Navy’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 313: Resurrected Kozuki Oden?

Along the way, exclamations could be heard from the team from time to time.

"It turns out that there really is a force in this world that takes the maintenance of justice and order as its mission!" A smile exclaimed.

"There is no absolute light. Where the sun does not shine, there will naturally be darkness." Longinus said with a smile, "The navy has a purer foundation than other forces." , Those soldiers who yearn for justice are the real confidence for the navy to stand in this world!"

"Brother, are you deliberately erasing your own role? I heard the little girl tell me about your heroic deeds all the way! It's really unimaginable that one person can have such a big impact and change on this world!"

With a smile and a long sigh, "Compared to you, what I have done is really insignificant!"

"No! In fact, you have done a good job!" Rihe stood on tiptoe, and patted his shoulder like a little adult, "As an ordinary person, I shouldn't be compared with a big hero like brother Lieutenant General. !"

"That will make you feel inferior!"

"Ordinary person?" Yixiao touched his head in confusion. This was the first time he was called an ordinary person after revealing his own strength.

But he didn't mind, but nodded earnestly, "Indeed, after seeing the harm Heitan Orochi brought to Wano Country, I only realized the threat that an evil monarch might pose, but I didn't think about it further. The changes that a great leader can bring to the world!"

"My benevolence and righteousness can save one person or two, but it cannot save tens of thousands of people. Only Lieutenant General Longinus can bring the concept of justice to this world and let more people follow the example. Inspired to devote ourselves to justice, this dying world can be truly redeemed!"

"So, what is your answer?" Longinus asked with a smile.

"I want to take a gamble, I want to put my future on the navy, and at the same time lie on you, Lieutenant General!" Yixiao said seriously.

"Betting on yourself is a very dangerous thing!"

"But I don't have any valuable bets other than myself, haha!"

"Then, the soldier smiles, you have to work hard! If you want everyone to recognize your ideas, besides your actions, your strength and status are also essential." Longinus said with a hearty smile, "I Waiting for the day you become a general."

"Mr. Lieutenant General,

I must..." He said with a smile, and suddenly asked with embarrassment, "By the way, can the navy gamble? "

The corners of Longinus' eyes twitched slightly, and he said word by word, "No~OK~"

"Ahem, is it too late for me to quit the navy now?"

"What do you say?"

"Sister Gion! I still can't believe it..." Hiyomi leaned into Gion's ear and said, "Uncle Yixiao's inconspicuous personality can become a strong person."

"Ah! Actually, Uncle Yixiao is alright!" Gion couldn't help but sneered and said with a complex complexion, thinking of a kobold who was even more obscure in the navy.

After finishing speaking, Gion changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Father, why have you been unhappy all the way?"

"Daughter, your vision is indeed very good! But the problem is that Lieutenant General Longinus is too good!" Said Amamiyahara with a sad face, "Strong strength, good character, high status, just Even the appearance is so good, with him, you will be under a lot of pressure!"

"Eh? Father, what are you talking nonsense about?" Gion's pretty face was as red as a ripe prawn, with white mist on his head, and his eyes turned into peas, "Where am I?" What about that with him!"

"Besides, how can I be as bad as you said?" Gion felt annoyed, didn't everyone say that the daughter is the most perfect in the father's eyes? How did it change when she came here?

Moreover, she is obviously a goddess-level figure in the navy.

"Oh! It's all my fault!" Amamiyahara said with a heartbroken heart, "It must be that when you were sent away from the Wano country, you suffered too much outside, which made you pale and emaciated until now. appearance."

"Sallow and thin?" Gion was startled, and suddenly realized, "I forgot to take off my makeup, you wait."

The next moment, Yugong Yuanyi widened his eyes, then nodded in satisfaction and said, "This way I can rest assured!"

Little Lolita said sourly, "Hee hee, I forgot to take off my makeup too!"

"It turns out that you, niece Hihe..." Shimoyue Ieyasu and the others stared at this scene in astonishment, and then turned their heads to look at He Song in disbelief, "The three of them are all playing ugly, so are you?"

He Song lowered his head and said in a closed voice, "I'm sorry, I'm really ugly."

"Haha!" Several big names laughed awkwardly, "Actually, ugliness also has its advantages, and men are more deterrent if they are ugly!"

Just as the few people were chatting awkwardly and walking forward, the sound of conversation not far ahead caught their attention.

"Did you see it? Just now, a dragon flew across the sky!"

"I saw it too, I saw it too!"

"Tch! I even made a wish on the dragon!"

"Are you really ignorant or are you pretending to be ignorant! Then what kind of dragon is it? It is Lord Kaiduo, King of Protecting the Kingdom!"

"So Lord Ming is actually a Shenlong?"

"Speaking of which, Master Kaido seems to be flying in nine miles, right?"

"Kuri? Shouldn't it be a rabbit bowl?" Gion couldn't help asking.

"It's indeed a bit strange." Longinus nodded slightly, "He Song, go and bring the person who spoke, I have some questions to ask them."

He Song nodded, it was time for them to understand the man's "deterrence".

Soon, those civilians succumbed to He Song's "excessive power".

"Don't worry, I'll ask a few questions, and the money will be yours after all the questions." Longinus comforted with a smile.

He didn't take out too much money, and he didn't have the power to protect them. Too much money could easily bring disaster to them.

Under the power of money, they quickly calmed down and said timidly, "Master Samurai, please ask."

"Over at Jiuli, has there been any major incidents recently?"

"If we want to talk about a big event, it should be one of the three disasters, Mr. Jack, who was defeated by a man named Moria!"

"Moria?" Longinus' eyes narrowed slightly, that man actually has such abilities?

"Could it be that Kaido is going to avenge Jack?" He Song couldn't help asking.

"No." Longinus looked serious, "Even if Jhin really doesn't care about Quinn's life, he should at least report to Kaido. If there is a choice between Jack and Quinn, Kaido should never Go to Jiuli first."

"And the most important point, the range of activities of the Moria Pirates...isn't it behind the bell?"

Longinus asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, how did Moria defeat Jack?"

The few people who were captured were already sweating profusely. These people dared to call those monsters by their names. Aren't they afraid of death?

To avoid suspicion, they replied as quickly as possible, "I know, it's because of black magic. That man named Moria possesses black magic that can bring the dead back to life!"

"And the reason why he was able to defeat Jack-sama is said to be because...he resurrected Kozuki Oden-sama!"

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