Nuclear Power Sword Immortal

Chapter 170: comminicate


Du Dongyuan, Wang Chixi and others were stunned for a while.

They imagined several possibilities, but they never expected that Xie Yusheng would give such a result.

Aliens are out?

Are you kidding me?

On the other hand, the old man, Fu Yunshan, immediately thought of something after hearing what Xie Yusheng said, and pondered.

"Grandpa Du should have heard that my uncle has an astronomical observatory. After I failed to start a business, my family asked me to manage this observatory. It was during this observatory that I received a signal, A mysterious person who calls himself a Ganxian contacts me."

Xie Yusheng explained.

"You received an alien signal at the astronomical observatory!?"

Du Dongyuan and several people in the house couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Xie Yusheng seemed to know what he had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "Although the sender of the signal claimed to be an alien, in fact, according to my later tracking, it was a near-Earth signal at all, not from outer space, so I Always thought it was a prank."

"Near-Earth Signal?"

Several people looked at each other.

"Yes, that signal originates from our Blue Star at all. I have confirmed this several times."

Xie Yu said.

Du Dongyuan and others looked at each other: "How did he communicate with you at that time?"

"This... In a nutshell, I, an alien, make money..."

As Xie Yusheng said, he seemed to feel that this kind of playful description was not suitable for the serious scene at all, and quickly said: "The mysterious existence who calls himself Ganxingren said that he was an interstellar traveler, and his spaceship was accidentally dropped. , hope to get help..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly stopped.

and many more.

The dry star who claimed that the spaceship was accidentally dropped?

Could it be Blue Star where he fell? ?

So he felt that the source of the received signal also belonged to Blue Star?

For a while, he couldn't help but ask, "That... shouldn't there really be aliens?"

Wang Chixi didn't answer, but continued: "Describe the information you communicated with that alien without any leakage... Forget it, Xie's observatory, right? Let's go directly to copy the data."


Xie Yusheng stretched out his hand: "Maybe... Maybe you can't copy the data."

"Huh? Why?"

"I... I deleted it."

Xie Yusheng responded weakly.


At this time, Fu Yunshan, who was in deep thought, raised his head and turned to Du Dongyuan and the others: "When we first came into contact with Wujin, we felt that this material is completely different from the system of all our Bluestar materials...even, it shouldn't be at all. It belongs to our Blue Star creation, but the other party expresses it in a way that we can understand, inferring from this material... Is there a possibility..."

Du Dongyuan and others suddenly realized what Fu Yunshan wanted to say.

"That dry it an alien!?"

Wang Chixi gradually felt some scalp tingling.


It seems a bit out of his purview as the deputy director of the state defense agency.

"This matter needs to be reported to the General Administration."

Fu Yunshan responded quickly and said to Wang Chixi. Then, he added: "Contact the NASA and get in touch with them. It's best to send someone directly, and we'll go to the observatory."

After speaking, he turned to Xie Yusheng: "I'm afraid you will have to follow us for a while."


Xie Yusheng was stunned.

Is he going to be watched?


He really seems to be the first alien contact! ?

However, Xie Yusheng, who realized this, did not feel uncomfortable, but was a little excited, even more excited.

The first alien contact!

If it is true, then he is very ** and will witness history.

"We'll go right away."


Wang Chixi asked everyone in the room to sign a strict confidentiality agreement.

Then the team was simplified a bit. Except for the direct contact person Xie Yusheng, Du Dongyuan, and Fu Yunshan, the contact person who could be an expert, there were only him and a few public officials.

The group took a car and quickly came to the observatory.

Along the way, Wang Chixi and Fu Yunshan never stopped on the phone, contacting various departments.

Due to the possible involvement of aliens, the matter was reported quickly and attracted attention. When Xie Yusheng returned to the observatory where he had been for more than a year, it was already under the control of sergeants with guns.

In addition, more than a dozen professionals from unknown departments rushed over in advance.

After seeing a group of people, they came up immediately and kept exchanging something.


Xie Yusheng looked at it and felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

But on second thought, if the mysterious existence who contacted him was really an alien from "Gan Star", the local department could not take it too seriously.

After all, this is the first contact of the third type in history.

"It's incredible?"

Fu Yunshan didn't know when he came to Xie Yusheng's side.

"No, if it's true, this situation is not an exaggeration."

Xie Yusheng said, adding: "I just think..."

"Worried about making a fuss?"

Fu Yunshan smiled.

Xie Yusheng nodded.

"You have now signed a non-disclosure agreement, and you have contributed to Ujin and Tianjian missiles. If you reveal some things to you, it is not a leak."

Fu Yunshan said: "The reason why all parties reacted so quickly... is because we have already made preparations for contact with alien civilizations."

Xie Yusheng was taken aback.

Then he seemed to think of something and looked towards the sky.


The world projection remains.

It seems clearer than it was two or three years ago.

One can even make out the outlines of large buildings in some of the mountains.

He also thought that the threshold for space exploration and alien exploration has been greatly reduced in recent years. The country seems to intend to guide private capital to develop in this regard, so...

Are they middle-earth, or even the whole world, preparing for contact with this fairy world or alien civilization?

"No wonder the response from above was so swift."

Xie Yusheng muttered to himself.

"During this time, similar situations are said to have happened several times, but... I have a strong hunch that this time... it's true."

Fu Yunshan's tone was calm with a hint of suppressed expectation: "We may become the first contact with alien civilizations and witnesses of human history."

Xie Yusheng listened to it, and for a while, he said to the sand sculpture netizen... No, it was the Ganxing friend, and he also brought a trace of expectation.

If everything he said was no joke, he...

A light flashed in Xie Yusheng's eyes.

This Gan Xingren is obviously biased towards the technology side, so can he use his technology power to realize his "Nantianmen War Records" plan, let him really make a game that will shock the world, and fulfill his long-standing dream?


A large number of professionals poured into it, quickly operating those instruments.

For a moment, those technical experts shook their heads: "The deletion is very thorough. The key is that it has been more than two months, and the information has been covered."

"Without the exchange of information, we simply can't establish a character model for the Ganxian who is suspected of alien life..."

The other person's face darkened.

Wang Chixi couldn't help but glance at Xie Yusheng, causing him to shrink his neck.

When he deleted these things, he just wanted to say goodbye to the past, how could he think...

These are actually the communication records of the first contact between Blue Star and the aliens! ?

If these things hadn't been removed...

In a few years, I am afraid that it will be directly put into the museum for exhibition.

At that time, it will be another good publicity advertisement for "The Battle of Nantianmen"?

"Do your best to recover."

A leader-looking man sighed.

The technicians immediately got busy.

During this period, many experts or leaders came one after another, making the team larger and larger.

Xie Yusheng was gradually squeezed out of the circle and reduced to a small transparent on the edge.

Although Xie Yusheng deleted all the communication records of his Nantianmen battle record and the mysterious existence of the suspected alien, after nearly a day of busy technicians, the communication frequency was quickly found.

After a series of proofreading and tracking, the two sides already have the basis for re-communication.

At this time, Xie Yusheng had just fallen asleep and woke up full of energy.

Before he could go to have breakfast, three middle-aged men came over.

"Mr. Xie."

One of them said solemnly: "After our negotiation, we will try to communicate with the target codenamed 'Qian', and the communication process is still up to you."


Xie Yusheng was taken aback.

This middle-aged man had been introduced by Fu Yunshan, and he seemed to be an authority figure in interpersonal society, whose name was Qiu Yuyu.

He appears to have another position and seems to have a lot of power in this "contact" operation.


"And about me?"

Xie Yusheng was a little surprised.

"Your information... deleted very thoroughly."

Qiu Yuyu sighed: "Although you have relayed the content of the communication with 'Qian', but without personal experience, we can't fully model the intelligent life on the opposite side. Good choice, so...we're still going to have you on a temporary stream."

After speaking, he added: "Of course, when you communicate, we will give you some guiding tips to further identify his identity and purpose."

Xie Yusheng nodded: "I understand."

"Okay, we're going to communicate, please come with me."

Qiu Yuyu said.

Xie Yusheng immediately followed him.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

He frowned as he looked at the three-word note that showed "Princess Rain" on it.

"We do not prohibit you from communicating with the outside world. You can talk to the outside world, but after all, you have not received professional confidentiality training. I still have to remind you to pay attention to the confidentiality regulations and do not reveal unnecessary information during the call."

Qiu Yuyu said.

"I see."

Xie Yusheng nodded and pressed the "Reject" button directly.

After pressing this button, his whole body seemed to be refreshed, he held his head high, followed Qiu Yuyu, and quickly came to the control room.

At this point, all the rooms outside the control room had been occupied, with a large number of instruments that he could not identify.

There are also more than a dozen people in the control, all of them seem to be cutting-edge talents in various industries.

Seeing Xie Yusheng and Qiu Yuyu coming in, everyone stood up at the same time.



Qiu Yuyu nodded At the same time, he took a document from one person and handed it to Xie Yusheng: "This is our simulated communication information, you can refer to it and use what you think is appropriate. sent out.”

Xie Yusheng nodded, took over the information and read it carefully.

After a while, he turned to Qiu Yuyu: "I'm fine."


Qiu Yuyu took a deep breath: "The first... second contact between the project 'Qiankun' and the suspected alien civilization target 'Qian', start..."

As his orders were issued, a large number of instruments that belonged to and did not belong to the control room were activated.

And Xie Yusheng, following his habit, sent the first message.

"Yes? The data is understood? Do you need anything to add? I have a new detailed data here. Please reply if you need it."


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