Pirate in Naruto World

Chapter 360: Kakashi got married

"Kakashi, don't you recognize me?" Chiba turned and looked at Kakashi, calmly speaking, showing a bright smile.

Seeing Chiba appear in front of me, in the courtyard of her own, Kakashi was excited, still a little unbelievable, looking at Chiba.

"Chiba, you are back." Kakashi said, excited inside, a little do not know what to say.

After all, Chiba’s current position is different from that of Konoha, and it has become a rebellion and an enemy with Konoha.

According to the experience of the past few times, if Chiba sneaked back to the wood leaves, there are plans, and each time the wood leaves are basically suffered huge losses.

Therefore, when Kakashi saw Chiba returning home, his heart was naturally very excited and he was a little worried.

It would be very possible if Chiba had made a lot of damage to the leaves and caused the wood leaves to suffer heavy losses.

Chiba had a very strong strength six years ago. Now, in the past six years, the strength of only 14 will become more powerful. Looking at the whole wood leaf, I want to find a ninja that competes with Chiba. It is estimated that there are only three generations of fire and three forbearance. The existence of the level, otherwise, can not block Chiba at all.

"Kakashi, you don't seem to like me back." Chiba looked at Kakashi and said.

"How can I not like you to come back, just think that you have a situation like the village, let me react a little, but I don't know what you are going to do," Kakashi said.

Today, Kakashi is already in his early twenties and is very mature and stable. He will not be impatient when dealing with things, and he will consider things very comprehensive.

"I just took a vacation recently, there is nothing to do, so go home and see you and see how you live." Chiba said, still calm.

"If you say this, you will have to say this for more than six years. Not only have you not returned, but I have not contacted you." Kakashi said, and he was a bit blaming for Chiba.

"When I come back, you are not happy. If you come back to see you often, don't you often let the wood leaf executives find you trouble? The high-rise of the wood leaves is not a good thing." Chiba said.

When I heard Chiba say this, Kakashi felt very reasonable.

"Don't stand outside, or say in the advanced house." Kakashi said, leading Chiba into the house.

When Chiba walked into the hall, she saw a beautiful young woman with a beautiful figure, a slender figure, a long brown hair, a nightdress and a lazy gesture.

The young woman who appeared in front of her eyes, Chiba is quite familiar, and she is the wilderness of the three tails.

After six years, Ye Yuanlin has undergone great changes, becoming more beautiful and full of temperament.

Most importantly, Ye Yuanlin has now become a woman of Kakashi and has become the nephew of Chiba.

For such a result, Chiba can accept, but the first time I saw such a scene, it was a bit stunned and a bit uncomfortable.

When I saw Chiba coming into the hall, Ye Yuanlin, wearing a purple nightdress, was surprised. The inner mood changed and became very complicated. I didn’t know how to describe it.

Nohara is a wood leaf ninja, and it should be for the wood leaf, for the wood leaf.

However, she is now the wife of Kakashi, the nephew of Chiba, and should also think about Chiba, not thinking about dealing with him.

Thinking of what Chiba had done before, and thinking of those Kobayashi ninjas killed by Chiba, there is a hate in the heart of Nohara, who wants to suppress Chiba and then hand it over to the tops of Konoha.

"Kakashi, you have found your wife, and I don't even inform me about it. It's too loyal." Chiba's eyes turned at Kakashi and Ye Yuanlin's house, and said with a smile.

"I haven't understood where you went these years. I want to inform you that it's a very difficult thing, so I didn't tell you." Kakashi said with a smile, a little embarrassed.

"When did you get married?" asked Chiba.

"A year ago," Kakashi said.

"You two can come together, I am still very happy, I wish you a good year, and you are old-fashioned." Chiba said, there is no objection to Kakashi's marriage.

"Chiba, you go back to Konoha, what's the matter?" After the silence, Nohara-Lin asked.

In any case, if Chiba is unfavorable to Konoha, Ye Yuanlin will certainly not agree, and will certainly try to block, and even tell the news of Chiba back to the village.

Even if the strength of Chiba is very strong, but under the joint efforts of many powerful wood leaves, I want to push Chiba away, let him leave the leaves, there is still a chance.

Therefore, although Ye Yuanlin is the wife of Kakashi, it is also a Konoha ninja, and will not tolerate the disadvantage of Chiba against Konoha.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I am coming to Konoha, just look at you. By the way, do a little thing, it won't be bad for Konoha." Chiba said, it is still very relaxed, there is no pressure at all.

Of course, he can't say anything about killing people and winning the writing of the round eyes, so he won't be promised at all. I am afraid that Nohara will immediately report the top of Konoha and send the strong to deal with them.

"Lin, you don't have to be so nervous. Since Chiba said that he won't do anything that damns the village, then he will definitely not do that. We must believe him," Kakashi said.

Although Chiba is inferior, but as a big brother, Kakashi is still willing to believe in Chiba.

"I hope so, otherwise I will not let you go." Nohara Lin said, it is not a joke.

"Don't move, I think I won't let go of me. With my strength, no one can make it difficult for me, and I want to harm the wood leaves and even destroy the wood leaves, it is not a difficult thing." Chiba said, It doesn't matter.

"We rarely get together, don't say these unhappy, or say happy," Kakashi said.

"Kakashi, I haven't eaten with you for a long time, drinking together, it's hard to get together tonight, it's better to have a drink, talk about it." Chiba said.

"No problem, Lin went to the kitchen to order, we have a good time," Kakashi said.

Although Ye Yuanlin lacked interest, he did not disagree. He turned to the kitchen and made some meals himself.

After a while, Kakashi and Chiba sat at the table and ate some little things while eating the side dishes on the table. .

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