"Lieutenant Commander of the Navy Headquarters, Smoker?" "Smoker

, 29 years old, smoke fruit ability, is now stationed in Rogue Town, East China Sea, known as the White Hunter, and is also a character in One Piece, after all, he is the first to fight the protagonist at the beginning.

In fact, if you really talk about seniority, Smoker is still Senior Brother Qin Le.

However, Smoker is every three years, and the things he teaches are not as comprehensive as Qin Le's five-year session, and the military rank is not so high after he comes out, only the captain, who has been crawling and rolling in the middle level, and it took so long to get mixed up with the position of lieutenant colonel, which is the same as the rank of Xiuge who has just come out, which is really surprising.

"It's him, and that Tina, not bad, and Smoker's subordinate Dash Ski, and Dusty to help Guyna make a stake, what will happen if Dash and Guyna meet together?

Qin Le quickly finalized four places. Two lieutenant colonels, no, plus Guina, who has not yet graduated from the division, should be three lieutenant colonels, and if Ka Lian is a case, Qin Le thinks that he should be a major, and Nami should be too, after all, although she has a perverted seafaring talent, but the others are just like that, and they are not very high.

All that's left is to keep rummaging.

Colonel Yuchimura, a veteran colonel with superb strength, take.

Colonel Canthe, a young colonel of great strength, should be promoted to brigadier general in a short time.

Lieutenant Colonel Kibin, a veteran lieutenant colonel with superb strength.

"Okay, now the colonel lieutenant colonel is full. Qin Le thought silently, he originally called his classmates to come, but this is not very good, if there are too many personal feelings, it is difficult to handle official affairs.

Now that the colonels and lieutenant colonels are full, the top echelons of Qin Le's troops have basically been established.

Now it's a middle-level cadre.

Major T-Penn, Qin Le thought about it carefully, there is indeed this character in One Piece, and his strength is considerable.

Major Xiuen, a superhuman with the ability of Rusty Fruit, also looks pretty good.

Major Berrygood, a superhuman beanie fruit ability, can be regarded as the elite of the majors.

Orangutan Major, a major of good strength, the species is still unknown.

Major Charlinger, a superman with the ability to be a wheel fruit, has good strength.

Major Pascua, a veteran major, was a strong man, but he often couldn't control his crosshairs to play coins, so he remained in the rank of major.


In the end, it took Qin Le a day to finally determine his troops.

"Is this your choice?" Warring

States looked at the roster of characters that Qin Le had chosen, squinted, and agreed with Qin Le's vision.

Qin Le's selection is basically some of them with great potential, especially colonels and lieutenant colonels, almost none of them are waste, all of them are elite soldiers with great potential.

"You go back first, they will meet on your warship in a week, after all, some of the people you picked are a little far away from the headquarters, oh, by the way, you go and get the navy warship first." After seeing it, the Warring States issued another order to expel the guests.

Qin Le slipped away with interest when he heard it.

Time flies unhurriedly.

A week later, when the early morning air entered his heart and lungs, Qin Le was looking at the neat hundreds of people in front of him on the warship, and a satisfied smile appeared on his somewhat pale face.

"Naval Headquarters Colonel Yuchimura is here

to report!" "Naval Headquarters Colonel Kanther is coming to report!" "Lieutenant Colonel Tina of the Navy Headquarters is coming to report!" "Lieutenant Colonel Kibin

of the Navy Headquarters is coming to report!" "Lieutenant Colonel Smoker of the Navy East China Sea Branch in Rogue Town is coming to report!"


Headquarters Lieutenant

Commander ......" ......

"Bang bang!"

"Not bad, not bad. Qin Le applauded with satisfaction, these people were full of energy, this was exactly what Qin Le needed.

Yukimura and the others stood straight, and no one looked down on the man in front of them because of his young age. After all, standing in front of them was a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and they didn't even have a brigadier general, so how dare they throw a big card with the rear admiral.

Moreover, this rear admiral is not an ordinary rear admiral, he is recognized as a monster in the entire navy, although no one has seen his true strength, but from some of his previous deeds, you can see his situation.

It's just a monster.

Qin Le narrowed his eyes into a slit, looked at the people in front of him with a smile, and then said gently: "You guys introduce your abilities first, everyone will be comrades in the same boat in the future, you have to understand each other's abilities, right?" But considering that 100 people know each other's abilities, it is also unlikely, so for the sake of easy memorization, only the colonel and lieutenant colonel will come."

Yuchimura took the lead in stepping forward, and the man, who was over thirty years old, said with a serious face at this time: "I, Yuchimura, the colonel of the naval headquarters, known as the "Thousand Men Chop", weapon sword.

After listening to him, Kanther, who was also a colonel, also took a step forward, and the man wearing sunglasses also said quite seriously: "I, Kanther, the colonel of the Navy Headquarters, has no title, and I am good at the six styles and physical arts. After

the colonel finished speaking, it was the turn of the lieutenant colonel, and Tina, who was on Kanther's left, stepped forward, this sexy beauty with long pink hair looked heroic and chic at this time, and there was a feeling that a woman did not let her eyebrows go. I saw her lips open lightly, and she said loudly: "I, Tina, Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, known as "Black Threshold", is a superhuman Threshold Fruit Ability. To

Tina's left was Lieutenant Colonel Kibin, a burly man with long brown pigtails, tall and piercing eyes. The whole person looks like a sense of fear, but although it looks fierce, he is actually fierce...

"I, Kibin, lieutenant colonel of the Navy Headquarters, have no title, and I am good at the Six Postures. "Very succinctly, in fact, he really didn't have much to say.

To the left of Lieutenant Colonel Kibbin was Smoker, known as the White Hunter, with short silver hair combed back, piercing eyes, a knife-like face, and windproof goggles around his neck.

"I, Smoker, Lieutenant Commander of the East China Sea Branch Navy stationed in Rogue Town, known as the White Hunter, is naturally a person with the ability of smoke fruits. After

listening to Smoker's

introduction, the lieutenants began to stir, the world's famous natural department is none other than the three major admirals of the navy, the three top figures of the navy, each of them is an existence that can stand out from the crowd, and has a wide influence on people from all walks of life. And the natural system itself is extremely rare on the sea, which leads to many people thinking that as long as you eat the natural devil fruit, you can ascend to the sky in one step, and many navies are daydreaming about it, thinking every day: one day

accidentally eat the natural devil fruit, from then on win Bai Fumei, hang the pirate bullies, enter the top of the navy, and walk to the peak of life.

And now, the person who ate the natural Devil Fruit is right in front of him, but just a small lieutenant colonel?!

" Cut. "Smoker was a little dismissive, he had experienced a lot of things like this. These people think that the natural Devil Fruit is invincible every day, but when they see him, they will always impose the shattering of their dreams on him, and they also say that you are too weak to exert the power of the Natural Devil Fruit. He's seen a lot of this kind of thing.

"Why is this natural system so weak?"

"I don't know, maybe he's too weak to exert the true power of the natural system devil fruit."

"It's a shame to give him such a good fruit. "

Isn't it? He actually allowed himself to be promoted to the position of lieutenant colonel, and if it were me, not to mention the general, the lieutenant general would have already done it.

"He can't.

"It's a pity for this fruit. "


"Don't be noisy, be quiet. Qin Le said gently.

But it's a pity that the lieutenants didn't pay attention to him, and they should still be arguing. As their superiors, the school officials also know how to control themselves, they don't dare to be more presumptuous, and few people dare to quarrel.

"I said, don't be noisy.

Qin Le still smiled, giving people the feeling of a good old man.

But the lieutenants still ignored it.

The senses of Qin Le in the hearts of the school officers have been lowered by a notch, if their leaders can't even solve this little thing, then they are too sorry for the rank of major general.

Qin Le raised his eyebrows, it was less than three, and he was not easy to mess with, although he hadn't used that thing for a long time, and he didn't want to use it, but there were always people who liked to force him.

A stream of scarlet blood rushed in an instant, enveloping everyone together, and a feeling of imminent death lingered in everyone's hearts.

Qin Le didn't know how long it had not been used, and he dispatched again.

What does this feel?! This feeling of dying if you move again, is this a murderous aura?! The murderous aura of this situation, what did he do?! Tina felt creepy all over her body, her instinct reminded him all the time to stay away from the man in front of her, deep in her heart she had a great fear of the man in front of her, this is a fear from the heart, this person in front of her is completely a monster in human skin!

Smoker was no better than her, sweating profusely at the man in front of him.

Kibin's back was already wet.

As colonels Yukimura and Kanther were barely able to resist, they had already suffered a great blow in their hearts.

As for the majors, since the most ferocious murderous aura had been blocked by the colonels and lieutenant colonels who had taken a step forward, it was not very strong to rush to them, but even so, it was not something that these majors could look down on, and they were all shocked by the murderous spirit, and I was afraid that it would leave a psychological shadow on Qin Le in the future.

As for the lieutenants, not to mention, that level of murderous aura, only a tenth of it leaked, made them all tremble with fear, and they looked like they were going to die.

Nearly a hundred people, all with wide eyes, looked at the figure standing opposite in disbelief.

The character who exudes an overwhelming murderous aura.

The person who was nearly two meters seemed to have turned into all kinds of demons and monsters at this moment.

Some people think of him as a demon.

Some people think of him as a ghost.

Some people think of him as an irresistible creature.

But in the end, they were unified.

Qin Le, it's a monster!


"Okay, do you still want to argue?".

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