Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 35 This broken sword doesn't matter if you don't practice it! (Seek to read! Pleas

"The news just came that all three of our smuggling ships were hijacked in Quilpa."

In the room, all members of Don Quixote's family were present, waiting for Doflamingo's order.

"I'll take someone to kill them!"

Diamanti spoke first.

The other people have the same meaning, they have been slapped in the face like this, if they don't take revenge, wouldn't their Don Quixote family become the laughing stock of everyone?

"Killing them is certain. No one can be safe after robbing my goods and killing my people."

"But it's not enough to kill them all!"

"I want to use this revenge to re-establish the reputation of our Don Quixote family. Let those dregs who only dare to play tricks secretly tremble with fear when they hear the name of our 'Don Quixote family'." , dare not be our enemy again.”

"So this time, I will take the initiative in person."

"Corazon and Jola stayed behind to guard the house, and everyone else was ready to fight, and no one was allowed to let go."

Soon, Doflamingo's order was conveyed.

For his own younger brother, Brother Ming is still relatively partial, so he always entrusts him with some relatively safe tasks.

Jorah, on the other hand, needed to take care of Delinger, who was still a baby, and was also left behind.

With the two of them as housekeepers, Brother Ming himself feels at ease.

As for the others, they acted immediately.

"Hurry up, Abel! There is a big move!"

Abel was sweating on the training ground, and then he saw Baby-5 rushing to him.

"What big move?"

Abel was confused.

Baby-5 immediately explained, "Someone hijacked our smuggling ship, and because of this, the young master was furious just now, and decided to kill the other party."

It is indeed brave enough to dare to challenge the Don Quixote family so openly.

"You mean we're going too? It's not up to rookies like us to do something like this, right?"

Buffalo on the side raised his neck and proudly said: "This is an actual combat opportunity specially reserved for us by the young master! A guy like you who only knows how to train stupidly every day will not understand."

Isn't it just cultivating killing machines? What's there to be proud of?

Abel rolled his eyes secretly.

But if you want to become a real strong man, fighting with others is indeed inevitable.

Actual combat is also a means to enhance one's own strength.

Moreover, the Don Quixote family is almost dispatched in a group, which is equivalent to a bunch of large and small ones. The degree of danger is very low, and it is a good time to take the opportunity to gain experience.

So Abel not only didn't have any reluctance, but was also eager to try.

"Why didn't you see that guy Luo?"

Baby-5 immediately raised his hand, "I saw it! Luo was taken away by Lord Cora."

Abel nodded, "Then don't look for him, let's go."

. . . . . . .

Quilpa is not far from the port town of Spedamerus, but Doflamingo, who pays great attention to appearances, still takes people aboard the arrogant and high-profile Flamingo.

The entire ship is light pink, and the bow looks like a bird's head with a slender neck, and it also wears the same style of Doflamingo's sunglasses.

Extremely flamboyant and conspicuous, but very in line with Doflamingo's personal temperament.

The interior decoration is also adhering to the aesthetic preferences of the former Tianlong man, which is very grand and magnificent.

But I have to say, Brother Ming knows how to enjoy himself, and he is very rich!

All the supplies are available on board, and even the food is better than usual.

In addition, Brother Ming even brought his maid on board, every day is like having a party!

So traveling on such a boat is simply a pleasure.

Even Abel couldn't help thinking of two days of pampering.

Thankfully he remembered in time that he was still a child.

So I successfully eliminated distracting thoughts and focused on training and cooking every day.

Heh, a woman or something will only affect the speed at which a man draws his sword!

"Abel, let's play hide and seek together?"

"Don't play, get out!"

Buffalo ran away whining, but after a while Baby-5 came happily.

"Abel, Abel, shall we play hide and seek?"


"If you can find me, you won't have to pay back the money you borrowed."


Is this Fu Luoli's money offensive?

I will never give in!

"What do you call me?"




This broken sword doesn't matter if you don't practice it!

. . . . . . .

Two days later, in a manor on Mount Quilpa.

At this time, all the members of the Skunk Pirates who provoked the Don Quixote family gathered here.

As for the original owner of this manor

It has already been used as fertilizer and buried in the back garden.

Presumably next year the flowers there will be in full bloom very coquettishly.

"Have you checked all the traps?"

"Give me a little attention, be vigilant!"

"Calculating the time, people from the Don Quixote family should arrive in the next few days. This time is a good time for our Skunk Pirates to make a name for themselves!"

"But the boss is the notorious Don Quixote family! Can we really win?"

One of his subordinates looked nervous and seemed a little scared.

It was so far away from the port, even if he wanted to escape by boat, he really couldn't figure out where the captain got the courage to fight against the other party, and even waited so arrogantly for the other party to come and take revenge.


Captain Mephitis is a guy with a wicked face, but he is especially scary when he gets angry. He slaps the guy who just said that just now.

"Oh, as long as people from the Don Quixote family dare to come, this island will be their grave!"

Mephitis looked very confident.

Of course, the source of his self-confidence is not to rely on his more than a hundred cannon fodder.

It was the other three pirate groups who had been hiding on the neighboring islands for a long time!

Stealing the smuggling ship of the Don Quixote family was just the first step in their plan.

Their real purpose is to carve up the power and territory of the Don Quixote family!

Of course, these words cannot yet be said.

Otherwise, if other people here know that they are just cannon fodder used to lure the Don Quixote family to attack, they will probably immediately become chaotic.

At this moment, someone suddenly pushed the door and entered, shouting loudly: "Come here! The Don Quixote family's ship has just landed!"

Captain Meffitis was shocked immediately, "Immediately launch a signal flare and notify everyone to return to defense. It seems that today is a good time for us to make a name for ourselves!"

The subordinates who didn't know why immediately followed suit, while Mephitis quietly avoided the crowd and took out a small phone bug.

"It's me, the prey has come."

"Very good, let's act now, remember to delay a little time, as long as we destroy the opponent's ship first, we will remain invincible."

"Don't worry, we will completely eliminate the Don Quixote family today!"

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