One Sunday, two Sundays, three Sundays...

Gu Liuyun relies on his amazing aptitude, one mind and two purposes, running the "Tianluan Seizes the Sky" and "Taipan Xuanjian Jing" in his body at the same time.

The double cultivation of law and sword can indeed bring him stronger combat power, but it will also delay the progress of his cultivation.

If it hadn't been for the experience of the first pass through the secret realm and the blood bat body forging pill before, he would be the middle of the body forging at most at this time.

This is also because he has a congenital fullness attribute, which can greatly shorten the interval between taking the pill without sequelae.

As someone else, even if there was a blood bat body-building pill, he would not dare to take it in such a short period of time.

According to Gu Liuyun's understanding in the Nine Realms Forum, most players are still in the middle stage of refining, and a small number of players with better talents have just broken through to the late stage of refining.

As for the very few players with god-level talents, Gu Liuyun can know their progress by observing Su Xiaoyue, and Su Xiaoyue's current cultivation is the critical point of the first level, only one step away from breaking through the second level.

Gu Liuyun's current cultivation base in the later stage of the body forging realm is already ahead of all players by a big level, and as the difficulty of later cultivation becomes higher and higher, the gap between them will become wider and wider.

"Huh..." 06

When Gu Liuyun finally finished running for one hundred and eight weeks, he slowly opened his eyes, stretched his waist hard, and his muscles and bones made a burst of noise.

"Finally awake?"

A faint voice came from behind. Gu Liuyun turned his head and found that Yan Linglong was standing sideways in front of the glazed window of the Colorful Linglong Hall, looking at the silent earth outside.

At this time, it seemed to be the time of sunrise, and the faint morning light passed through the flawless colored glaze and sprinkled softly and evenly on her body. Against the backdrop of the flame-like long skirt like fire, her fair skin became more crystal clear as jade.

As if sensing Gu Liuyun's burning gaze, Yan Linglong turned slightly and turned her back to him.

"When did you arrive."

Gu Liuyun got up and came to her side and asked softly.

"A few hours ago."

"Where is the formation?"

"It's settled."

Gu Liuyun was a little speechless. He actually sat in meditation all night, unaware of these movements.

Yan Linglong said slowly: "It's really rare for someone to cultivate into concentration in a flying palace."

Gu Liuyun smiled upon hearing this and said, "This doesn't mean that I am sincere to you and unsuspecting."

Yan Linglong rolled her eyes, and she found that this guy was a bit cheeky, so if someone else dared to talk like this in front of her.

Afterwards, she turned and walked outside the hall, and Gu Liuyun followed her out when she saw it.

Coming to the outside of the hall, the outside is a land of mountains and rocks, Yan Linglong waved his long sleeves, and put away the Colorful Linglong Hall.

Gu Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Where are Elder Tong and your maids?"

"They stayed there to prevent accidental triggering by others."

"If the array can't hold the Son, wouldn't they be very dangerous."

"This is their choice, I did not force them."

Gu Liuyun nodded, this is a real world, they serve the saint, they will give everything for her.

"I hope they are safe."

"I do the same."

As time passed slowly, the cold morning sun gradually turned into a scorching sun, and the golden light also poured down, slowly scorching the earth.

When noon came, Gu Liuyun and Yan Linglong felt an inexplicable fluctuation in the void at the same time.

At the same time, they raised their heads and looked forward, only to see that the desolate mountains in the distance started to gradually turn red, and then turned into burning lava.

An illusory crimson vortex slowly appeared above these lava.

Through the crimson vortex, Gu Liuyun could vaguely see a world full of flames connected behind it.

"That is the Ancient Flame Region." Yan Linglong said lightly.

"It is spectacular and extraordinary, can we enter now?" Gu Liuyun asked.

Yan Linglong took out the Flame Domain Token. At this time, the Flame Domain Token exuded a faint light, which appeared and disappeared from time to time.

She shook her head slightly, and said: "Time is not enough, wait until the token's light becomes stronger and can completely cover you and me before you can enter the flame domain."

Gu Liuyun nodded and said, "I hope there is not enough time."

After a long time, as the token's light became stronger and stronger, Yan Linglong's mood became more and more excited.

When the token finally burst into blazing light, Yan Linglong immediately stretched out her hand and asked Gu Liuyun to hold it together with her.

Then the light of the token enveloped the two of them, gradually dispersed into two groups, and merged into the two of them.

"Okay, let's go in now."

Yan Linglong smiled with joy, and directly pulled Gu Liuyun to rise, heading towards the entrance of the huge flame field, and flying into it.

With a flower in front of him, when the light was restored again, Gu Liuyun's vision was immediately flooded with blazing light, and the place where he entered his eyes was all red, and the whole world seemed to be in a huge sacred fire.

Trees made of flames, flowers made of flames, mountains made of flames

Even the river, flowing through it is a hot flame.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching hot breath rushed toward his face, accompanied by deafening roars and fighting sounds, as if the flame had turned into a beast with life.

Gu Liuyun subconsciously prepared to release his spiritual power for defense, but a warm jade hand gently squeezed his palm to stop him from moving.

I saw the light of the token that had been integrated into his body before, and then suddenly came out, covering him completely.

The oncoming scorching breath instantly turned into a breeze, gently stroked him without causing any harm.

"Huh...Is this the Ancient Flame Domain? It's really scary."

Gu Liuyun relaxed, turned his head and smiled at Yan Linglong who had just reminded him: "Thank you."

Yan Linglong released her hand, shook her head and said: "Although there is the protection of the Flame Domain Token, we must be more careful. The token can only protect us from being rejected by the Flame Domain Law, but the dangers in the Flame Domain are more than that. "

Gu Liuyun nodded and asked: "Then what are we going to do next?"

Yan Linglong thought for a moment, and pointed to a mountain range entirely made of flames, and said: "According to my sect records, whether it is the treasure of the flame domain or the fire of the origin, it is usually hidden in the hottest place of the flame. Let's go Look there."

Gu Liuyun had no opinion on hearing this, and agreed with her.

Seeing him like this, Yan Linglong used her body skills and prepared to leave from the sky.

At this moment, Gu Liuyun suddenly said, "Well, wait a moment."

Yan Linglong paused, then turned around and asked, "What?"

Gu Liuyun smiled and stretched out his hand, and said, "I'm not good enough, take me a ride."

Yan Linglong: "..."


At the same time, at the junction of Barren Wind Desert and Heiyan Ridge.

Elder Tong is hiding in the shadow of the valley, staring at the glorious palace that is flying in the distance. Behind him is a group of maids standing in star positions and condensing spiritual power.

Seeing the glorious palace getting closer, the elder Tong Yizheng in his hands became more and more nervous.

When the palace passed over the valley, the elder Tong shouted loudly, triggering the formation.

The group of maids behind him also instilled spiritual power into the eyes of the array at the same time.

The endless mist rose in vain, covering the entire valley, and the magnificent palace was also submerged by the mist.

In the palace, the saint child who had closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes, and an invisible and terrifying aura rose from him.

"Sixth-order formation, you want to stop me?".

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