Lin Tian looked at Drought Jack on the ground, revealing a very greedy gaze.

But helplessly, at present, there is no ability to fight against the beast

Kaido, !! kill Jack, although there is a high probability that he can run out of the country of Wano

, but!!This is just a probability, what if Kaido transforms into a dragon and chases after him!!!

That will really be more than worth the loss, at present, these experiences are very important, but they must also be obtainable by themselves, and the risk is too great.


Tian's eyes were full of red light, he held back his desire and turned his head away.

Hurry up and give your big kanban treatment

!!!Drop a word, and fly away immediately.

After about a few minutes, the other two big billboards arrived.

Although they are colleagues, the three big boards don't like each other, and everyone knows this.

The Hundred Beast Pirates also have their own interests and struggles within them, but they are more obvious here.

"!!Jack really can't help fighting!!! I heard that he was defeated by Lin Tiansan's punch, which is really a shame for our big board.

"Speaking of one of our three disasters, no, the drought of one of the four disasters was knocked out by someone with three punches, then wouldn't a few of us be laughed out of our big teeth!!"


King was speechless for a moment, he wasn't interested in any of this stuff. Only how to make his Hundred Beasts bigger and stronger is his goal.

Everything must be for Kaido, in order to help Kaido ascend to the position of One Piece.

Originally, internal fights were not allowed, because there would be new situations regardless of victory or defeat, and if important combat power was lost as a result, Kaido would definitely be angry.

Lin Tian's experience of killing people was no longer recognized by King, but his nomination and recent contribution to the Hundred Beast Pirates were too great, so he had to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing.

"It's a bit overdone, we still have a mission in the near future!!

"Oh oh???Are you saying Kaido-sama is ready to take down the iron ore?"

"That's great, it's been a long time since new materials have been sent to my lab~~~~"

"Hey!!Treat Jack well!Did you hear that!

'Got it, King-sama.'"

repeatedly told his subordinates to treat Jack well, and the plague and the flame plague returned to his post.

On Lin Tian's side, the three heroes who had just been killed had already gone to collect their bodies.

The mad dead man on the street will not be hanging alone, accompanied by three more colleagues.

The purge began!!!

according to my memory, there were more than 5,000 samurai involved in the rebellion, so the next step was to find these people.

Lin Tian touched his chin, feeling that he was pushing too hard.

Although he promised Guangyue Rihe to help her return to the country, the rest of the conditions were not explained.

He still has his own little abacus, and tries his best to build Wano Country as his base. It's easy to defend and hard to attack. It has taken advantage of its natural advantages, and it is the most suitable as a rear base.

As for the managers on the surface, they are these people from the original Guangyue family.

So will arresting too many samurai affect the ....... later

? Tsk! It's so troublesome, just tear it down and start over.

In this world, except for Lin Tian, who can't be replaced, everything else can be overturned and restarted.

The Guangyue family is like this, and so is the Hundred Beast Pirates.

The mass arrests lasted almost a week.

The number of samurai arrested is not much different from the later list, nearly five thousand people.

All the samurai have been gathered in Wano Country's special place for criminals———— quarry!"

Caretaker Babanuki reported.

"Is this the rebellious samurai?? That's a lot!"

"Yes, Queen, there are about five thousand of them. "

Then let's begin!!!Execute these rebellious warriors!"

Lin Tian stood up and walked towards Babanuki's position.

"Hey!!Bring the prisoners out!"

Babanuki got the order, and the guards brought out all the samurai who were being held one by one. They were all concentrated in the center of the quarry, and they didn't know what kind of horror would greet them next!

This is a place where prisoners are allowed to mine stones and sell labor, and it is rare to kill criminals.

Since this matter was related to Lin Tian's experience points, he kept emphasizing that he wanted to destroy the samurai power immediately and eradicate the danger.

Kaido finally agreed.

Although mosquitoes are small, they are also meat. There are 5,000 samurai, and if you only count 10 experience, there are 50,000 ah!!

so !!! you should be able to upgrade a few levels.

"There is no time to delay, the execution begins!!"

Lin Tian stood in front of the criminals and raised his head.

Instant destruction will not bring pain, everyone, I am convinced of this truth!

After speaking, a red light appeared in his eyes, and the laser eye was activated again, and two extremely long red rays shot out, and the heat of 4500 degrees Celsius was enough to melt everything. At a distance of 2,000 meters, no one can escape this range!

The light starts

from a close range and gradually sweeps to !!!the

rear. The samurai fell backwards like scarecrows.

[Kill Wano Country Samurai, EXP +10] [Kill Wano Country Samurai, EXP +10] [Kill Wano Country Samurai, EXP +10] [Kill Wano Country Samurai, EXP +10] [Kill

Wano Country Samurai,




The words kept coming up almost five thousand times before they stopped.


this kind of scene was ten years ago, when Lin Tian played a scene that only existed in Love 5, but he didn't expect it to happen in reality.

He slowly raised his hands and folded them.

I'm sorry, everyone, I have to sacrifice you to help me practice!!!

[Level up to level 40

!!] [Unlock level 40 rewards, reward oral pills*3 and upgrade an existing basic ability]

Red pills, what's this!

Lin Tian touched the red pill.

[Oral pills, after eating, there is a 95% probability that the giver will be convinced by oral !!]

It's also a bug-like prop. It's just that there is still a chance, but it doesn't matter, it's very high

! Then, the basic ability is upgraded! Of course, you choose the divine body! It is important to save your life!

Lin Tian directly chose the divine body.

[Lv.2 of the Divine Body Upgrade (The strength of the body has increased again, and it can resist the five slashes of the Great Sword Hao!!)]

It's still such a strange expression, five slashes, is it that you can't withstand the attack in the back.

Given that the system was dumb, Lin Tian didn't bother to ask.


Lin Tian showed an evil smile, there is something very important to do

!!! Runyuan that Nizi hasn't been out for more than a week, she's about to emo, as the big Kanban of the Hundred Beast Pirates, you must care about your subordinates!!

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