After watching everyone disappear, he said:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

“Wouldn’t this be good…”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Nothing, I gave the order.”


On a warship at night.

The warship escorted by Sakaski slowly sailed out of the port of the island.

Set off along the sea channel that is several nautical miles wide.

Sailing to the Chambord Islands.

In a temporarily arranged room.


Sakaski was flipping through the newspaper.


The doorknob turned.

Enilu pushed open the door and walked in with excitement on his face:

“Uncle, Dr. Vegapunk is so awesome!!!”

Sakaski put down the newspaper:

“It only took half a day and I was already conquered.”

Enelu nodded sheepishly:

“Really, those drawings and designs of his.”


“Too ahead of its time!”

“It’s at least two to three hundred years ahead of current technology.”

“And there are also some aircraft designs.”

“Parameters look much better than Proverbs.”

Sakaski said:

“Then learn well from Mr. Vegapunk.”

“This is quite far from the Shampoo Islands.”

“More than a month.”


“Coming here so late is not just about this.”

Only then did Anelu remember what had been weighing on his mind during the day.

After a moment of silence, he said:

“Uncle, I saw those people who were subjected to human experiments.”

Sakaski looked at Enelu and said:


Enelu was a little unhappy:

“It’s too awful……”

He opened his mouth, but he didn’t know how to describe that cruel laboratory.

Sakaski said:

“So you want to ask.”

“Why not execute those scientists?”

In Eniru’s short life experience, the worst thing he encountered was the pirates who killed General Zefa.

And the cruel experiments conducted by these mad scientists are even worse than that.

Enel was confused for a moment.

Why not execute him but take him back.

During the day, Eniro learned from Sakaski that the government would not make things difficult for them.

Even let them work for the government.

Sakaski gave Eniro a moment to think.

Then he spoke:

“What would you do if it were you.”

Enelu didn’t know how to choose.

Sakaski said:

“Let go and think.”

“You are the person in charge of this incident, or the person in charge of the government.”

“Step into their role.”

“what will you do.”

Enelu was silent for a moment and then said:

“I will order their obliteration.”

Sakaski nodded:

“very good.”

“Then let’s put it in again.”

“This group of scientists has technology that is five hundred years ahead of the world.”

“As a person in power, how can you still obliterate them?”

“After all, if you control them, you control the future.”

“How would you choose?”

Enelu opened his mouth with some difficulty, but did not speak.

Sakaski continued:

“Come again.”

“This group of scientists has some of the smartest brains in the world.”

“If you get hold of them.”

“You can ask them to develop grains that can produce high yields.”

“Cold- and drought-resistant plants allow everyone in poor countries to be self-sufficient.”

“You can let them develop powerful weapons.”

“Even ordinary people can destroy pirates’ guns and ammunition.”

“You can have them develop tools that are easy and quick to use.”

“It can make communication on the sea no longer an obstacle.”

“What would you choose?”

Enelu was completely silent. He could not say the word “execution” against his will.

Because these conditions are extremely beneficial to both the government and the people of the world.

If it is because of the lives of some people, they will be executed and their future will be ruined.

That is obviously not equal.

Sakaski looked at the silent Enel:

“There is no absolute fairness in the world.”

“The value of people is not equal.”

“If a general who frightens an enemy country is executed by the king for killing several civilians.”

“Because the enemy country lost the general who frightened them, they destroyed the country. Tens of thousands of people died and hundreds of thousands were displaced.”

“It is only right that such a result should be fair.”

“The word fairness depends on its own value.”

“All we can do is choose the best outcome.”

“The dead cannot be resurrected.”

“The living move toward the future.”

“If because of these dead people

, ruining the future of living people. ”

“It’s just adding mistakes upon mistakes.”

Enel thought for a moment, let out a sigh of relief, and lowered his head:

“Okay, I’m convinced.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“This is just a corner.”

“Wait until after the Chambord Islands.”

“Let you see the darkness and inequality of this world again.”

“We can’t be perfect.”

“The sun cannot reach every inch of the earth.”

“Wherever there is sunshine, there will be shadows.”

“What we have to do is try to be as fair as possible.”

“Waiting for the time to come…”

Suddenly Enelu’s sense of knowledge came out, and Sakaski raised his eyebrows.

Then he saw Enelu walking over and asked softly:

“Uncle, are you going to rebel?”

Sakaski looked at Enelu’s nervous and excited look.

He shook his head, smiled and said:

“Where did you hear these words, and you still rebelled?”

“How unpleasant to hear.”

Sakaski’s voice sounded slowly~

“Should call.”



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