Navy’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 295: Crooked Nose Dragon

two months later.

In the first half of the great voyage, an unknown sea area.

"Haha! Great luck! That's the Sun Pirates with a bounty of 500 million!" The pirate captain with three scars on his face looked at the red sun flag in the distance and shouted ecstatically, "If we can defeat them, we will soon be famous all over the world!"

"But, boss..." The pirate standing next to him reminded cowardly, "The reward for the fisherman hero Fisher Tiger is as high as 230 million Baileys, but your reward is only 60 million. !"

"Huh?" Looking at the gloomy eyes on Scar's face, he slapped him into the sea with a slap, and scolded in disbelief, "That guy only offered such a reward because of his fame, and I was the one who was rewarded by you guys." Trash is dragged down!"

The pirate captain glanced at the trembling pirates around, and then shouted loudly, "Full speed ahead, don't let those murlocs get away!"

On the pirate ship with the red sun flag flying high, the sharkman with a jagged nose laughed and said, "Hahaha! It seems that the human pirates with the idiotic idea of ​​killing us in order to become famous are here again!"

"Brother Dragon, quickly lead us to kill those humans!"

"Of course! Weak and inferior humans don't deserve to live in this sea!" The murloc named Evil Dragon stepped on the fence with his right foot and opened his arms, as if embracing the sea.

"Aaron, just beat them away!" Amidst the wild cheers, a steady and powerful voice came in, "There is no need to add more hatred!"

"Brother Tiger!"


The frenzied murloc pirate quickly calmed down, and shouted in adoring voice.

Obviously, the man named Tiger has absolute prestige on this ship.

"Brother, those human beings are all coming for your head, let them go like this, I can't swallow this breath!" the evil dragon said angrily.

"Boss, I think Aaron is right this time." The whale shark man with two big fangs exposed said, "Let them go, it will only attract more enemies!"

"Jinbe, there is enough hatred between humans and murlocs!" Tiger said in a deep voice, "We take revenge on humans, and humans will take those innocent murlocs as targets of revenge!"

"I can't force others to do it,

But at least on this ship, I hope you all stick to the bottom line. "

"That is... we will not kill anyone!"

Just as the atmosphere on the ship fell silent, an octopus murloc suddenly shouted, "It's no good, those pirates have been wiped out, and the one who defeated the navy!"

"What? Navy?" The murlocs on the boat went into a commotion. Obviously, compared with a group of pirates who didn't know their origins, the name of Navy was undoubtedly more important to them!

"It's just a warship, what's there to be afraid of?" After discovering that the enemy only had one warship, the evil dragon's grin became wilder, "The navy is the dog of the Tianlong people! Big brother, even if it's for those who were killed To destroy and torture the tribe, we should also kill these navies, right?"

"Yes! Boss!" Jinbe also yelled, "These marines must be coming for you! Kill them and teach the marines a lesson!"

However, Tiger, who is more familiar with the sea situation, has a dignified expression, "Be careful, this is not that kind of standard warship. Those who can own their own warships must be at least the rank of rear admiral!"

"Rear Admiral?" the evil dragon said disdainfully, "it's just the fourth step in the navy, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

These days at sea, they naturally also figured out the general system of the navy, knowing that above the major general, there are three levels of lieutenant general, general and marshal.

"What's more, the sea is the territory of our high-level murlocs!" The evil dragon smiled confidently, "Brother, you just wait here for our good news."

After finishing speaking, he took a third of the murlocs on board and jumped into the sea.

"Boss, don't worry." Jinbe stepped forward and said, "The guns of the navy can't aim at the murlocs in the water. After Aaron and the others destroy the warship, they can capture those navy without using their hands."

"Hopefully!" Tiger sighed.

With the murloc's speed in the water, the evil dragon and his gang quickly swam under the warship.

boom! boom! boom!

The dull voice echoed in the water, accompanied by ripples that aroused and swung around.

Fists ten times stronger than human wrists fell one after another, but the hull of the ship was not damaged at all.

All the murlocs couldn't help but look in the direction of the evil dragon, dancing and asking what to do with their bodies.

The evil dragon waved his hand confidently, and the surrounding murlocs retreated, while he touched his own serrated proboscis, and then exploded and accelerated towards the hull.


In the expectant eyes of the surrounding murlocs, the serrated proboscis that the evil dragon was so proud of crooked in response!

"Hiss!" The surrounding murlocs felt chills all over their bodies. Although their murlocs' regenerative ability is very powerful, thinking about such things as crooked noses would make them feel painful!

"Ah... Gulu Gulu!" The evil dragon screamed in pain, and caught off guard and poured a big mouthful of water into it.

The surrounding murlocs rushed forward, dancing and greeting with concern.

But the evil dragon didn't appreciate it. He pushed the others away, covered his nose with his right hand, pointed upward with his left hand, and then violently accelerated towards the sea.

The murlocs instantly understood that the plan to destroy the hull had failed, and they were about to go up and face the navy!

On the surface of the sea, warships.

"Lieutenant General Longinus, those murlocs, really don't want people to go down and clean them up?" asked the colonel who served as an adjutant on the warship.

"After all, the underwater is the domain of the murlocs, so let them come up by themselves!" Seeing that the colonel was still a little hesitant, Longinus said with a casual smile, "Are you worried that the ship will be destroyed? Don't worry, this is the scientific army." The developed alloy is far harder than steel. If it is the two really tricky characters of the Sun Pirates, it is still possible to do it, but the guys in the water now..."

puff! puff! puff!

One by one, the strange murlocs jumped onto the warship from the sea, instantly alerting the soldiers on board.

"Be careful, stay alert, it's a fish...uh, hahaha!"

These soldiers are strictly trained and will strictly observe discipline no matter how funny it is.

Unless you can't help it.

No way, a murloc with a crooked nose, no matter how he looked at it, he thought it was too funny.

"What's so funny, you lowly humans." The evil dragon gritted his teeth, "Watch me kill you..."

"Poof! Poof!"

There was a hard-pressed laughter behind him, this time it was not humans, but the murlocs under him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The evil dragon rushed towards the nearest naval soldier furiously.

"Die to me! Bastard!"

However, his fist, which was ten times stronger than a human wrist, was easily received by the figure in the coat of justice.

"I can't pretend that I didn't see my attack on my lovely subordinate! Mr. Murloc!" Longinus smiled and shook it lightly.


Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, the evil dragon knelt down on one knee, screaming endlessly.


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