People in Britain, the opening game drew the sword in the stone

People in Britain, the opening game drew the sword in the stone


173 Chapters Ongoing Status


Roa is a time-traveler and travels to Britain in the world of the type moon to become a subordinate of the famous witch Morgan.

At this time, it happened that Merlin said the matter of the sword in the stone, claiming that ‘the one who pulls out this sword is the chosen king’, but Morgan has long seen through Merlin’s trick and asked Roa to take advantage of this opportunity to break into the enemy as a knight and find an opportunity to assassinate the new king.

Roa knows the plot, he knows that Morgan has sent a lot of ‘assassins’, and these assassins can even become knights of the Round Table after surrendering, so Roa passes.

According to his idea, he should assassinate Artoria unsuccessfully, and then become a Knight of the Round Table like this.


Holding the sword in the stone, watching the scene of the knights below directly declaring their loyalty to themselves, even Roa didn’t know what to say, just… The new king is actually myself?

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: “People in Britain, the beginning pulls out the sword in the stone”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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