take at least ten days!"

"Ah! Then I'd better read the information manual in my hand again!"

"I sorted it out anyway, so it doesn't matter if I read it again!"

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely be able to discover new information from the intelligence I compiled before!"

"Yes! You can definitely find it!"

Thinking of the mountain of documents in the library, the secret agent at Black Wing Headquarters carefully chose to re-examine the intelligence manual he had just compiled.

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